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Uprising the Fourth

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22:13 Tue 12 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Set One

Uprising (19) v (26) The Sinners

zantetsukenz v jame2010s
chisisidovev v king8ball1
spin_doctor (5) v (10) its_me
derik_dalton (8) v (7) dark_chocco
irish_ninja v banana
scooby v _egotistical
angry_bacon (6) v (9) lethal_lures
erigert v dbno

Uprising (38) v (22) P. Dynamos

spin_doctor v mat_123
zantetsukenz v marksmith
erigert (8) v (7) silent_hill
chisisidovev v punkpoet
bluenose1872 (14) v (1) ang3l
derik_dalton (7) v (8) earthling
angry_bacon (9) v (6) cuester
walktall v destroyer_16

Please message and arrange a time to play your opponent(s) people. Good luck in your games, any problems please let us know.

Deadline: 24/02/13 @ Midnight

Edited at 20:43 Tue 12/02/13 (GMT)
Posts: 22,512
22:14 Tue 12 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Set One

Snooker Squad (4) vs (8) Uprising

r1p0m4n v chisisidovev
thegame26 (1) v (5) zantetsukenz
lethal_lures (3) v (3) derik_dalton
the__tornado v irish_ninja
davey_1985 v emmajane
slatty v spin_doctor
pirate_steve v erigert
whocares8x8 v scooby

Uprising (9) vs (9) Chips N Gravy

chisisidovev v badger2
angry_bacon (2) v (4) liam__scfc
derik_dalton (4) v (2) poolbiird
irish_ninja v greyhound
emmajane v ukspinshot
bluenose1872 (3) v (3) foxy147
slimeball v mich
zantetsukenz v rapid_pot

Please message and arrange a time to play your opponent(s) people. Good luck in your games, any problems please let us know.

Deadline: 24/02/13 @ Midnight
Posts: 22,512
22:14 Tue 12 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL Set Two

Uprising (27) - (54) The Sinners

irish_ninja v _egotistical
derik_dalton (5) v (15) king8ball1
chisisidovev v _pool_beast_
angry_bacon v mdj
zantetsukenz (4) v (16) its_me
erigert (8) - (12) dbno
scooby v bradonforest
bluenose1875 (10) v (11) jame2010s

Uprising (40) - (82) The Professionals

bluenose1875 (6) v (15) beenjammin
irish_ninja (3) - (17) dvz
spin_doctor (8) v (12) the_only_ego
chisisidovev v davybaumers
slimeball (7) v (14) cphaynes
derik_dalton (10) v (10) scott7a
zantetsukenz (6) v (14) fuunky
emmajane v sean_paul

Deadline: 17/02/13
Posts: 1,696
22:41 Tue 12 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

bacon v lethal_lures

8US 1 - 4
9Ball 1 - 4
8UK 4 - 1

6 - 9 overall

i was awful on the first 2 types, a golden in 8US gave me a frame, outplayed me in them as expected.. somehow managed to not snooker myself or foul in UK and managed to clear most of the time, and only a fouled black cost me a frame in this. ggs, top class player
Posts: 22,512
22:42 Tue 12 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Another nice result Chris mate, very nice 6 points there.
Posts: 3,846
23:19 Tue 12 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

bacon v lethal_lures

8US 1 - 4
9Ball 1 - 4
8UK 4 - 1

6 - 9 overall

i was awful on the first 2 types, a golden in 8US gave me a frame, outplayed me in them as expected.. somehow managed to not snooker myself or foul in UK and managed to clear most of the time, and only a fouled black cost me a frame in this. ggs, top class player

well done mate, theres nowt worse than going into uk knowing you cant win the match its a credit to you that you pulled them 4 frames back for the team instead of giving up
Posts: 19,967
01:58 Wed 13 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
zante vs marksmith


9 ball


Sorry for losing guys, thought I should've won this one. 8us I thought I thought I did better than 3-2 and it was 2 silly mistakes and opening with a 7 balling and runout.

9 ball was where the damage was done, didn't get much luck and he was getting a bit (which helped him when he missed his shot on a runout 2 balls dropped and gifted the runout to him), but I was playing bad after that and maybe could've had another frame but I think he was just the better of two of us.

8uk again I could've had more but this time it was more open and some frames could've gone either way. Finished it off with a runout.

