T.R.O. ~ The Reliable Ones
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11:55 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)
cool_dudie v ian99
is now
silent_hill v ian99
due to my own 7 day offline rule :)
is now
silent_hill v ian99
due to my own 7 day offline rule :)
11:57 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)
good rule that mate
cool_dudie v ian99
is now
silent_hill v ian99
due to my own 7 day offline rule :)
is now
silent_hill v ian99
due to my own 7 day offline rule :)
good rule that mate
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11:59 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)
Yeah same here..well we have to be out by thursday. Not sure i will be on at all in next 3 days. More likely i will be.
well to be fair all your players have been active so they should be either arrangeing games / time or playing them .
the only player i feel that needs a sub for is remarkaball , as hes moving house or something and hasnt arrange anything with krazyash . ty
the only player i feel that needs a sub for is remarkaball , as hes moving house or something and hasnt arrange anything with krazyash . ty
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12:01 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)
good rule that mateYeah, mine is 10, but that was last season..changed it to 7, as i subbed out golden shot.
Didn't know he was 8 days off! lol
cool_dudie v ian99
is now
silent_hill v ian99
due to my own 7 day offline rule :)
is now
silent_hill v ian99
due to my own 7 day offline rule :)
good rule that mate
Didn't know he was 8 days off! lol
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12:06 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)
The Clan League Fixture 1
The Reliable Ones (4) v (16) Pocket Dynamos
the_shield v ang3l
9ballsniper_ (4) v (16) punkpoet
truered v woowoo69
ian99 v silent_hill
mark82 v fastboysam
kathleen_b v mfc_ss
9ballsniper_ v nick79theman
fabregas0414 v kirk
The Reliable Ones 10 v 10 Elite Force
9ballsniper_ 10 v 10 krazyash_07
pete_c v baghera
kathleen_b v deitch
stiksnstones v buzzboxxuk
jig_saw v bazzacu
bri1974 v 2h0t2p0t
mark82 v sean9
vippooler v solskjaer20
Each game consists of exactly 4 frames of each game type
4 frames of 8 Ball US
4 frames of 9 Ball US
4 frames of 8 Ball UK
Each frame won by a player scores a point for their clan in the appropriate fixture. In addition one point is scored for each recorded 'event'. An 'event' is counted as a Go.
Edited at 13:33 Tue 22/01/13 (GMT)
The Reliable Ones (4) v (16) Pocket Dynamos
the_shield v ang3l
9ballsniper_ (4) v (16) punkpoet
truered v woowoo69
ian99 v silent_hill
mark82 v fastboysam
kathleen_b v mfc_ss
9ballsniper_ v nick79theman
fabregas0414 v kirk
The Reliable Ones 10 v 10 Elite Force
9ballsniper_ 10 v 10 krazyash_07
pete_c v baghera
kathleen_b v deitch
stiksnstones v buzzboxxuk
jig_saw v bazzacu
bri1974 v 2h0t2p0t
mark82 v sean9
vippooler v solskjaer20
Each game consists of exactly 4 frames of each game type
4 frames of 8 Ball US
4 frames of 9 Ball US
4 frames of 8 Ball UK
Each frame won by a player scores a point for their clan in the appropriate fixture. In addition one point is scored for each recorded 'event'. An 'event' is counted as a Go.
Edited at 13:33 Tue 22/01/13 (GMT)
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12:07 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)
Yes, it's me! U got a sub for ASH? i know he is active..but if i can play now that would be perfect. I may not be able to play in a few days.
cool so can i have a sub for remarkaball ty
12:07 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)
remarkaball v krazyash_07
is now :
9ballsniper_ v krazyash_07
is now :
9ballsniper_ v krazyash_07
12:09 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)
Yes, it's me! U got a sub for ASH? i know he is active..but if i can play now that would be perfect. I may not be able to play in a few days.
he will defently be on soon mate , will message him now for you ty
cool so can i have a sub for remarkaball ty
he will defently be on soon mate , will message him now for you ty
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12:13 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)
Yes, it's me! U got a sub for ASH? i know he is active..but if i can play now that would be perfect. I may not be able to play in a few days.
he will defently be on soon mate , will message him now for you tyO_o...yeah do my job as an opponent please. I can't do it myself.
