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Pocket Dynamos - (Formerly Known As Mouseketeers)

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12 years ago  [Link]  
Posts: 8,780
12 years ago  [Link]  
I'm not on your team but i can tell you the score is 17-3 to you
Posts: 19,819
12 years ago  [Link]  
Morning nice result mark will go with jooodles score lol
Posts: 19,819
12 years ago  [Link]  
Ub fixture complete and we won !!!! ggs guys was a pleasure.
3 games to go deadline the 3rd
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
FBL Announcement

Fixture set two is now available on the website, thank you to all captains for submitting their team sheets on time.

The link to the page is;

You will also find the fixtures and member tagging at the bottom of the page for you to copy and paste if you wish.

There are still some set one games outstanding so would be very grateful if players can concentrate on completing these first.

Good Luck!
Jema - FBL League Runner
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
League Notice

It is deadline day, therefore anybody from your clan can sub into an outstanding game for FCL/FBL.

Please ensure all subs/swaps are posted on the relevant threads..



If you have any questions please message the corresponding league runner.
Posts: 19,819
12 years ago  [Link]  
players championship

spin_doctor v chimou
2h0t2p0t 6 v 3 punkpoet
btk5003 v marksmith
kirk v rubber_duck
anoneeemouse 5 v 4 nick79theman
woowoo69 v mikeybboy

format 3 of each bonus point for event such as GB or run outs

Theese games have no bearing on the clan there an individual competition everyone automatically gets entered into. If you dont want to play either message your opponent telling them or post on the thread

deadline 3rd march
Posts: 19,819
12 years ago  [Link]  
TCL Fixture3
Pocket Dynamos (67) v (35 ) The Underdogs

silent_hill15 v 6 welshie
punkpoet 13 v 7 kopiteking01
marksmith v xxx
cuester v matthew95_8
mat_123 18 v 2 hardy202
mfc_ss 13 v 8 ronald_faja
nick79theman v james007
jack_86 8 v 12 the_9_ball

format 4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
bonus points for run out or gb
2 bonus points for winning a game type EG 3-1 in 8buk
1 bonus point each for drawing a game type
and 1 bonus pount for completion

Good Luck Everyone - Deadline is Sunday 3rd
Posts: 19,819
12 years ago  [Link]  
FBL Fixture 2

Pocket Dynamos vs Uprising

my2cjms v chisisidovev
mat_123 v angry_bacon
fastboysam v derik_dalton
cuester v zantetsukenz
earthling v sharky89
jack_86 v emmajane
marksmith v bluenose1872
silent_hill v irish_ninja


Vipers vs Pocket Dynamos

winter64 v marksmith
the_saint v mfc_ss
blackcabman7 v nick79theman
9ballpro v mat_123
thegreatone7 v ang3l
girl_power7 v jack_86
emmajackson v punkpoet
fry06 v silent_hill

Format 6 racks of either 8b 9b 8buk or 3 racks of str8
Deadline 10th march
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Great result Mark!

We won a fixture?! *Phil looks on in shock* we deserved it.

Now to talk about my life, i can't win a tournament anymore
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Opponents messaged
Posts: 19,819
12 years ago  [Link]  
Great result Mark!

We won a fixture?! *Phil looks on in shock* we deserved it.

Now to talk about my life, i can't win a tournament anymore

Hey we beat elite forces as well LOL
Did surprise me this morning though haha.
Phil you can win any tourny you want :D
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Great result Mark!

We won a fixture?! *Phil looks on in shock* we deserved it.

Now to talk about my life, i can't win a tournament anymore

Hey we beat elite forces as well LOL
Did surprise me this morning though haha.
Phil you can win any tourny you want :D

Did we really?

I could swear only a month ago huts was begging me to join his clan and said i should be in a better clan winning things, goes to show there clan isn't up to scratch

I can't Zac
Posts: 4,971
12 years ago  [Link]  
Great result Mark!

We won a fixture?! *Phil looks on in shock* we deserved it.

Now to talk about my life, i can't win a tournament anymore

Hey we beat elite forces as well LOL
Did surprise me this morning though haha.
Phil you can win any tourny you want :D

Did we really?

I could swear only a month ago huts was begging me to join his clan and said i should be in a better clan winning things, goes to show there clan isn't up to scratch

I can't Zac

We are up to scratch thanks.. this is 1 of about 4 we will have against you, and really it was a draw, you only won by default which is down to opinions of runners. Also this is TCL.. which is the least liked league by many, there is FCL,FBL to come yet, which you will see a difference in.. the proper 2 leagues of all time is where the focus is. Also we dident have our best top side out against you.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Great result Mark!

We won a fixture?! *Phil looks on in shock* we deserved it.

Now to talk about my life, i can't win a tournament anymore

Hey we beat elite forces as well LOL
Did surprise me this morning though haha.
Phil you can win any tourny you want :D

Did we really?

I could swear only a month ago huts was begging me to join his clan and said i should be in a better clan winning things, goes to show there clan isn't up to scratch

I can't Zac

We are up to scratch thanks.. this is 1 of about 4 we will have against you, and really it was a draw, you only won by default which is down to opinions of runners. Also this is TCL.. which is the least liked league by many, there is FCL,FBL to come yet, which you will see a difference in.. the proper 2 leagues of all time is where the focus is. Also we dident have our best top side out against you.

Okay, okay Harry

As the kids these days say, Bring it on
Posts: 8,315
12 years ago  [Link]  
Morning All ... Well done mark ..
Posts: 19,819
12 years ago  [Link]  
Lol owwwwww haha think we annoyed the elites.
Oh well
We also beat the reliable ones lol
Both your'e opponents look like regulars Phil
Posts: 8,315
12 years ago  [Link]  
Why is this game coming to light again harry? was done and dusted , we dont need it to be on thread again! .. Thank you.
Posts: 19,819
12 years ago  [Link]  
Get him ang3l !!!
You seem to have Beth, should be a fun match
Posts: 8,315
12 years ago  [Link]  
TCL fixture3
Unbeatables (77) vs (81) Pocket Dynamo's

mr_pink_eyes 9 vs 11 silent_hill
serious_game 3 vs 17 marksmith
ritcho 12 vs 8 mat_123
katiex21/ lethal_ playa 3 vs 15 earthling
turtle1560 17v 3 jack_86
blackhorse 12 vs 8 punkpoet
9ballsniper_14 vs 6 fastboysam
doubler 7 vs 13 cuester

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Pocket Dynamos - (Formerly Known As Mouseketeers)

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