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Unbeatables - Need we say more ;-)

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14:14 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Please kindly take a look at this

Then tell me i didnt deserve to win that tourny!!!

Look at who he beat , and who i beat .....

Great loss (NOT)

Edited at 02:06 Thu 21/02/13 (GMT)

Anyone can beat anyone in 9ball, although you must of still played very well to beat one of the best on the game, doesn't mean you deserved to win the tournament tho, going by the result in the final it looks like the player who won deserved it.

Who's to say you deserved to beat seb lol, looked like a close match!!
Posts: 8,315
15:29 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Unbeatables vs Pocket Dynamo's

katiex21 vs earthling

US 8Ball 1-3 (1-5)
US 9Ball 0-4 (0-6)
UK 8Ball

She was soo unlucky.. and pretty fed up i think..
played way beyond her abillities..

Location: Offline since
about a minute ago
Member Since: Wed 28/11/12
Forum Posts: 12
User type: Deactivated

she comes back i hope, and we finnish then

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16:44 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
What is going on with this team at the moment!
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16:50 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
What is going on with this team at the moment!
What u mean pal? Things seem fine other than 2 crucial players being offline? ;)
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16:50 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Theres people leaving/deactivating/not playing games left right and center!!
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16:57 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
^^Second best result in our TCL games, i pulled that result with some inspiring words from doubler, this is dedicated to the team. ;) and especially doubler! XD <3^^

Nothin big, hope next result to be better

Edited at 05:59 Thu 21/02/13 (GMT)

again you thinking you have some importance and now think you a comedian enough is enough with you please stay out of my way dont agree with you in this team so we do have issues
Pointing out the obvious arent we? Why dont you go to a team where you dont cause problems. I dunno who u are, and it is probably best kept that way ;) thanks for the inspiring hep though! Being told im unimportant to this team worked! Hope your days ok. As you see i dont mind anybody having a problem with me. Thats your problem. I go about my bussiness. :D
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16:59 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Theres people leaving/deactivating/not playing games left right and center!!
Yes may be true, but we are in good shape still, come next fixture it will only get better. New players coming in, and inactive players OUT. Will run a bit smoother as long as games get played. I'm sure it will be fine, and smooth itself out. :)
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17:01 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Think positive Unbeatables! Our name says it all, with some passion and reliable players (which we have) we should be fine! We can go far!
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17:03 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
blackhorse << on yesterday
doubler << on now
katiex21 << Deactivated today
lewis_17_uk << 6 days off
_pro__frog_ << on yesterday
lethal_playa << on today
mr_pink_eyes << on 2 days ago

Now all are available to sub in vs chips n gravy I believe, and I see no reason why subs haven't been made yet for people off for 17 days and 8 days.

Maybe not lewis as he is off for a while himself but the others could have been subbed in.

Now katie can't obviously.
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17:04 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sniper and Doubler - wisen up and argue in offline message's if you wish.

katiex21.. is now out of the clan. She did not state a reason but i am fed up of people doing this to me.

How is everyone? any updates on games?
Deleted User
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17:05 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
skiller10 vs madmiketyson is now..

doubler vs madmiketyson


powerfool vs nerdzz is now
blackhorse vs nerdzz
Deleted User
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17:07 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture One.

5 Frames Of US8 , US9 & UK8.

Unbeatables (23) vs (37) Pro's

turtle1560 (6) vs (9) davybaumers
im_crap_adam vs crazzymadman
9ballsniper_ (3) vs (12) _redherring_
lethal_playa vs cphaynes
ritcho (6) vs (9) ginomanx3
serious_game (8) vs (7) the_only_ego
skiller10 vs beenjammin
blackhorse vs dvz

Unbeatables (41) vs (19) Vipers

lewis_17_uk vs fry06
ritcho vs girl_power7
skiller10 vs pot9ball
serious_game vs 2pac_rulez
9ballsniper_ (4) vs (11) thegreatone7
lethal_playa (13) vs (2) fast_one11
turtle1560 (13) vs (2) blackcabman7
blackhorse (11) vs (4) micky

Good Luck Everyone. Deadline is 24th February

Edited at 17:30 Thu 21/02/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
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17:08 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League - Set 3

Unbeatables (39) vs (41) Chips N Gravy

im_crap_adam vs red4eva
doubler vs madmiketyson
turtle1560 (12) vs (8) poolbiird
serious_game (7) vs (13) foxy147
hacker vs ukspinshot
9ballsniper_ (7) vs (13) mooney
blackhorse vs _nerdzz_
ritcho (13) vs (7) liam_scfc

Unbeatables (71) vs (51) Pocket Dynamo's

mr_pink_eyes (9) vs (11) silent_hill
serious_game vs marksmith
ritcho (12) vs (8) mat_123
lethal_playa vs earthling
turtle1560 (17) vs (3) jack_86
blackhorse (12) vs (8) punkpoet
9ballsniper_ (14) vs (6) fastboysam
doubler (7) vs (13) cuester

Good Luck Everyone - Deadline is Sunday 3rd March.

Edited at 15:28 Thu 21/02/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
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17:08 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Players Championship.

3 Frames of 8US , 9US , 8UK With bonus points for Run Outs and Golden Breaks.

blackhorse vs ladysapphire
doubler vs emmajackson
katiex21 vs 2awsome2win
serious_game vs jame2010s
hacker vs james007
9ballsniper_ vs time_bandit
turtle1560 vs cphaynes
lewis_17_uk vs free_one
im_crap_adam vs squeezy
naaaaaaaaath vs sensibleshow
powerfool vs solskjaer20

Players with BYE's and go auto straight through to next round.


Deadline is 3/3/13.
Deleted User
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17:25 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
lethal_playa you got any updates with your game with chris ?
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17:26 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sub to finish the last 4 games of UK8 vs earthling.

lethal_playa subbing in to play the reamaining 4 frames of UK.
Posts: 22,512
18:57 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Announcement

Can all captains please message me your team lists for fixture set two which is due to be released on Sunday the 24th of February. Please note any player on your teamsheet on the website with a date next to there name is ineligible, if that date has passed then please contact me so i can rectify it.

If you want to know who you are playing then please click the link provided and your games will be under fixture set two.

All teams must submit a team list before Saturday midnight, failure to do so will result in a random team being chosen for you.

Fixture Set One - Can captains please have a look at the website and see if any results are missing or subs. If they are you MUST post them so changes can be made.

Thank you
Deleted User
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19:08 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Im On It!
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19:19 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Please welcome chaulkmeup to Unbeatables Welcome m8
Posts: 8,885
19:27 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL swap

serious_game vs girl_power7
ritcho vs 2pac_rulez


serious_game vs 2pac_rulez
ritcho vs girl_power7
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Unbeatables - Need we say more ;-)

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