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Posts: 3,610
19:07 Sun 17 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
17:00 Sun 17/03/13
Won the 8 Ball Tournament, winning 238 TournaPoints!
winner huts24 : final huts24 3-2 dvz

lol who cares
Deleted User
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19:29 Sun 17 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
lost off 4 days
man_up off 3 days

Don't think they care! We've been flagging up this too
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19:41 Sun 17 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Do I have to tell you what I got in the game?
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19:43 Sun 17 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Do I have to tell you what I got in the game?

2a2w (4) vs (16) sensibleshow I was playing absolutely terrible very sorry we may have lost cos of me.
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19:46 Sun 17 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Elite Force (82) v (82) Fighting Eagles

shadwell17 (8) v (12) gordo
buzzboxxuk (9) v (12) kingdadcool
2h0t2p0t (9) v (11) vegas
krazyash_07 (10) v (11) standard
2awesome2win (4) v (16) sensibleshow
solskjaer20 (10) v (11) time_bandit
w_hoolahan (17) v (4) seriousblack
huts24 (15) v (5) destroyer_16

goodluck guys !
Posts: 7,974
20:25 Sun 17 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
any chance of you guys tryng to get some of these FBL games played

let me no if you have any problems getting games played
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21:03 Sun 17 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Any chance of a sub in that last game or anything??
Posts: 1,714
21:05 Sun 17 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
17:00 Sun 17/03/13
Won the 8 Ball Tournament, winning 238 TournaPoints!
winner huts24 : final huts24 3-2 dvz

lol who cares

Just like you when you show off when you beat people. But boring them to death doesn't mean your great either.
Posts: 4,971
21:11 Sun 17 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Any chance of a sub in that last game or anything??

As told beenjammin. 5 valid subs, 2 or 3 of them are likely to be seen online sometime, none on right now though.
Posts: 4,557
21:16 Sun 17 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
any chance of you guys tryng to get some of these FBL games played

let me no if you have any problems getting games played

Ok np . I know dark chocco hasn't replied to his match as I was told earlier .
Posts: 7,974
21:21 Sun 17 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i wouldve swapped dbno into tht fixture but couldnt bcos ive used my swap to get shadwells game played being helpful
i maybe shouldnt av done that, but i was trying to get games played

and for the record dark_chocco has been online to

id already messaged 2awsome
you couldve done that swap but never mind,
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21:28 Sun 17 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League - Fixture Set 5

These are the matches for Fixture Set 5 which can be found here ...

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK 31/3/13

Posts: 4,557
22:48 Sun 17 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

The Unbeatables v Elite Force

serious_game v krazyash_07
mr_pink_eyes v buzzboxxuk
blackhorse v shadwell17
hacker v 2awesome2win
ritcho v w_hoolahan
turtle1560 v dinkydo
mad_matt v huts24
j_a_m_e_s v deitch

Snooker Squad v Elite Force

r1p0m4n v huts24
pirate_steve v w_hoolahan
sarny_lad v 2awesome2win
thegame26 v shadwell17
crazy_greg v man_up
davey_1985 v lost
lethal_lures v baghera
onevisit v solskjaer20

good luck guys !

4 frames of each 8ball , 9ball , 8uk

bonues points : run out and GB and 2 points per win of set

Deadline is 31st march

Edited at 21:01 Sun 17/03/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
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23:22 Sun 17 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i wouldve swapped dbno into tht fixture but couldnt bcos ive used my swap to get shadwells game played being helpful
i maybe shouldnt av done that, but i was trying to get games played

and for the record dark_chocco has been online to

id already messaged 2awsome
you couldve done that swap but never mind,

Yes dark_chocco has been online but never replied to my message and i never was online when he was.
Posts: 2,463
01:54 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Any chance of a sub in that last game or anything??

As told beenjammin. 5 valid subs, 2 or 3 of them are likely to be seen online sometime, none on right now though.

10 minutes left to get started, if someone eligible comes on just pm me
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03:10 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I quit the team:

2a2w (5) vs (13) sarny_lad

My game is dropping so fast its on a waterfall. I do not want to hinder the team anymore. I am sorry to let you down huts24.
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03:12 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Edited at 01:16 Mon 18/03/13 (GMT)
Posts: 4,557
13:08 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I quit the team:

2a2w (5) vs (13) sarny_lad

My game is dropping so fast its on a waterfall. I do not want to hinder the team anymore. I am sorry to let you down huts24.

Hey mate , no quiting mate :) we have done great this season and we need u on these important fixs . Sarny is a good player. There will be times u win , draw or lose but this is a team effort and we win or lose as a team as all clans know .

U have won a lot this season which is good , don't let the odd loss get to u , when I lose I try harder next game . At straight your very good matey so chin up and onto next fixture .
Deleted User
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13:13 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
2a2w sarny_lads a very good player, well done on getting 5 points mate.

Sorry to see you quit the team, huts24 what does that do or mean to the team, the team now only has 11 players?

TCL requirement minimum of 12 players?
Deleted User
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13:29 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
01:34 Mon 18/03/13 Won the 9 Ball Marathon Tournament, winning 294 TournaPoints!
01:00 Mon 18/03/13 9 Ball Billiards - krazyash_07 potted the 9 ball on a golden break!
21:03 Sun 17/03/13 Won the Micro 9 Ball Tournament, winning 98 TournaPoints!
00:58 Thu 14/03/13 Won the Micro 8 Ball UK Tournament, winning 112 TournaPoints!
01:24 Tue 12/03/13 9 Ball Billiards - krazyash_07 ran the rack!
01:04 Tue 12/03/13 Won the Micro 9 Ball Tournament, winning 84 TournaPoints!
21:22 Mon 11/03/13 Won the Micro 8 Ball Arcade Tournament, winning 42 TournaPoints!

Dedicate to team! Talents improving!
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Elite Force - Formidable clan !

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