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Posts: 19,819
04:58 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Dean winning by count out is soft, should of let him win clean. I think the "divas" match was probably the best ive seen for a while tbh.
RVD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posts: 8,940
19:10 Mon 17 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah the Divas match was a big step up but mainly because they were given a decent angle to work, it will be fun seeing how it plays out till Kaitlin regains the belt.

Good stuff all round but a shame about the obvious time constraints on the last couple of matches. Looks like they are going with the Punk face run right enough.

It still bugs me when they hype twitter all through yet ignore things like RVD's tweets from a few weeks ago about his return and pretend its a surprise. Do'h.

The Ziggler/Del Rio match was the standout last night. Double turns are very rare and even rarer to get right, that was just spot on and a classic example of someone taking ther biggest step by losing.

Should be a fun RAW tonight, hopefully with the start of Cena/Bryan
Posts: 19,819
01:04 Tue 18 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah tbh didn't see the ziggler del rio double turn coming. Expected an okay match with ziggler retaining but was very good.
Think the CM punk match was short due to his fitness, he was breathing very heavy during, still was a quality match but he was knackered lol.
I didnt read RVDs twitter so that was a surprise to me was very happy to see mr monday night back. Bringing bit of star power, could be good to feud with some of the up and comeing heels like sandow and cesarao.
Raw will be goor Henry, Punk speak and also hopefully the wyatt family who im looking forward too seeing.
Posts: 8,940
13:41 Tue 18 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Well that was one stacked RAW.

A couple of excellent matches especially Cesaro/Regal. Hopefully this will lead to the push Cesaro so deserves and let him open up his moveset a bit. Swagger must be furious with himself!

Bryan's stinger looked scary, especially when he was doing the "yes kick" sequence and you could tell his arms were just hanging there. Good to know he's ok though.

Not the expected angle for Christian but good in the sense that we seem to be getting Bryan/Ambrose instead which will be excellent if they let them go all-out.

Punk/Lesnar should be interesting. I can't recall Lesnar being in the ring with a top level wrestler since Angle, so it will be interesting to see what he can do now he's healthy.
Posts: 19,819
17:08 Tue 18 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah bryan defiantly looked out of, what is a "stinger" heard the term a few times not entirely sure what it is, but I know I wouldnt want one lol.

Completely agree with the cesaro match I also watch the NXT after and saw his match against sami zayn aka el generico which is defiantly a match to see. Sami should be on the main roster, but yes cesaro is a main eventer in my mind how some people in WWE dont see it i dont understand.

Mark Henry gave the promo of his career and yes I did buy it haha, making me looking forward to there match where normally I'd think it maybe a dud.

Nice to see christian !!!

punk/lesnar ooooh so looking forward to it, it has been heavily rumored and expect to see Heyman get involved on Lesnar behalf.

After Raw I watched TNA Impact. abit blah tbh there was an aces and 8s battle royal where they all chose that anderson would win and all but doc jumped over the top rope, in a NWO kevin nash Hulk Hogan Poke of doom like moment.
Daniels and Kaz tried to liven up a dull episode but yeah can't really remember mush else tbh.
Roode vs Hardy should be good next week but yeah dull.

Spinner wheres the best place to watch ROH Best In The World? looks good though not keen on the briscoes as champs.
Posts: 8,940
03:06 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I generally wait a couple of days and find ROH on the various streaming services. Dailymotion is probably the most likely but it really is a case of searching each time.

A stinger is a compression injury to the neck, which can lead to temporary loss of feeling especially in the limbs. Most well known Wrestling incident was during Summerslam 97's IC title match between Austin and Owen Hart.

Lots of debate in the dirt sheets and on forums about whether it was real or not. It is worth noticing that is you watch the version of the match they have edited all the bits where DB didn't look "right", like when his arms were limp.

But, again, it all fits with the angle so hopefully for BD's sake it was just a well done piece of work, even better than Henrys promo

We will know soon enough if he's able to go with Ambrose at the SD tapings tonight.

I like to avoid the SD spoilers usually, but would like to know if he wrestles Ambrose, yet don't want what will be a brilliant rematch of their awesome DGUSA Way Of The Ronin 2010 match spoiled. Just have to keep bust till friday I guess
Posts: 19,819
03:44 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Cheers seen the austin match before, very nasty one.
To me it looked real as Bryan looked dazed. He even shook randys hand which is out of character. and I think would of usually flipped out and shouted NO NO NO. but instead walked to the back. Hopefully hes okay as hes due for a big push, probably will fight Cena after Henry.
Posts: 19,819
16:23 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
spinner just checked the smackdown taping results, daniel bryan does wrestle. Won't say anymore but seems like hes okay.
Though rumors suggest Daniel didnt want the match to be stopped and had an argument with Triple H over it backstage which leads to the idea that it was legitimate and originally Daniel was going to win clean to help his push.
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17:27 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 19,819
23:40 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  

I'm not a cold hearted guy, this is tragic but what what can WWE actually do? they have the do not try this at home adverts on there programes. So what else is there?
Just feel this will be another witch hunt blaming wrestling similar to the grand theft auto witch hunt and ones about people being fans of certain musicians and blaming them.
Very sad to hear though
Posts: 22,512
00:01 Thu 20 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The Link - Quote said:
She suffered multiple injuries including broken ribs, internal bleeding and lacerations of the liver.

