Pocket Dynamos - (Formerly Known As Mouseketeers)
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13:54 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
Hi mike , thats why i asked chips n gravy on there forum , mich said he will contact him on snooker today let him know he has a game to play...
13:55 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
Yeah he's active, was online this morning!
Hasent been on pool .. But has been on snooker emma.
Think hes a snooker player, so they just ask him to come on here if they need him
I think!
I think!
Yeah he's active, was online this morning!
Hasent been on pool .. But has been on snooker emma.
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13:55 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
im offline now, till later this eve.. ill wait and see whats happenin..
13:57 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
Okay mike ,thanks for letting us know just leave message if she doesnt return to finish game .. oh just read the spoiler hmm.
Edited at 12:02 Thu 21/02/13 (GMT)
Edited at 13:07 Thu 21/02/13 (GMT)
Unbeatables vs Pocket Dynamo's
katiex21 vs earthling
US 8Ball 1-3 (1-5)
US 9Ball 0-4 (0-6)
UK 8Ball
She was soo unlucky.. and pretty fed up i think..
played way beyond her abillities..
she comes back i hope, and we finnish then
katiex21 vs earthling
US 8Ball 1-3 (1-5)
US 9Ball 0-4 (0-6)
UK 8Ball
She was soo unlucky.. and pretty fed up i think..
played way beyond her abillities..
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about a minute ago
Member Since: Wed 28/11/12
Forum Posts: 12
User type: Deactivated
about a minute ago
Member Since: Wed 28/11/12
Forum Posts: 12
User type: Deactivated
she comes back i hope, and we finnish then
Okay mike ,thanks for letting us know just leave message if she doesnt return to finish game .. oh just read the spoiler hmm.
Edited at 12:02 Thu 21/02/13 (GMT)
Edited at 13:07 Thu 21/02/13 (GMT)
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14:01 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
Okay mike ,thanks for letting us know just leave her a message if she doesnt return to finish game ..
have you ever left a message to a deactivated player?
Okay mike ,thanks for letting us know just leave her a message if she doesnt return to finish game ..
have you ever left a message to a deactivated player?
14:03 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
hehe just seen the spoiler bit .. I am sorry
Edited at 12:09 Thu 21/02/13 (GMT)
Edited at 12:09 Thu 21/02/13 (GMT)
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14:10 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
any rules which apply, in case she doesnt turn up in time?
14:17 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
Keep all messages you have before and when game ended . you have posted then send them to zac ..
14:53 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
FBL fixture 1
Chips N Gravy 21 vs 15 Pocket Dynamos
8ball us sarny_lad 5 v 1 mat_123
8ball us ukspinshot 4 v 2 cuester
9ball red4eva 1 v 5 silent_hill
9ball mich 4 v 2 fastboysam
8buk andyw1 4 v 2 jack_86
8buk foxy147 3 v 3 ang3l
straight hippesville v marksmith
straight _nerdzz_ v earthling
6 racks of 8ball, 9ball or 8buk, or 3 racks of straight
deadline 24th feb
Edited at 16:09 Wed 20/02/13 (GMT)
Chips N Gravy 21 vs 15 Pocket Dynamos
8ball us sarny_lad 5 v 1 mat_123
8ball us ukspinshot 4 v 2 cuester
9ball red4eva 1 v 5 silent_hill
9ball mich 4 v 2 fastboysam
8buk andyw1 4 v 2 jack_86
8buk foxy147 3 v 3 ang3l
straight hippesville v marksmith
straight _nerdzz_ v earthling
6 racks of 8ball, 9ball or 8buk, or 3 racks of straight
deadline 24th feb
Edited at 16:09 Wed 20/02/13 (GMT)
14:54 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
TCL Fixture3
Pocket Dynamos (54) v (28 ) The Underdogs
silent_hill15 v 6 welshie
punkpoet v kopiteking01
marksmith v xxx
cuester v matthew95_8
mat_123 18 v 2 hardy202
mfc_ss 13 v 8 ronald_faja
nick79theman v redalert124
jack_86 8 v 12 the_9_ball
Unbeatables (71) vs (49) Pocket Dynamo's
mr_pink_eyes 9 vs 11 silent_hill
serious_game vs marksmith
ritcho 12 vs 8 mat_123
katiex21 vs earthling
turtle1560 17v 3 jack_86
blackhorse 12 vs 8 punkpoet
9ballsniper_14 vs 6 fastboysam
doubler 7 vs 13 cuester
format 4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
bonus points for run out or gb
2 bonus points for winning a game type EG 3-1 in 8buk
1 bonus point each for drawing a game type
and 1 bonus pount for completion
Good Luck Everyone - Deadline is Sunday 3rd
Edited at 23:20 Tue 19/02/13 (GMT)
Pocket Dynamos (54) v (28 ) The Underdogs
silent_hill15 v 6 welshie
punkpoet v kopiteking01
marksmith v xxx
cuester v matthew95_8
mat_123 18 v 2 hardy202
mfc_ss 13 v 8 ronald_faja
nick79theman v redalert124
jack_86 8 v 12 the_9_ball
Unbeatables (71) vs (49) Pocket Dynamo's
mr_pink_eyes 9 vs 11 silent_hill
serious_game vs marksmith
ritcho 12 vs 8 mat_123
katiex21 vs earthling
turtle1560 17v 3 jack_86
blackhorse 12 vs 8 punkpoet
9ballsniper_14 vs 6 fastboysam
doubler 7 vs 13 cuester
format 4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
bonus points for run out or gb
2 bonus points for winning a game type EG 3-1 in 8buk
1 bonus point each for drawing a game type
and 1 bonus pount for completion
Good Luck Everyone - Deadline is Sunday 3rd
Edited at 23:20 Tue 19/02/13 (GMT)
14:55 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
FCL fixture 1
Snooker Squad 67 v 38 P. Dynamos
davey_1985 6 v 9 silent_hill
crazy_greg 5 v 10 marksmith
onevisit 10 v 5 mfc_ss
slatty 10 v 5 destroyer_16
the__tornado 13 v 2 jack_86
whocares8x8 10 v 5 fastboysam
thegame26 v earthling
r1p0m4n 13 v 2 mat_123
5 racks of 8ball 9ball and 8buk
deadline 24th feb
Snooker Squad 67 v 38 P. Dynamos
davey_1985 6 v 9 silent_hill
crazy_greg 5 v 10 marksmith
onevisit 10 v 5 mfc_ss
slatty 10 v 5 destroyer_16
the__tornado 13 v 2 jack_86
whocares8x8 10 v 5 fastboysam
thegame26 v earthling
r1p0m4n 13 v 2 mat_123
5 racks of 8ball 9ball and 8buk
deadline 24th feb
14:56 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
lol poor mike.
