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Vipers (our time to shine)

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12 years ago  [Link]  
that is what I thought. Thaks very much.
Posts: 8,885
12 years ago  [Link]  

Vipers (5) vs (25)Snooker Squad

8US lfc12 (1) Vs (5) crazy_greg
8US pot9ball v onevisit

9US blackcabman7 (1) vs (5) lethal_lures
9US cleensheet v thegame26

8UK girl_power7 (3) Vs (3) r1p0m4n
8UK thegreatone7 v davey_1985

Straight emmajackson (0) vs (6) slatty
Straight fry06 (0)v(6)whocares8x8

The Sinners (18) Vs (6) Vipers

8US the__priest (2) Vs (4) 2pac_rulez
8US _pool_beast_ v micky

9US dbno (6) Vs (0) fast_one11
9US mdj (5) vs (1) pot9ball

8UK kingpooluk20 v staffie_man
8UK its_me (5) vs (1) thegreatone7

Straight dark_chocco v fry06
Straight king8ball1 v emmajackson

24th February 2013 @ Midnight.
Posts: 8,885
12 years ago  [Link]  

Elite Force (40) Vs (35) Vipers

2awesome2win (11) vs (4)fry06
man_up v staffie_man
shadwell17 (6) Vs (9) thegreatone7
baghera v strikelucky8
solskjaer20 v pot9ball
lost (10) vs (5) fast_one11
huts24 (5) vs (10) emmajackson

w_hoolahan (8) vs (7) 2pac_rulez

Vipers (19) Vs (43) Unbeatables

fry06 v lewis_17_uk
2pac_rulez v serious_game
pot9ball v skiller10
girl_power7 v ritcho
thegreatone7 (11) vs (4) 9ballsniper_
fastone_11 (2) Vs (13) lethal_playa

blackcabman7 (2) Vs (13) turtle1560
micky (4) Vs (11) blackhorse

24th February 2013 @ Midnight.

Edited at 17:29 Thu 21/02/13 (GMT)
Posts: 8,885
12 years ago  [Link]  

The Sinners (14)v(6) The Vipers

blueberry v girl_power7
dixong v blackcabman7
_pool_beast_ v the_saint
king8ball1(14) v(6) lfc12
bradonforest v micky
banana v pot9ball
its_me v strikelucky8
dark_chocco v winter64

Elite Force(46) v(36) The Vipers

buzzboxxuk v staffie_man
2h0t2p0t v the_saint
man_up v fry06
shadwell17 (12) v (8) 2pac_rulez
2awesome2win v blackcabman7
krazyash_07 (11) v (10) lfc12
w_hoolahan (8) v (13) emmajackson
dinkydo (15) v(5) fast_one11

4 frames of 8us 9us 8uk bonus points for GB's and runouts

Please breakdown scores so we can work out the result,include GB's or Runouts

Deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) Sunday 3rd March
Posts: 22,512
12 years ago  [Link]  
FCL Announcement

Can all captains please message me your team lists for fixture set two which is due to be released on Sunday the 24th of February. Please note any player on your teamsheet on the website with a date next to there name is ineligible, if that date has passed then please contact me so i can rectify it.

If you want to know who you are playing then please click the link provided and your games will be under fixture set two.

All teams must submit a team list before Saturday midnight, failure to do so will result in a random team being chosen for you.

Fixture Set One - Can captains please have a look at the website and see if any results are missing or subs. If they are you MUST post them so changes can be made.

Thank you
Posts: 8,885
12 years ago  [Link]  
FCL swap

serious_game vs girl_power7
ritcho vs 2pac_rulez


serious_game vs 2pac_rulez
ritcho vs girl_power7
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
FBL Announcement


Can you please send me your teamsheet for fixture set 2, the deadline for these to be sent in is Saturday 23rd @ Midnight (UK time).

The games are...

Pocket Dynamos v Uprising
The Professionals v Unbeatables
Chips N Gravy v Vipers
The Sinners v Fighting Eagles
Snooker Squad v Underdogs
BYE v Elite Force

Elite Force v The Professionals
Vipers v Pocket Dynamos
Unbeatables v The Sinners
Underdogs v Chips N Gravy
Fighting Eagles v Snooker Squad
Uprising v BYE

Failure to send in your teamsheet before the deadline will result in a team being selected at random.

Please ensure that all games are completed by Sunday 24th @ midnight (UK time).

As usual, if you have any questions, please feel free to message me.

Jema - FBL League Runner
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
I am pleased to let you all know that we are now part of The Clan League Family thanks to Chris and his amigos.

As a fully fledged clan event I thank the current participating clans and fully invite all the clans yet to join to please sign up to help make this a fun and exciting event worth winning.

The forum can now be found in The Clan League and Players Championship area of the forums.

As this shall now be run along side The Clan League I will be releasing the fixtures on sunday as well. I therefor urge all teams wishing to join to let me know by midnight uk time Saturday.

Thanks again and look forward to getting this underway.
Posts: 4,557
12 years ago  [Link]  
Can I please have a sub for strikelucky8 , 4 days offline . Deadline in 2 days .

Baghera v strikelucky8

A responce / reply from vipers capt or vice would be helpfull . Ty
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
fcl: serious game vs 2pac_rulez
8us: 4-1
9us: 3-2
8uk: 1-4
all: 8-7
good games m8 9 us was quite close and unpredictable lol
Posts: 5,702
12 years ago  [Link]  
UB vs Vipers
skiller10 vs pot9ball
is now
im_crap_adam vs pot9ball
Posts: 5,821
12 years ago  [Link]  
i been i bed for last 2 days with this cold but thats me ready to go just waiting oppnents to come on
Posts: 19,262
12 years ago  [Link]  
good to hear grandad

strikelucky8 out
blackcabman7 in

now baghera v cabby
Posts: 8,885
12 years ago  [Link]  
Posts: 4,971
12 years ago  [Link]  
FCL: elite force v vipers
baghera v blackcabman7 is now

krazyash_07 v blackcabman7
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
played thegame26 in U.S. 9 ball results
Him 3
Me 3
Thanks Chaz
Posts: 19,262
12 years ago  [Link]  
Well done chaz bud very good draw
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
my game against 2hot2pot

1-3 8
2-2 9
2-2 uk he ran rack here too

Good games.
Posts: 7,974
12 years ago  [Link]  
kenny , fry ive messaged most of you in these outstanding games

all my players have been consistanly online
still nothing happens in any games

then there is the completeion of the emmajackson game however she has told me she hope to gets this game played
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
my game against _pool_beast_

0-4 8
1-3 9
1-3 uk

Good games.
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Vipers (our time to shine)

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