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Chips n Gravy II - We put the BAN into banter

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14:05 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Chips N Gravy 0v0 Elite Force

mich v huts24
andyw1 v lost
hippesville v 2awesome2win
badger2 v snooks
rapid_pot v krazyash_07
sarny_lad v deitch
kirk v bazzacu
ipotalot v baghera

P. Dynamos (6) v (9) Chips N Gravy

punkpoet (6) v (9) foxy147
cool_dudie v liam__scfc
mat_123 v poolbiird
ang3l v madmiketyson
earthling v red4eva
woowoo69 v im_bad
nick79theman v greyhound
destroyer_16 v _nerdzz_
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14:05 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League Fixture 1

Chips n' Gravy (61) v (41) Uprising

mich (9) v (12) derik_dalton
foxy147 (14) v (7) irish_ninja
hippesville (14) v (6) erigert
rapid_pot v zantetsukenz
_nerdzz_ (12) v (8) chisisidovev
ipotalot v slimeball
greyhound v psychosis
andyw1 (12) v (8) spin_doctor

Chips n' Gravy (67) v (34) The Vipers

liam__scfc (10) v (10) thegreatone7
poolbiird (18) v (2) fast_one11
rapid_pot v blackcabman7
foxy147 v micky
red4eva (12) v (8) philyates
greyhound v killerblue
andyw1 (15) v (6) 2pac_rulez
badger2 (12) v (8) lfc12


Each game consists of exactly 4 frames of each game type

4 frames of 8 Ball US
4 frames of 9 Ball US
4 frames of 8 Ball UK

Each frame won by a player scores a point for their clan in the appropriate fixture. In addition one point is scored for each recorded 'event'. An 'event' is counted as a Golden Break.

4.2 Bonus points
Each player that wins an individual game type within their match earns two Bonus points for their clan. In the event of a drawn game type each player earns one Bonus point for their clan.

Deadline midnight 3rd Feb.

Best of luck guys, let's get 'em played and won...Message all opponents please
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14:06 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Chips N Gravy vs The Professionals

ipotalot v cphaynes
badger2 v beenjammin
greyhound v ginomanx3
red4eva v i_am_blessed
andyw1 v crazzymadman
poolbiird v the_only_ego
sarny_lad v dvz
_nerdzz_ v cue_ball

Chips N Gravy 5 vs 1 Underdogs

foxy147 v hardy202
greyhound v jacko
sarny_lad 5 v 1 ronald_faja
_nerdzz_ v matthew95_8
andyw1 v james007
ipotalot v kopiteking01
hippesville v btk5003
rapid_pot v welshie
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:06 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Chips N Gravy vs The Professionals

ipotalot v cphaynes
badger2 v beenjammin
greyhound v ginomanx3
red4eva v i_am_blessed
andyw1 v crazzymadman
poolbiird v the_only_ego
sarny_lad v dvz
_nerdzz_ v cue_ball

Chips N Gravy (5) vs (1) Underdogs

foxy147 v hardy202
greyhound v jacko
sarny_lad (5) v (1) ronald_faja
_nerdzz_ v matthew95_8
andyw1 v james007
ipotalot v kopiteking01
hippesville v btk5003
rapid_pot v welshie
Deleted User
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14:07 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I had it covered Michy baby
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14:08 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah you done 2 in the time I done 1 lmao super fast!
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14:49 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
cool_dudie v liam__scfc
mat_123 v poolbiird

is now

cool_dudie vs poolbiird
mat_123 vs liam__scfc


Liam had something come up nd had to shoot.

Edited at 13:02 Sun 27/01/13 (GMT)
Posts: 19,819
18:11 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
fcl friendlies
woo vs im_bad
im_bad offline 16 days can we have a sub :)
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18:33 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
pretty annoyed by the scoreline had shocking luck

overall 9-6 loss to earthling
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18:35 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
ul m8.. ggs , in UK u had realy heavy bad luck..
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18:41 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
yep relief it was a friendly after that gl with the season.....
things where looking much worse when liverpool where 1 down aswell but can always count on suarez cant ya jim i know ya cant reply
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19:18 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
for foxy147

FBL Preseason

underdogs vs chips n gravy

hardy202 vs foxy147

8ball us 0-6

sorry guys

he was on fire, got a run out and 7 balling all of them by flukes and luck lol
well done mate keep the nice work up
Posts: 19,262
19:34 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey guys, any idea when rapid_pot is gunna be on
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19:37 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey guys, any idea when rapid_pot is gunna be on

He is mainly on snooker pal adam_147

Try messaging him over there I know it's not related to this site.
Posts: 1,142
19:40 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey guys, any idea when rapid_pot is gunna be on

I've been online for about the last hour. Why not ask me???
Posts: 19,262
19:42 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i should probably look before i post lol :S
Posts: 1,142
19:45 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Matty clearly hadn't looked either .
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20:02 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
blackcabman vs rapid_pot


staffie_man vs rapid_pot
Deleted User
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20:06 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Welcome to J3MFTV and today your commentator is mich.

I bring you here today for live coverage of foxy147 vs cleensheet, 8 us up first.

Frame 1

Well I would bring you action from game one but it appears I am having difficulty viewing at this minute in time so I shall pick it up form Frame two.

Frame 1 finished 1-0 to the cunning fox.
Posts: 19,262
20:09 Sun 27 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
micky out
cleensheet in

now cleen v foxy147
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Chips n Gravy II - We put the BAN into banter

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