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Vipers (our time to shine)

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01:59 Mon 25 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
lfc12 v doubler
8 ball us 2--3
9 ball us 1--4
8 ball uk 1--4
overall 11--4 to doubler...I had a nightmare,,, doubler played well as I was way off par but it happens I was thinking of quitting as I was that bad ggs m8 and gl for the season
didn't enjoy it that's why I was thinking of quitting as I was that bad

as long as its played and u enjoyed it all that matters wd hun xx
Posts: 8,885
02:04 Mon 25 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

The Sinners (37)v(22) The Vipers

blueberry (6) v (14) girl_power7
dixong v blackcabman7
_pool_beast_ (17) v(3) the_saint
king8ball1(14) v(6) lfc12
bradonforest v micky
banana v pot9ball
its_me v strikelucky8
dark_chocco v winter64

Elite Force(75) v(49) The Vipers

buzzboxxuk v staffie_man
2h0t2p0t (13) v (8)the_saint
man_up v fry06
shadwell17 (12) v (8) 2pac_rulez
2awesome2win (16) v (5) blackcabman7

krazyash_07 (11) v (10) lfc12
w_hoolahan (8) v (13) emmajackson
dinkydo (15) v(5) fast_one11

4 frames of 8us 9us 8uk bonus points for GB's and runouts

Please breakdown scores so we can work out the result,include GB's or Runouts

Deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) Sunday 3rd March
Posts: 22,512
02:11 Mon 25 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL New Rule

I never had time to do this before the first set was released so i am doing it now, this rule has been implemented into the FCL (Please read spoiler for more details on the rule) This rule takes full affect from FIXTURE SET TWO!

7.5 Substitutions in partially played games
Once a game has started between two players, no substitution may be made, unless a player has been banned/deactivates or is removed from a clan. In the event of a player getting banned/deactivating or being removed then the game will need to be continued with a sub from the clan whose player left.

If a player deactivates and decides to reactivate their account after the game has been completed they are then not allowed to re-join that clan until the following season. They will also not be classed as a free agent and will not be allowed to join another clan until the mid-season transfer window or the end of the season.

P.S - New games will be released as soon as i get my posts back from doing this, so within the next 10 - 30 minutes.

Thank you
Jay - Head League Runner (FCL)
Posts: 8,885
02:16 Mon 25 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Chips N Gravy Vs Vipers

8us sarny_lad v 2pac_rulez
8us pubby v lfc12

9us greyhound v fast_one11
9us poolbiird v blackcabman7

8uk foxy147 v staffie_man
8uk ukspinshot v strikelucky8

straight rapid_pot v emmajackson
straight _nerdzz_ v fry06

Vipers Vs Pocket Dynamos

8US winter64 v marksmith
8US the_saint v mfc_ss

9US blackcabman7 v nick79theman
9US pot9ball v mat_123

8UK thegreatone7 v ang3l
8UK girl_power7 v jack_86

Straight emmajackson v punkpoet
Straight fry06 v silent_hill

6 fames of your game type 3 frames for straight

Deadline: 10th March 2013

games played asap please!!
Posts: 22,512
02:39 Mon 25 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Announcement

Fixture Set One has now been closed.

Fixture Set Two has now been released on the FCL website. The deadline for these new games is 10th Of March @ Midnight!. You can find your games on the link provided here -

Please remember to post any substitutions/swaps and results on the relevant FCL pages please! Also please read the new rule posted on each clan thread as it officially starts from this fixture set.

Golden cue has been fully updated to the end of fixture set one, League Table will be updated when default decisions have been made.

Thank you
Jay - Head League Runner (FCL)
Posts: 8,885
05:42 Mon 25 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Snooker Squad 0 vs 0 Vipers

onevisit vs fry06
r1p0m4n vs thegreatone7
slatty vs 2pac_rulez
thegame26 vs the_saint
whocares8x8 vs lfc12
crazy_greg vs pot9ball
davey_1985 vs blackcabman7
jose_enrique vs emmajackson

The Professionals Vs Vipers

_redherring_ v fast_one11
fuunky v the_saint
straightline v micky
horse10000 v girl_power7
cphaynes v staffie_man
davybaumers v iam_me
sean_paul v 2pac_rulez
i_am_blessed v winter64