Good games man, pleasure as always and good luck Dynamo's!
Posts: 22,512
02:56 Wed 13 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Set One

Uprising (19) v (26) The Sinners

zantetsukenz v jame2010s
chisisidovev v king8ball1
spin_doctor (5) v (10) its_me
derik_dalton (8) v (7) dark_chocco
irish_ninja v banana
scooby v _egotistical
angry_bacon (6) v (9) lethal_lures
erigert v dbno

Uprising (45) v (30) P. Dynamos

spin_doctor v mat_123
zantetsukenz (7) v (8) marksmith
erigert (8) v (7) silent_hill
chisisidovev v punkpoet
bluenose1872 (14) v (1) ang3l
derik_dalton (7) v (8) earthling
angry_bacon (9) v (6) cuester
walktall v destroyer_16

Please message and arrange a time to play your opponent(s) people. Good luck in your games, any problems please let us know.

Deadline: 24/02/13 @ Midnight
Posts: 22,512
02:56 Wed 13 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Set One

Snooker Squad (4) vs (8) Uprising

r1p0m4n v chisisidovev
thegame26 (1) v (5) zantetsukenz
lethal_lures (3) v (3) derik_dalton
the__tornado v irish_ninja
davey_1985 v emmajane
slatty v spin_doctor
pirate_steve v erigert
whocares8x8 v scooby

Uprising (9) vs (9) Chips N Gravy

chisisidovev v badger2
angry_bacon (2) v (4) liam__scfc
derik_dalton (4) v (2) poolbiird
irish_ninja v greyhound
emmajane v ukspinshot
bluenose1872 (3) v (3) foxy147
slimeball v mich
zantetsukenz v rapid_pot

Please message and arrange a time to play your opponent(s) people. Good luck in your games, any problems please let us know.

Deadline: 24/02/13 @ Midnight
Posts: 22,512
02:56 Wed 13 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL Set Two

Uprising (27) - (54) The Sinners

irish_ninja v _egotistical
derik_dalton (5) v (15) king8ball1
chisisidovev v _pool_beast_
angry_bacon v mdj
zantetsukenz (4) v (16) its_me
erigert (8) - (12) dbno
scooby v bradonforest
bluenose1875 (10) v (11) jame2010s

Uprising (40) - (82) The Professionals

bluenose1875 (6) v (15) beenjammin
irish_ninja (3) - (17) dvz
spin_doctor (8) v (12) the_only_ego
chisisidovev v davybaumers
slimeball (7) v (14) cphaynes
derik_dalton (10) v (10) scott7a
zantetsukenz (6) v (14) fuunky
emmajane v sean_paul

Deadline: 17/02/13
Posts: 22,512
05:37 Wed 13 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Was a good day of clan games being played ladies Well done, time to hit the hay for me as i have an appointment to in 6 hours to see about re-doing my training to get my security license renewed
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:01 Wed 13 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Notice


I have noticed recently that players are getting sloppy reporting their results on the results thread. It is getting to the stage now where I may consider results that are not posted on the results thread not being counted.

I urge players to report their results correctly from now on as it is time consuming having to check clans threads for results.


Can I just remind everyone that subs are not permitted for the first 3 days, this means subs cannot be made until the first Thursday of the fixture.

Thank you
Jema - FBL League Runner
Posts: 22,512
15:37 Wed 13 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

scooby v bradonforest
chisisidovev v _pool_beast_
is now
chisisidovev v bradonforest
scooby v _pool_beast_

Beast is more a weekend player so should suit scooby better
Posts: 22,512
16:26 Wed 13 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Notice


I have noticed recently that players are getting sloppy reporting their results on the results thread. It is getting to the stage now where I may consider results that are not posted on the results thread not being counted.

I urge players to report their results correctly from now on as it is time consuming having to check clans threads for results.


Can I just remind everyone that subs are not permitted for the first 3 days, this means subs cannot be made until the first Thursday of the fixture.

Thank you
Jema - FBL League Runner

I post all our scores when they come in anyway
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:29 Wed 13 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
chisisi vs r1p0 (fbl)

8us 3-3

Very good games mate, was a fair result in the end, not many mistakes by either of us and could have easily gone 4-2 either way.

Crackin guy and a pleasure to play! Good luck for the rest of the reason r1p0
Posts: 22,512
16:32 Wed 13 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice result mate
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:35 Wed 13 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks Jay hopefully bringin some more points back for us at some point today
Posts: 22,512
16:36 Wed 13 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Need to get to new page
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:37 Wed 13 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
As jay asked me nicely....
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:38 Wed 13 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'll get us onto the next page so he can put the results up
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Uprising the Fourth

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