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Deleted User
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00:58 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
I can't log on on my ps3 (which is sometimes necessary for me) as when i finish entering my username, it deletes the underscore at the end. Can someone else try entering an underscore after their name and see if they can get to the passwod screen without it deleting it, and suggest a way for me to get around it! Ya get me?
15:44 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
will try now, been using my mobile but will look now
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
15:52 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
did u read my actual problem.... its cause of my username, it ends in an underscore, and it seems that my ps3 isnt happy with an underscore finishing a word off so it automatically removes it.
If my log in name were just redherring instead of _redherring_ i could log in.
If my log in name were just redherring instead of _redherring_ i could log in.
16:32 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
aaaaaa yeah i skim read the problem mate lol. As mine doesnt end in an underscore i dont have the problem. You could put a space after the underscore. May work,
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
16:41 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
ive tried everything, ive tried putting 2 underscores hoping it just deletes 1 but it deletes both. Wonder if theres a setting i can change on ps3, maybe turn of predictive?
17:38 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
i dont know but the ps3 can be annoying. always randomly does little things that arn't right.
other than changing your username im unsure i can help.
other than changing your username im unsure i can help.
18:33 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
i'll try for you on mine - i have a fair few underscores in mine
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