A wrestling move did that, get real. Might be tragic but to blame a wrestling move is a bit of a joke.Lacerations to such body parts are usually caused in car crashes and things. Should be murder not second degree.
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(IP Logged)
01:24 Thu 20 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Police are seemingly not taking the so called wrestling moves into consideration but are going with a non-premeditated killing, resulting from an assault.

Life Imprisonment or Life with parole eligibility after 25 years if convicted is the norm in the state of Louisiana for Second Degree Murder but these are the options open to them.

1. Guilty as charged of Second Degree Murder, or
2. Guilty of Manslaughter

Don't think that negligent homicide would apply although with him being a juvenile of 13 years of age i have no idea where they will go with it.

Edited at 23:36 Wed 19/06/13 (BST)
Posts: 19,819
02:55 Thu 20 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Yep very sad to hear but I hate how they blame wrestling or video games or films or even music.
There are warnings on these saying Don't Try This At Home so why its specifically WWE's fault I have no idea.
Posts: 19,819
22:11 Sun 23 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey I know most on here probably just watch WWE and TNA but if anyones interested in the ROH Best In The World results

1 B.J. Whitmer defeated Mike Bennett (with Maria Kanellis and Bob Evans) Singles match 09:05
2 The American Wolves (Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards) defeated Adrenaline Rush (Tadarius Thomas and ACH) Tag team match 12:49
3 Adam Cole defeated Roderick Strong by countout Singles match 15:33
4 Michael Elgin defeated Tommaso Ciampa Singles match 20:06
5 Matt Taven (c) (with Truth Martini) defeated Jimmy Jacobs and Jay Lethal Three-way match for the ROH World Television Championship
6 reDRagon (Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly) (c) defeated C&C Wrestle Factory (Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexander) and S.C.U.M. (Rhett Titus and Cliff Compton) Three-way tag team match for the ROH World Tag Team Championship 07:13
7 Matt Hardy (with Steve Corino) defeated Kevin Steen No Disqualification match 14:13
8 Jay Briscoe (c) defeated Mark Briscoe Singles match for the ROH World Championship 21:27.

Looks like some good match, very interested in watch the Hardy , Steen match as Hardy as done some very goo promos recently and steen in a no DQ match is always good.
good to see ciampa back always liked him.
Posts: 19,262
00:28 Tue 25 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  

I liked this match
Posts: 19,819
01:21 Tue 25 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Can't really remember it fry but Angle and AJ have great chemistry and Aj is brilliant in ladder matches so yeah it should be an above average match.
Think the recent Bully ray v Jeff hardy ladder match was really good.
Posts: 19,819
02:59 Wed 14 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyone looking forward to Summerslam?
Think the main event Cena v Bryan will be good.
Firstly as its the first main event this year which isnt completely obvious who will win. Especially with rumours of Cena needing time off for an op on his elbow.
I honestly don't know who will win. Though maybe Bryan will win then Randy Orton will cash in MITB an win the championship. Leading to Bryan v a heel Orton.
In my mind Orton could be Mcmahons pick as wwe champ and is an easy way to turn him heel which so many people want :).
Posts: 8,940
11:28 Wed 14 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Really looking forward to it yeah. Cean/Bryans promo last night was one of the best I can ever recall, so much realism in there, far more so than the oft-touted "pipe bomb" promo that started the 2nd "summer of Punk."

Yeah the end of the segment on RAW kinda telegraphed a Bryan win followd by an Orton cash-in (with help from a McMahon) and its good that we are at the stage, much like the attitude era and the mid-80's, where it doesn't matter if things are predictable, we still know its gonna be entertaining! And if they do do something different, then all the better.

I just don't see Bryan coming out champ yet, its just too soon to blow off on his popularity.

Lots of other good matches lined up too so it will be a solid 3 hours. The pre-shows are getting to be must-see parts of the PPV now, especially this one as Ambrose/RVD will be excellent.
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14:16 Wed 14 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The best will be Lesner vs CM Punk, im sure i saw that advertised last night, another £15 though, will give it a miss lol, something or someone will interfere come the conclusion of the Cena match no doubt, leading up to another match up.

Just read that article 2nd degree murder, only in America, manslaughter at the least. All depends however when they say 'beat her' tbh. There's a huge difference in close lining someone and beating them up.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:17 Wed 14 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The best will be Lesner vs CM Punk, im sure i saw that advertised last night, another £15 though, will give it a miss lol, something or someone will interfere come the conclusion of the Cena match no doubt, leading up to another match up.

Just read that article 2nd degree murder, only in America, manslaughter over here, but then again they don't have that. Why not stop when realising 'he's actually hurting her?' There's a huge difference in close lining someone and beating them up.
WWE can't do anymore they give out enough Warnings, never going to stop 100% unfortunately.
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