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Posts: 4,557
02:57 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
00:46 Thu 28/03/13
Won the 8 Ball Arcade Tournament, winning 182 TournaPoints!
winner huts24 : 67th
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03:26 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why do I bother, might as well change my name to 'freefall' lol

Really getting cheesed off with this, I know I'm a better player than I'm showing at the moment. My form at the moment is worse than any team in the league, might as well just give up.

I wont coz I'm stubborn and want to prove to myself I can do this, why am I having the worse luck ever on this? Time to fetch my old laptop, who knows may rekindle a very little spark I may still have? Who knows.

Guess getting annihilated 101-0 in straight didn't help lol.

Night all.

Edited at 01:30 Thu 28/03/13 (GMT)
Posts: 4,971
08:45 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL: elite force v snooker squad

lost v crazy_greg is now

deitch v crazy_greg
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10:36 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks for completely ignoring my last request.

Sub please.

What I'll do to make sure you get it is post every couple of hours until I get a response.
Posts: 4,971
10:40 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
08:37 Thu 28/03/13 Won the 8 Ball UK Tournament, winning 126 TournaPoints!
08:37 Thu 28/03/13 8 Ball Pool UK - w_hoolahan broke and cleared up!
08:04 Thu 28/03/13 Received 10 TournaPoints for reaching the Semi Final in the 8 Ball Speed Tournament
07:32 Thu 28/03/13 Won the 9 Ball Tournament, winning 126 TournaPoints!
07:47 Wed 27/03/13 Won the 9 Ball Tournament, winning 196 TournaPoints!
07:41 Wed 27/03/13 9 Ball Billiards - w_hoolahan potted the 9 ball on a golden break!
21:39 Tue 26/03/13 Won the 9 Ball Arcade Tournament, winning 336 TournaPoints!

Dont enter tournaments too much now, but been doing so tuesday night - now a bit, and ive won every one i enter, except for 1, reaching semi finals. But here alot has been won! some form.
Posts: 4,971
10:42 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks for completely ignoring my last request.

Sub please.

What I'll do to make sure you get it is post every couple of hours until I get a response.

take out deitch v crazy_greg.. vaild subs for your match:

man_up (not really one though as not an active one right now)
Posts: 4,557
12:27 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
08:37 Thu 28/03/13 Won the 8 Ball UK Tournament, winning 126 TournaPoints!
08:37 Thu 28/03/13 8 Ball Pool UK - w_hoolahan broke and cleared up!
08:04 Thu 28/03/13 Received 10 TournaPoints for reaching the Semi Final in the 8 Ball Speed Tournament
07:32 Thu 28/03/13 Won the 9 Ball Tournament, winning 126 TournaPoints!
07:47 Wed 27/03/13 Won the 9 Ball Tournament, winning 196 TournaPoints!
07:41 Wed 27/03/13 9 Ball Billiards - w_hoolahan potted the 9 ball on a golden break!
21:39 Tue 26/03/13 Won the 9 Ball Arcade Tournament, winning 336 TournaPoints!

Dont enter tournaments too much now, but been doing so tuesday night - now a bit, and ive won every one i enter, except for 1, reaching semi finals. But here alot has been won! some form.

well played mate nice form !!
Posts: 4,557
17:04 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

The Unbeatables (62) v (60) Elite Force

serious_game (6) v (14) krazyash_07
mr_pink_eyes v buzzboxxuk
blackhorse (12) v (8) shadwell17
hacker (8) v (12) 2awesome2win
ritcho (4) v (18) w_hoolahan
turtle1560 (15) v (5) dinkydo
mad_matt (17) v (3) huts24
run_outt v deitch

Snooker Squad (87) v (35) Elite Force

r1p0m4n (14) v (6) huts24
pirate_steve (13) v (7) w_hoolahan
sarny_lad (14) v (6) 2awesome2win
thegame26 (12) v (8) shadwell17
crazy_greg v deitch
davey_1985 (18) v (2) dinkydo
lethal_lures (16) v (6) baghera
onevisit v solskjaer20

good luck guys !

4 frames of each 8ball , 9ball , 8uk

bonues points : run out and GB and 2 points per win of set

Deadline is 31st march
Posts: 4,557
18:28 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
15:57 Thu 28/03/13
Won the Random Multi-Discipline Speed, winning 154 TournaPoints!
winner huts24 !!!
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21:07 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ash, you are putting undue pressure on yourself. Just try to relax and enjoy it.
Posts: 4,557
21:34 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ash, you are putting undue pressure on yourself. Just try to relax and enjoy it.

told ash this in pm relax and good wins will come
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21:38 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok will try thanx. onevisit just pm'd me, do you want me to play this match?
Posts: 4,971
21:40 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can everyone please welcome are newest memeber cue_control_ to the team! following a folding of his previous clan. Great to have you here!
Posts: 4,557
21:41 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
welcome cue_control , you will do great things here ! have a great time mate!
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21:41 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Welcome cue_control, enjoy your stay here. We have a great bunch and players here all with sound personalities, enjoy mate.
Posts: 3,610
21:56 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
to ure comment huts. we both know........ the main players wont join ure team from sinners
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21:59 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
to ure comment huts. we both know........ the main players wont join ure team from sinners

Can a mod check his post as he's clearly trying to instigate an argument on a thread that has nothing to do with him.
Posts: 3,846
21:59 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
What players, your main one already has , and has for others,where are they anyway
Posts: 4,557
22:16 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
1. huts24 (capt)
2. w_hoolahan (vice capt)
3. man_up
4. lost
5. shadwell17
6. baghera
7. 2awesome2win
8. cue_control
9. solskjaer20
10. krazyash_07
11. deitch
12. dinkydo
13. dessie_22
14. buzzboxxuk
15. _armsrace_
Deleted User
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22:40 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
huts24, krazyash_07 wants your permission to sub in even though he already has it.

Fancy being a dear and getting this game going??????????
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