cool so can i have a sub for remarkaball ty
he will defently be on soon mate , will message him now for you ty
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14:46 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)
Team List
1.the_shield (Captain for TCL) 9ball and straight
2.9ballsniper_(Captain for FCL and FBL) 9 ball prefered
3.stiksnstones 8 ball us and 8 ball uk
6.kathleen_b 8ball us and 9 ball
7.relisys 9ball mainly, anything else
8.truered 9ball mainly,then straight
9.pete_c 8 ball and straight
10.bri1974 8us 8uk then 9 ball
11.ian99 8 ball us, then 8 uk
12.mark82 9us and 8us
13.fabregas0414 all 3
14.wisky007 just added
1.the_shield (Captain for TCL) 9ball and straight
2.9ballsniper_(Captain for FCL and FBL) 9 ball prefered
3.stiksnstones 8 ball us and 8 ball uk
6.kathleen_b 8ball us and 9 ball
7.relisys 9ball mainly, anything else
8.truered 9ball mainly,then straight
9.pete_c 8 ball and straight
10.bri1974 8us 8uk then 9 ball
11.ian99 8 ball us, then 8 uk
12.mark82 9us and 8us
13.fabregas0414 all 3
14.wisky007 just added
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15:34 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)
The Clan League Fixture 1
The Reliable Ones (4) v (16) Pocket Dynamos
the_shield v ang3l
9ballsniper_ (4) v (16) punkpoet
bri1974 v woowoo69
ian99 v silent_hill
mark82 v fastboysam
kathleen_b v mfc_ss
pete_c v nick79theman
fabregas0414 v kirk
The Reliable Ones 10 v 10 Elite Force
9ballsniper_ 10 v 10 krazyash_07
pete_c v baghera
kathleen_b v deitch
stiksnstones v buzzboxxuk
jig_saw v bazzacu
bri1974 v 2h0t2p0t
mark82 v sean9
vippooler v solskjaer20
Each game consists of exactly 4 frames of each game type
4 frames of 8 Ball US
4 frames of 9 Ball US
4 frames of 8 Ball UK
Each frame won by a player scores a point for their clan in the appropriate fixture. In addition one point is scored for each recorded 'event'. An 'event' is counted as a Go.
Edited at 13:39 Tue 22/01/13 (GMT)
The Reliable Ones (4) v (16) Pocket Dynamos
the_shield v ang3l
9ballsniper_ (4) v (16) punkpoet
bri1974 v woowoo69
ian99 v silent_hill
mark82 v fastboysam
kathleen_b v mfc_ss
pete_c v nick79theman
fabregas0414 v kirk
The Reliable Ones 10 v 10 Elite Force
9ballsniper_ 10 v 10 krazyash_07
pete_c v baghera
kathleen_b v deitch
stiksnstones v buzzboxxuk
jig_saw v bazzacu
bri1974 v 2h0t2p0t
mark82 v sean9
vippooler v solskjaer20
Each game consists of exactly 4 frames of each game type
4 frames of 8 Ball US
4 frames of 9 Ball US
4 frames of 8 Ball UK
Each frame won by a player scores a point for their clan in the appropriate fixture. In addition one point is scored for each recorded 'event'. An 'event' is counted as a Go.
Edited at 13:39 Tue 22/01/13 (GMT)
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19:45 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)
Hi there T.R.O's i have tried to message kathleen_b for our game but she does not accept private messages can you please advise her i am on and ready to play? thanks in advance
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20:33 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)
im down to play bazzacu whos been offline now for 3days il give them 4 more days before il ask for a sub is this ok???
02:29 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)
FCL & FBL Announcement
The tranfers window will be closing in 23 hours and 30 minutes for both leagues. After that time has gone no player may move to another clan. To save time can all captains please post there teamsheets on the team changes threads for those leagues, and await further instructions. Any transfer made after that time will be consider void so please don not post until you are sure on your team.
Thank you.
The tranfers window will be closing in 23 hours and 30 minutes for both leagues. After that time has gone no player may move to another clan. To save time can all captains please post there teamsheets on the team changes threads for those leagues, and await further instructions. Any transfer made after that time will be consider void so please don not post until you are sure on your team.
Thank you.
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04:55 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)
That is fine Jiggy
im down to play bazzacu whos been offline now for 3days il give them 4 more days before il ask for a sub is this ok???
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05:02 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)
The Clan League Fixture 1
The Reliable Ones (7) v (25) Pocket Dynamos
the_shield v ang3l
9ballsniper_ (4) v (16) punkpoet
bri1974 v woowoo69
ian99 (3) v (9) silent_hill
mark82 v fastboysam
kathleen_b v mfc_ss
pete_c v nick79theman
fabregas0414 v kirk
The Reliable Ones 10 v 10 Elite Force
9ballsniper_ 10 v 10 krazyash_07
pete_c v baghera
kathleen_b v deitch
stiksnstones v buzzboxxuk
jig_saw v bazzacu
bri1974 v 2h0t2p0t
mark82 v sean9
vippooler v solskjaer20
Each game consists of exactly 4 frames of each game type
4 frames of 8 Ball US
4 frames of 9 Ball US
4 frames of 8 Ball UK
Each frame won by a player scores a point for their clan in the appropriate fixture. In addition one point is scored for each recorded 'event'. An 'event' is counted as a Go.
The Reliable Ones (7) v (25) Pocket Dynamos
the_shield v ang3l
9ballsniper_ (4) v (16) punkpoet
bri1974 v woowoo69
ian99 (3) v (9) silent_hill
mark82 v fastboysam
kathleen_b v mfc_ss
pete_c v nick79theman
fabregas0414 v kirk
The Reliable Ones 10 v 10 Elite Force
9ballsniper_ 10 v 10 krazyash_07
pete_c v baghera
kathleen_b v deitch
stiksnstones v buzzboxxuk
jig_saw v bazzacu
bri1974 v 2h0t2p0t
mark82 v sean9
vippooler v solskjaer20
Each game consists of exactly 4 frames of each game type
4 frames of 8 Ball US
4 frames of 9 Ball US
4 frames of 8 Ball UK
Each frame won by a player scores a point for their clan in the appropriate fixture. In addition one point is scored for each recorded 'event'. An 'event' is counted as a Go.
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T.R.O. ~ The Reliable Ones
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