active on snooker is irrelevant. hopefully he can be coaxed on.
and hopefully katie comes back.
active on snooker is irrelevant. hopefully he can be coaxed on.
and hopefully katie comes back.
14:57 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
players championship
spin_doctor v chimou
2h0t2p0t 6 v 3 punkpoet
btk5003 v marksmith
kirk v rubber_duck
anoneeemouse v nick79theman
woowoo69 v mikeybboy
format 3 of each bonus point for event such as GB or run outs
Theese games have no bearing on the clan there an individual competition everyone automatically gets entered into. If you dont want to play either message your opponent telling them or post on the thread
deadline 3rd march
spin_doctor v chimou
2h0t2p0t 6 v 3 punkpoet
btk5003 v marksmith
kirk v rubber_duck
anoneeemouse v nick79theman
woowoo69 v mikeybboy
format 3 of each bonus point for event such as GB or run outs
Theese games have no bearing on the clan there an individual competition everyone automatically gets entered into. If you dont want to play either message your opponent telling them or post on the thread
deadline 3rd march
15:30 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
7.5 Substitutions in partially played games
Once a game is started between two players, either side may make a substitution in order to complete a game if the original players become unavailable. Any player substituted in may only score points from racks won. No bonus points for 'events', winning game types or completion will be awarded. Any player substituted out will not be eligible to take part in the following fixture set.
so if katie doesnt reappear they can sub in someone to play the last 4 games.
Once a game is started between two players, either side may make a substitution in order to complete a game if the original players become unavailable. Any player substituted in may only score points from racks won. No bonus points for 'events', winning game types or completion will be awarded. Any player substituted out will not be eligible to take part in the following fixture set.
so if katie doesnt reappear they can sub in someone to play the last 4 games.
16:23 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
haha just ranted on thread and reposted and dreading what i wrote . Oh well fed up with everything at the moment ,
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17:12 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
where am i?
players championship
spin_doctor v chimou
2h0t2p0t 6 v 3 punkpoet
btk5003 v marksmith
kirk v rubber_duck
anoneeemouse v nick79theman
woowoo69 v mikeybboy
format 3 of each bonus point for event such as GB or run outs
Theese games have no bearing on the clan there an individual competition everyone automatically gets entered into. If you dont want to play either message your opponent telling them or post on the thread
deadline 3rd march
spin_doctor v chimou
2h0t2p0t 6 v 3 punkpoet
btk5003 v marksmith
kirk v rubber_duck
anoneeemouse v nick79theman
woowoo69 v mikeybboy
format 3 of each bonus point for event such as GB or run outs
Theese games have no bearing on the clan there an individual competition everyone automatically gets entered into. If you dont want to play either message your opponent telling them or post on the thread
deadline 3rd march
where am i?
17:20 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
Make a note of your score earthling, i think they are subbing someone in to finish the game off so you will both need to play on from where you left off with katie
7.5 Substitutions in partially played games
Once a game is started between two players, either side may make a substitution in order to complete a game if the original players become unavailable. Any player substituted in may only score points from racks won. No bonus points for 'events', winning game types or completion will be awarded. Any player substituted out will not be eligible to take part in the following fixture set
7.5 Substitutions in partially played games
Once a game is started between two players, either side may make a substitution in order to complete a game if the original players become unavailable. Any player substituted in may only score points from racks won. No bonus points for 'events', winning game types or completion will be awarded. Any player substituted out will not be eligible to take part in the following fixture set
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17:26 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
Sub to finish the last 4 games of UK8 vs earthling.
lethal_playa subbing in to play the reamaining 4 frames of UK.
lethal_playa subbing in to play the reamaining 4 frames of UK.
17:47 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)
where am i?
need to ask zac about that one lol think it tcl that picked them..
players championship
spin_doctor v chimou
2h0t2p0t 6 v 3 punkpoet
btk5003 v marksmith
kirk v rubber_duck
anoneeemouse v nick79theman
woowoo69 v mikeybboy
format 3 of each bonus point for event such as GB or run outs
Theese games have no bearing on the clan there an individual competition everyone automatically gets entered into. If you dont want to play either message your opponent telling them or post on the thread
deadline 3rd march
spin_doctor v chimou
2h0t2p0t 6 v 3 punkpoet
btk5003 v marksmith
kirk v rubber_duck
anoneeemouse v nick79theman
woowoo69 v mikeybboy
format 3 of each bonus point for event such as GB or run outs
Theese games have no bearing on the clan there an individual competition everyone automatically gets entered into. If you dont want to play either message your opponent telling them or post on the thread
deadline 3rd march
where am i?
need to ask zac about that one lol think it tcl that picked them..
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Pocket Dynamos - (Formerly Known As Mouseketeers)
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