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The Sinners ~ Always smiling ; )

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Posts: 7,974
14:43 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
no serious you continue to post aload of nonsense this is an individual optional tournament, gordo is a clan fixture nothing to do with you tbh, concentrate on your own clan

an explanation ??????????? what am i missing

so the simple way to check is click his profile, with out being foolish here but if it says offline it means he aint on then youve your answer

as for messaging him also its nothing to do with us what are you missing again its optional

if youve messaged him 10 times its a little pointless really messaging him again isnt it

simplesss for you,
Deleted User
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14:49 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i messaged him numerous times , hes been OFFLINE 10 days

he plays for you

your his captain

you could maybe have him on facebook

or another site

i dont know

i understand its optional , as i said i dont know how it works was just wanting a civalised anwser from you

Report me if you think im causing a problem


Posts: 7,974
19:42 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
You miss the point again
Offline message wouldve been an option but ypu decided to quote gordo over nd over... Why

Now im sure you understand he aint online
Take it too tcl ty
Posts: 28
20:00 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
kingpooluk20 3-3 pat_groves ggs m8 fair result gl in rest
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20:06 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
You miss the point again
Offline message wouldve been an option but ypu decided to quote gordo over nd over... Why

Now im sure you understand he aint online
Take it too tcl ty

No worries boss man

Right away
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:19 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Notice

The results table has now been completely updated, you may see your clans standings using the following link;

The golden cue has also been fully updated with all results from fixture one (and some fixture two) and that can be found;

If you have any queries regarding either table please feel free to message me

Jema - FBL League Runner
Posts: 7,974
20:20 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
kingpooluk20 3-3 pat_groves ggs m8 fair result gl in rest

well done m8
good result pat is a very good player, well done getting ur game played
Posts: 7,974
20:39 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
unreal people we lost the default agaisnt uprising

how god only knows, how but no surprise the rule clearly states both players

we made before also
Deleted User
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20:43 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
How am i suppost to message you (offline) if your ignoring me might i ask?
Posts: 6,417
21:00 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i messaged him numerous times , hes been OFFLINE 10 days

he plays for you

your his captain

you could maybe have him on facebook

or another site

i dont know

i understand its optional , as i said i dont know how it works was just wanting a civalised anwser from you

Report me if you think im causing a problem



LMAO Great
Posts: 7,974
21:05 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
<<<<< team announcement >>>>>
after this recent default in FCL i have no option but to resign as captain, i will not tolerate outcomes like this, this is not even funny anymore
Uprising v Sinners
we make a sub because scooby is offline for ages before the fixture even begins, we did this because when scooby goes missing its generally along time.

so we sub in _egotistical to play scooby
scooby finally comes online for 2 hours at 3 am in the morning and states im online so does there captain, facts on the UPs thread

then the nxt day ego plays 6 games was 5-0 up the lost 1 game of 9 ball and leaves the game at 5-1, regardless of any reason the game is aborted as rule

7.4 Aborted games
In the case where a player has to abort the game (for whatever reason), both players are equally expected to maintain efforts to get the remaining part of the game played by the deadline.

this rule is clear, scooby stays online for 4 hours never to be seen again, even today he isnt online

both players have to make an effort to play, well this is simple he couldnt make any effort because he never came back online

we lose the default 6-5

the facts are simple both players have to make an effort and we had already made a sub to accomodate him

he was online for no more than 9 to 10 hours in the whole fixture, explain it to me people
Posts: 7,974
21:08 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
so bluenose then posts a rule saying the player needed to post messages total joke and one i will not tolerate

nothing for even making a sub

sorry but i cannot accept this, we were cheated last season by this same team i wont accept a result, that dosnt take into acccount a player wasnt online for the fixture and the fact we made a sub

if any player wants to step up and take charge of the clan, then feel free, sarah will probably will, however if she dosnt the offer is on the table

this isnt funny at all ive asked for an explanation and being told no

its also very clear there is an agenda here, when its_me was banned for a non related clan or league matter

Edited at 19:11 Wed 27/02/13 (GMT)
Posts: 28
21:13 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
kingpooluk20 3-3 serious_game ggs pal wp good luck in rest top player
Posts: 3,610
21:20 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
tratter v aces_back

9ball.... 2-2

8ball.. won 3-1

8balluk.. won 3-1

total score.. trats wins 14- 6 i think scrappy games but he was nice to play
Posts: 7,974
21:21 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
very well played lads
Deleted User
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21:23 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Shame to see you not be a captain craig?
Deleted User
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22:02 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
so bluenose then posts a rule saying the player needed to post messages total joke and one i will not tolerate

nothing for even making a sub

sorry but i cannot accept this, we were cheated last season by this same team i wont accept a result, that dosnt take into acccount a player wasnt online for the fixture and the fact we made a sub

if any player wants to step up and take charge of the clan, then feel free, sarah will probably will, however if she dosnt the offer is on the table

this isnt funny at all ive asked for an explanation and being told no

its also very clear there is an agenda here, when its_me was banned for a non related clan or league matter

Edited at 19:11 Wed 27/02/13 (GMT)

I beg to differ!! I for one find it funny!

Relax, it's an online game. Win some, lose some, it doesn't actually mean anything in the real world.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:16 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
That's rotten luck, so sorry to hear about it Craig. But, I'm afraid that's what happens when you play for defaults
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:19 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
so bluenose then posts a rule saying the player needed to post messages total joke and one i will not tolerate

nothing for even making a sub

sorry but i cannot accept this, we were cheated last season by this same team i wont accept a result, that dosnt take into acccount a player wasnt online for the fixture and the fact we made a sub

if any player wants to step up and take charge of the clan, then feel free, sarah will probably will, however if she dosnt the offer is on the table

this isnt funny at all ive asked for an explanation and being told no

its also very clear there is an agenda here, when its_me was banned for a non related clan or league matter

Edited at 19:11 Wed 27/02/13 (GMT)

I beg to differ!! I for one find it funny!

Relax, it's an online game. Win some, lose some, it doesn't actually mean anything in the real world.

I will have to take all my funky achievements off my CV then.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:03 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Craig will be remaining as Captain of TCL , I will be Captaining FBL , lets get the rest of these games played now please

Nag nag !!!!
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The Sinners ~ Always smiling ; )

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