5 frames of 8 us 9 us 8 uk

10th Of March @ Midnight!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:36 Mon 25 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL sub

poolbiird v blackcabman7


hippesville v blackcabman7 (poolbiird deactivated)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:35 Mon 25 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sub cancelled
Posts: 3,610
17:08 Mon 25 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
clan game
Online whens good for u to play this clan game
Sent 6 days ago
strikelucky8 prob best asking for a sub as i dont get on here much anymore.
Sent about 16 hours ago

think he wants subbing out vipers?????
Posts: 19,262
18:23 Mon 25 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
me v onevisit

I had the luck in 9ball and still lost lol, then hit self destruct button in UK with my shot choices

And you never give a player of his quality easy chances

Wp man gl for season
Posts: 5,821
19:18 Mon 25 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
blackcabman7 vs poolbird 9ball fbl

(4)===(2) to poolbird

as all ways great player pleasure playing her first frame she should have won but white went in of and let me in on 9 ball
Posts: 8,885
19:41 Mon 25 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
tcl sub

its_me vs strikelucky8


its_me vs fast_one11
Posts: 8,885
19:43 Mon 25 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

The Sinners (37)v(22) The Vipers

blueberry (6) v (14) girl_power7
dixong v blackcabman7
_pool_beast_ (17) v(3) the_saint
king8ball1(14) v(6) lfc12
bradonforest v micky
banana v pot9ball
its_me v fast_one11
dark_chocco v winter64

Elite Force(75) v(49) The Vipers

buzzboxxuk v staffie_man
2h0t2p0t (13) v (8)the_saint
man_up v fry06
shadwell17 (12) v (8) 2pac_rulez
2awesome2win (16) v (5) blackcabman7

krazyash_07 (11) v (10) lfc12
w_hoolahan (8) v (13) emmajackson
dinkydo (15) v(5) fast_one11

4 frames of 8us 9us 8uk bonus points for GB's and runouts

Please breakdown scores so we can work out the result,include GB's or Runouts

Deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) Sunday 3rd March
Posts: 8,885
19:44 Mon 25 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Chips N Gravy (4) Vs (2) Vipers

8us sarny_lad v 2pac_rulez
8us pubby v lfc12

9us greyhound v fast_one11
9us poolbiird (4) vs (2) blackcabman7

8uk foxy147 v staffie_man
8uk ukspinshot v strikelucky8

straight rapid_pot v emmajackson
straight _nerdzz_ v fry06

Vipers Vs Pocket Dynamos

8US winter64 v marksmith
8US the_saint v mfc_ss

9US blackcabman7 v nick79theman
9US pot9ball v mat_123

8UK thegreatone7 v ang3l
8UK girl_power7 v jack_86

Straight emmajackson v punkpoet
Straight fry06 v silent_hill

6 fames of your game type 3 frames for straight

Deadline: 10th March 2013

games played asap please!!
Posts: 8,885
19:46 Mon 25 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Snooker Squad (12) vs (3) Vipers

onevisit (12) vs (3) fry06
r1p0m4n vs thegreatone7
slatty vs 2pac_rulez
thegame26 vs the_saint
whocares8x8 vs lfc12
crazy_greg vs pot9ball
davey_1985 vs blackcabman7
jose_enrique vs emmajackson

The Professionals Vs Vipers

_redherring_ v fast_one11
fuunky v the_saint
straightline v micky
horse10000 v girl_power7
cphaynes v staffie_man
davybaumers v iam_me
sean_paul v 2pac_rulez
i_am_blessed v winter64

5 frames of 8 us 9 us 8 uk

10th Of March @ Midnight!
Posts: 8,885
19:56 Mon 25 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
lets get these TCL games done asap!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:27 Mon 25 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
As soon as I finish work and have my tea I shall be on and hopefully play better than last night
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:06 Mon 25 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
jesus Christ have I got two hard games whocares8x8 and pubby god help me lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:31 Tue 26 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
lfc12 v whocares8x8
8 ball us 0--5
9 ball us 0--5
8 ball uk 0--5
overall 15--0 whocares8x8,,,WOW is all I can say different class of player alltogether I was made up in one frame were I had 3 yes that's 3 shots lol wp m8 gl in rest
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:51 Tue 26 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

crazy_greg Vs pot9ball

4 - 1 US8BALL
3 - 2 US9BALL
4 - 1 UK8BALL

Nice guy and good games. thanks
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Vipers (our time to shine)

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