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Chips n Gravy II - We put the BAN into banter

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Deleted User
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03:55 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
How is it? Half our games are played with over a week and a half to go and we're in a very commanding position in both games.
Deleted User
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03:56 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
why u getting defensive!!
Deleted User
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04:01 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Because I can't runout
Posts: 1,714
04:02 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Got be the worst games ive played in a while, yet also my best haha.

I will get some practice 1 day, least i didnt lose though mich. Yes thats aimed at you

mich played dalton, a tactician, u drew with someone who has an imaginery girlfriend

Lmfao thats ace
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:04 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah that post really made my night lol
Deleted User
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04:18 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just so I don't run around like a headless chicken, I'm putting Mich in charge of all hiring and firing of players. I'm also giving him full responsibility of team sheets. We both, along with Liam, make subs and swaps. I shall be the one to message all opponents regarding matches, whether you need me to help arrange them or just help to get opponents to reply to you. I'm here for everything, but I want Mich to handle the team sheets as I know he will be best at it.


1. Banana
2. liam__scfc
3. mich
4. sarny_lad
5. badger2
6. andyw1
7. poolbiird
8. greyhound
9. rapid_pot
10. _nerdzz_
11. mooney
12. red4eva
13. kirk
14. hippesville
15. ipotalot
16. im_bad


1. foxy
2. liam__scfc
3. mich
4. sarny_lad
5. badger2
6. andyw1
7. poolbiird
8. greyhound
9. rapid_pot
10. _nerdzz_
11. mooney
12. red4eva
13. im_bad
14. hippesville
15. ipotalot
16. Banana


1. foxy
2. liam__scfc
3. mich
4. ipotalot
5. badger2
6. andyw1
7. poolbiird
8. greyhound
9. rapid_pot
10. _nerdzz_
11. mooney
12. red4eva
13. im_bad
14. hippesville
15. Available
16. Available
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:18 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
As a very temporary measure (which is explained on team changes thread),ive taken myself out of the FCL list and replaced it with banana. Banana has NOT confirmed to play for us but we, along with 3 others have requested his signature. Problem being, as he is away we might miss the transfer deadline so I feel it better to take precautions.
Posts: 11,063
04:22 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
You can thank me later for leading the way!
Deleted User
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04:23 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol I could, but I'd be admitting to being a liability remember?
Deleted User
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08:20 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done on the win nerdz and decent points against Steve Davis Mich
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:13 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks Lee
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:17 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League Fixture 1

Chips n' Gravy (49) v (33) Uprising

mich (9) v (12) derik_dalton
foxy147 (14) v (7) irish_ninja
hippesville (14) v (6) erigert
rapid_pot v zantetsukenz
_nerdzz_ (12) v (8) chisisidovev
ipotalot v slimeball
greyhound v psychosis
andyw1 v spin_doctor

Chips n' Gravy (55) v (26) The Vipers

liam__scfc (10) v (10) thegreatone7
poolbiird (18) v (2) fast_one11
rapid_pot v blackcabman7
mooney v micky
red4eva (12) v (8) philyates
greyhound v killerblue
andyw1 (15) v (6) 2pac_rulez
badger2 v lfc12


Each game consists of exactly 4 frames of each game type

4 frames of 8 Ball US
4 frames of 9 Ball US
4 frames of 8 Ball UK

Each frame won by a player scores a point for their clan in the appropriate fixture. In addition one point is scored for each recorded 'event'. An 'event' is counted as a Golden Break.

4.2 Bonus points
Each player that wins an individual game type within their match earns two Bonus points for their clan. In the event of a drawn game type each player earns one Bonus point for their clan.

Deadline midnight 3rd Feb.

Best of luck guys, let's get 'em played and won...Message all opponents please
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:28 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Guess who had 5 pints from 10-30 till now...

That's right me

big delivery my backside,took me 2 hours to do and bang! play pool and have a few pints till head barman comes in

Happy days!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:29 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
You got some work now man?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:31 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lmao Jim you must be the last one i never told lol.

I do a part time bar work the last 6-7 weeks lol i open up in mornings for deliverys of kegs and stock...

my bad not telling you man lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:32 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
LOL nice one man, wish I could swap lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:33 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wish i was full be a raging alcoholic!

Wait im heading in that direction anyway lmao
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:35 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok iv said hello and checked me Soccer manager and all that bull..

Off for lunch and shower and stuff....

Behave see yas in an hour or 2

Edited at 16:06 Wed 23/01/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:36 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Should edit that post in theory lol
Posts: 1,714
17:55 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
its_me (0) loses to kirk (1) with 5 balls remaining
RANKINGS: kirk 843.3 (+2.9), its_me 830.4 (-2.9)

sob sob
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Chips n Gravy II - We put the BAN into banter

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