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21:30 Sun 17 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League - Fixture Set 5

These are the matches for Fixture Set 5 which can be found here ...

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK 31/3/13

Deleted User
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04:08 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
the_9_ball v kathleen_b

8us 3 (2) v (2) 3
9us 5 (3) v (1) 1
8uk 6 (4) v (0) 0
completion 1 v 1

the_9_ball (15) v (5) kathleen_b

started dreadfully, but picked it up as the games progressed, rattled the 8 to lose the 9 ball frame, played some terrible shots in 8us but maybe shouldnt have had such an easy time in 8uk with some nasty in-offs for kathleen i ended up having carrys on the black 3 of 4 frames. Ggs, lovely person, bad internet
Deleted User
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04:17 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL Fixture 5

The Underdogs v The Reliable Ones
the_9_ball v kathleen_b

8 ball us the_9_ball 2 v 2 kathleen_b
9 ball the_9_ball 3 v 1 kathleen_b
8 ball uk the_9_ball 4 v 0 kathleen_b

No run-outs or GB's
Posts: 19,262
16:31 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I know its early but bri1974 off 10 days, any idea when he'll be back?
Posts: 7,940
20:09 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL Fixture set 5

The Vipers 0 - 0 The Reliable Ones

pot9ball v wisky007
fry06 v bri1974
the_saint v ab_rfc
therev v tartanrox
junster333 v truered
blackcabman7 v anoneeemouse
lfc12 v pete_c
emmajackson v 2pac_rulez


The Underdogs 15 - 5 The Reliable Ones

the_9ball 15 - 5 kathleen_b
kopiteking01 v jigsaw
hardy202 v ab_rfc
ronald_faja v anoneeemouse
gemma22 v truered
xxx v kippaxkid
welshie v ian99
mardu0o v stiksnstones

Please message your opponent ASAP and arrange a time to play.

Deadline - Sunday 31st March
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:12 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
19:53 Mon 18/03/13 Won the 9 Ball Tournament, winning 420 TournaPoints!
My fifth one
Dedicated to the clan :)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:20 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I know its early but bri1974 off 10 days, any idea when he'll be back?
bri is usually gets his games played , im sure he will be on in plenty of time

19:53 Mon 18/03/13 Won the 9 Ball Tournament, winning 420 TournaPoints!
My fifth one
Dedicated to the clan :)

well done 2pac
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:30 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 7,974
23:40 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
id just like to thank all of you, for a good match in TCL

some v good games,

but more to the point, people knocked this team, when it began and got alot of stick, well done to you all for sticking with it and making this a clan that still knows how to have fun you people play the game the way its ment to be played
competitive and a bit of good old banter,

from all Sinners
good luck to you all for the rest of your ongoing season

Deleted User
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18:42 Tue 19 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
emmajackson vs 2pac_rulez
ul emma, we both had our ups and downs but overall they were fair games gg :)
Deleted User
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21:11 Tue 19 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Think thats 12-8 to me?
Posts: 7,940
21:43 Tue 19 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL Fixture set 5

The Vipers 8 - 12 The Reliable Ones

emmajackson 8 - 12 2pac_rulez
pot9ball v wisky007
fry06 v bri1974
the_saint v ab_rfc
therev v tartanrox
junster333 v truered
blackcabman7 v anoneeemouse
lfc12 v pete_c


The Underdogs 15 - 5 The Reliable Ones

the_9ball 15 - 5 kathleen_b
kopiteking01 v jigsaw
hardy202 v ab_rfc
ronald_faja v anoneeemouse
gemma22 v truered
xxx v kippaxkid
welshie v ian99
mardu0o v stiksnstones

Please message your opponent ASAP and arrange a time to play.

Deadline - Sunday 31st March
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:01 Wed 20 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
ive sent kopiteking01 a message to see when he can get on to play
Posts: 7,940
00:09 Wed 20 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good man
Deleted User
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00:16 Wed 20 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
hello guys and gals,, im supposed to be playing pete_c I know its early but hes been off 13 days now just wandering thanx
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:52 Wed 20 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks for the kind comments craig , good luck to sinners for the rest of the season in TCL

Well done 2pac

Thanks for letting us know jiggy ,

lfc12 can you message me what sort of times you are on , and i will try and sort out an opponent that is on the same sort of times

Hope everyone is tickety boo
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:12 Wed 20 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:15 Wed 20 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
ronald_faja 10 v 10 anoneeemouse

8us 2-2
9b 1-3
8uk 3-1

ggs , ronald played v well
Posts: 7,940
23:22 Wed 20 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL Fixture set 5

The Vipers 8 - 12 The Reliable Ones

emmajackson 8 - 12 2pac_rulez
pot9ball v wisky007
fry06 v bri1974
the_saint v ab_rfc
therev v tartanrox
junster333 v truered
blackcabman7 v anoneeemouse
lfc12 v pete_c


The Underdogs 25 - 15 The Reliable Ones

the_9ball 15 - 5 kathleen_b
ronald_faja 10 - 10 anoneeemouse
kopiteking01 v jigsaw
hardy202 v ab_rfc
gemma22 v truered
xxx v kippaxkid
welshie v ian99
mardu0o v stiksnstones

Please message your opponent ASAP and arrange a time to play.

Deadline - Sunday 31st March
Posts: 5,821
03:58 Thu 21 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
blackcabman7 vs anoneeemouse

8 ball ------------(3)--------(1) to anoneeemouse
9 ball------------ (2)--------(2) draw
8balluk--------- (2)--------(2) draw

over all 7 ---- 5 to anoneeemouse

alway pleasure playing sarah great player score should have been diffrent on her part she miss a few easy puts and let me in

Edited at 02:01 Thu 21/03/13 (GMT)
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T.R.O. ~ The Reliable Ones

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