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Pocket Dynamos - (Formerly Known As Mouseketeers)

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22:00 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League - The League Cup

Round 1 games

Fighting Eagles v The Reliable Ones
Uprising v Pocket Dynamos
The Unbeatables v The Underdogs
Elite Force v The Vipers

Games are 8 a side therefore team lists required accordingly before Saturday night please.

All games are one single rack of each game type - 8US, 9US, 8UK, Straight, 9 Arcade & 8 Arcade - 6 racks in total. One point per rack won and no other bonus points.
Posts: 3,846
22:19 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hello im sorry to trouble you, but i sometimes have a problem sending messages and ive got it again now (summet to do with brackets), anyhow i weree supposed to play playa87 at 6 and i ant seen him , it is no prob whatsoever, we were due to plsy at 4 but our lass made me do housework,can u tell him ill be back on at 9 as im watching food inspectors, thanks
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:32 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League Fixture 1

Pocket Dynamos 37v 44 Uprising

mat_123 v emmajane
kirk 12 v 8 chisisidovev
samwisemac v walktall
silent_hill 13 v 8 bluenose1872
marksmith 4 v 16irish_ninja
chimou v scooby
punkpoet 8 v 12 zantetsukenz
playa87 v derik_dalton

Pocket Dynamos 41 v 19 The Reliable Ones

ang3l v the_shield
punkpoet 16 v 4 9ballsniper_
woowoo69 v bri1974
silent_hill 15 v 5 ian99
fastboysam10 v 10 mark82
mfc_ss v kathleen_b
nick79theman v pete_c
kirk v fabregas0414

Each game consists of exactly 4 frames of each game type

4 frames of 8 Ball US
4 frames of 9 Ball US
4 frames of 8 Ball UK

Each frame won by a player scores a point for their clan in the appropriate fixture. In addition one point is scored for each recorded 'event'. An 'event' is counted as a Golden Break or a Run Out.

Deadline Midnight 3rd feb
Posts: 19,819
22:53 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hello im sorry to trouble you, but i sometimes have a problem sending messages and ive got it again now (summet to do with brackets), anyhow i weree supposed to play playa87 at 6 and i ant seen him , it is no prob whatsoever, we were due to plsy at 4 but our lass made me do housework,can u tell him ill be back on at 9 as im watching food inspectors, thanks

Hey pal I only just seen this and its 10 to,
I will message him on the ps3
EDIT he will be online at 9.45

Edited at 21:02 Wed 23/01/13 (GMT)
Posts: 3,846
23:09 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hello im sorry to trouble you, but i sometimes have a problem sending messages and ive got it again now (summet to do with brackets), anyhow i weree supposed to play playa87 at 6 and i ant seen him , it is no prob whatsoever, we were due to plsy at 4 but our lass made me do housework,can u tell him ill be back on at 9 as im watching food inspectors, thanks

Hey pal I only just seen this and its 10 to,
I will message him on the ps3
EDIT he will be online at 9.45

Edited at 21:02 Wed 23/01/13 (GMT)

ok mate thanks
Posts: 3,846
00:22 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hello, is there any chance that someone can phone playa87s missis up and ask her if hes allowed to come on line and play me , as ive been waiting since 6 o clock, and ive missed corrie, punks messaged him and all he keeps saying is ten minutes, well if it carries on he can pay my leccy bill, twice ive put charger in now
Posts: 8,315
00:25 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi Derik sorry about this i will ask Zac to contact him again.
Posts: 3,846
00:26 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi Derik sorry about this i will ask Zac to contact him again.

hes here, leccy bill did it
Posts: 8,315
00:31 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lols .. Okay nps ..
Posts: 8,315
00:45 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL~ Friendly

The Sinners 51 v 39 Pocket Dynamos
anoneeemouse 12 vs 3 playa87
blueberry 5 vs 10 fastboysam
steventait88 12 vs 3 chimou
dixong vs samwisemac
its_me 7 vs 8 silent_hill
jame2010s 8 vs 7 mfc_ss
bradonforest vs woowoo69
mdj 7 vs 8 mat_123

5 games of 8us/9b/8uk, good luck all
deadline 27th jan
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:25 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
playa87 Vs derik_dalton

8us 0-6
9ball 3-3
8uk 1-5

point each for playing
i had run out in 9ball

overall 15-6 to derik_dalton

sorry guys he played very ggs mate!

on a good note for the clan i officially retire from clans not good enough anymore good luck all see you round!
Posts: 8,315
01:29 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks for playing playa , still 6 points..
Posts: 8,315
01:32 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League Fixture 1

Pocket Dynamos 43 v 59 Uprising

mat_123 v emmajane
kirk 12 v 8 chisisidovev
samwisemac v walktall
silent_hill 13 v 8 bluenose1872
marksmith 4 v 16irish_ninja
chimou v scooby
punkpoet 8 v 12 zantetsukenz
playa87 6 v 15 derik_dalton

Pocket Dynamos 51 v 29 The Reliable Ones

ang3l v the_shield
punkpoet 16 v 4 9ballsniper_
woowoo69 v bri1974
silent_hill 15 v 5 ian99
fastboysam10 v 10 mark82
mfc_ss 10 v 10 kathleen_b
nick79theman v pete_c
kirk v fabregas0414

Each game consists of exactly 4 frames of each game type

4 frames of 8 Ball US
4 frames of 9 Ball US
4 frames of 8 Ball UK

Each frame won by a player scores a point for their clan in the appropriate fixture. In addition one point is scored for each recorded 'event'. An 'event' is counted as a Golden Break or a Run Out.

Deadline Midnight 3rd feb

Edited at 00:28 Thu 24/01/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:01 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
mfc_ss v kathleen b
8 us 2-2
9 ball 3-1 kathleen
8 uk 3-1 mfc ss
overall 10 - 10
ggs wp gl wi season, but not as much as you had in 9 us
Posts: 22,512
02:02 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Announcement

Thank you to all who have sent in their team list so i can keep them up to date. As many of you know there is a two month old account age needed to play in the FCL which also includes the Pre Season games.

I suggest that captains please take a look at the link i provide below to see if any of their players are not going to be eligible, if your player has a date in the colour red that means they will not be eligible until the date said.

TRANSFER WINDOW IS NOW CLOSED FOR FCL & FBL. (Free agents can be signed at anytime though)
Posts: 8,315
02:27 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done davie ...Thanks for playing
Posts: 19,819
02:42 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks davie and craig for playing. Sorry you felt the need to retire craig (playa)
Posts: 22,512
03:06 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Announcement

Can all captains please send a team list for both Pre Season games to bluenose1872. Deadline to give me your list is to be no later than midnight on Saturday the 26th!

You may change your list at any point during the deadline given, if a team fails to provide a list then there team will be chosen at random.

You can find who you are playing on the link posted below.

Thank you.
Posts: 19,819
13:05 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Morning! will do the above later lol
Posts: 1,714
19:16 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey guys. From the 1st of febuary im gonna be taking a break from pool and from then on im barely gonna be on so much. Just letting you know incase you wanna get me replaced before or for then. Im still gonna be around till the 1st though so il finish all my fixtures.
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Pocket Dynamos - (Formerly Known As Mouseketeers)

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