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Unbeatables - Here to stay another season at least!

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Posts: 5,702
23:11 Sat 11 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeahhh its all my bad jem.. i'll post all the results lol

Ul with ur last game hun
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02:17 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah I think I rushed into playing it and made loads of mistakes, I should really stick to playing clan matches during the day and not on the cusp of going to bed been absolutely shattered these last couple of weeks so probably hasn't helped.

We look set to win this round of the FBL Cup though - wonder if we will get SS or Pro's!
Posts: 5,702
06:44 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
nah that never helps lol.. ahh well past is the past hun hope all is well at home...

Yeah we've done well considering all the ups and downs... doesn't matter who we get we still gonna smash it ... if the draw is tomorrow then its all good... if not then i wont be taking part.... one week muva humpers!!!
Posts: 5,702
06:45 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Unbeatables (16) vs (8) Underdogs
4games of ea.. 2 of str8!
serious_game (1) v (3) edwizzle
hippesville (4) v (0) brooksy1986
the_9_ball v kathleen_b
pixie_dust (3) v (1) ronald_faja
poolbiird (4) v (0) cke1982
dbno v jimmyd20
ritcho (2) v (2) welshie
im_crap_adam (2) v (2) anoneeemouse

FBL Fixture 6

Unbeatables (10) vs (26) Fighting Eagles

hippesville vs gordo
serious_game (0) vs (6) kingdadcool
pixie_dust (1) vs (5) blueberry
im_crap_adam (3) vs (3) j_a_m_e_s
mad_matt (3) vs (3) squeezy
poolbiird (3) vs (3) destroyer_16
turtle1560 (0) vs (6) its_me
im_bad vs buzby_

Deadline: 12th May 2013

Edited at 04:16 Sun 12/05/13 (BST)
Posts: 22,512
06:51 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
King and John played mate was 6 - 0 to King
Posts: 5,702
07:15 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
alright thanks dude!... always have to bring a downer to things
Posts: 11,489
12:57 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
im out all day today cant be sure wether ill be back on before deadline eligible subs any can sub in for unbeatables games

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14:53 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
serious_game im_crap_adam

Do we know if anything has been arranged with the final cup games that are left or can someone come on and make subs pleeeeeeeeease
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14:56 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
serious_game im_crap_adam

Do we know if anything has been arranged with the final cup games that are left or can someone come on and make subs pleeeeeeeeease

It is deadline day now so anyone can make a sub or a swap without having to consult with the captain. It is a new rules that came into affect this season and has worked very well It is only on deadline day that this is allowed though.
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14:58 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
ahhh ok i just need to make sure that a game has not been arranged as i wouldnt want to stand on anybodies toes so to speak
Deleted User
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15:00 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
jimmyd20 is online right now. Hes an opponent in your Underdogs game.

Yeah that is understandable.
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15:04 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
where do i need to post the sub if it goes ahead?
Deleted User
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15:05 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Here -

Then you know where the result page is so i don't need to post that
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:06 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Here -

Then you know where the result page is so i don't need to post that

thank you for your help
Deleted User
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15:08 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
sorry if this is the wrong thing to do but -


dbno out

mad_matt in

game now mad_matt v jimmyd20
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15:59 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
mad_matt (3) v (1) jimmyd20

Good games he got unlucky in all 3 that he lost, was a very nice guy to play all the best next season mate
Posts: 13,570
16:30 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
fighting eagles sub in a player who has been offline for 12 days :s
this is part of the reason i may not play next season.
for all those who have time to fart about on here when they please, thats fine......and they dont give a damn about gettin games played

think this'll be my last unbearables
Posts: 5,702
17:00 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
nice result mad_matt mate

mr hippesville... i believe that the one who made the sub said he could contact him when ever.. i shall go back thru the posts to find out who this was
Posts: 13,570
17:03 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
nice result mad_matt mate

mr hippesville... i believe that the one who made the sub said he could contact him when ever.. i shall go back thru the posts to find out who this was

had enuff m8.........last game lmao if it gets played!!
Posts: 5,702
17:04 Sun 12 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
eaglestrike v hippsville is now
gordo v hippsville.Gordo off 9 days but i can get in touch with him.Thx mikee

Ahhh but ya can't get hold of him if you're not online could ya get him on asap?
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Unbeatables - Here to stay another season at least!

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