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Uprising III - We're getting old

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Posts: 2,182
11:15 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I am proper dying! I drank like a champion last night, and now I am not even sure I can last the day! Pray for me!
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11:28 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I am proper dying! I drank like a champion last night, and now I am not even sure I can last the day! Pray for me!

-Hands Stu some aspirin-
Posts: 91
11:48 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Don't do the asprin lol his blood must be thin enough lol
Posts: 91
11:58 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Have tried to get game played and yes 20th is deadline but cool_dudie is never online.

had a 4 day period off then 1 day on 1 day off then on now 3 off.

I sent him message about games as instructed but after 4 days i got a question for my question.

So hard to communicate with this dude.
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12:13 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Have tried to get game played and yes 20th is deadline but cool_dudie is never online.

had a 4 day period off then 1 day on 1 day off then on now 3 off.

I sent him message about games as instructed but after 4 days i got a question for my question.

So hard to communicate with this dude.

Yeah and unfortunately the majority are helpful as wet kippers in that clan. If my opponent comes on I'll swap you in so you can get a game played at least
Posts: 19,819
12:37 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
moaners lol.

bermuda i will play you lol

bermuda vs cool_dudie
is now
bermuda vs punkpoet

Please don't insult my clan!!! its rude, unfair and is one of the downside of clans lol.
Posts: 19,819
12:48 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol stopped what i was doing came online moved downstairs to play bermuda and hes refusing to play due to i am in a mood? Well I have been moaned at all fixture so I think its fair to be in a mood in my opinion.
But bottom line i offered to sub he said no...
Posts: 91
12:49 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Excuse me insult PM's and aggressive behaviour get you absolutely knowhere mr punkpoet..chill i will play sometime.
Posts: 19,819
12:51 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Excuse me insult PM's and agrressive behaviour get you absolutely knowhere mr punkpoet..chill i will play sometime.

End of the day you have refused....
Posts: 91
12:52 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Start of the day and its not even 11am and your on a war patrol
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12:54 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Start of the day and its not even 11am and your on a war patrol

Don't worry about it noone in their right mind would play having being abused by a captain none the less!
Posts: 19,819
12:54 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Start of the day i have not even 11am and your on a war patrol

War patrol? wow lol.
Tbh you either play or you don't, I dont see anything aggressive in my opinion just don't like moaning.
Posts: 19,819
12:56 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Start of the day and its not even 11am and your on a war patrol

Don't worry about it noone in their right mind would play having being abused by a captain none the less!

Abused? lol wow.
Posts: 19,967
13:00 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Excuse me insult PM's and agrressive behaviour get you absolutely knowhere mr punkpoet..chill i will play sometime.

End of the day you have refused....

End of the day it's your player that is/was the problem, no point coming in with a mood and demanding someone plays right now
Posts: 19,819
13:03 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Demanding? i offered to play lol sorry.
he has told me to play later... later when as he has me on ignore.
I like i am abusing but what emma posted on my thread last night wasnt abusing lol.
Will have a word with skunky but think I will have to cancel this friendly as your players don't want to play.
Posts: 19,967
13:11 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Our players don't want to play? There's only 3 games left with 1 of your players offline 6 days and another not logging in much and being unhelpful in his messaging. You did a subbed a player in twice for one of us within a day and just subbing in and because he doesnt want to play right now because of your attitude, you're claiming refusal of play. What times did you tell him you'd be available? Has he not shown up for them?

If you've got a problem with one of our players don't bring that attitude to the rest of us
Deleted User
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13:12 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Demanding? i offered to play lol sorry.
he has told me to play later... later when as he has me on ignore.
I like i am abusing but what emma posted on my thread last night wasnt abusing lol.
Will have a word with skunky but think I will have to cancel this friendly as your players don't want to play.

No Zachary the issue is we seem to be the only ones who want to play the fixtures! Your leaving players in that are not available, and not helping out by subbing in players when we are keen to play!
Posts: 91
13:12 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
All i will say in this matter is i posted about the current situation, punkpoet came online and advised me i had to play him NOW which i refused.

I see no reason to have to play on demand to anyone on here.

I will play at agreed times via msg like others have been so kind to do so with me.
Posts: 19,819
13:17 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Please read the rules. in the new season you cannot sub in the first week. I was merely trying to play by that.
I am sorry if people do not come online but. I try to give them time to play.
As i keep saying we had 0 defaults last season so why do people now think we cant get a game played is beyond the joke.
And for friendly don't need the hassle.
Also unless bermuda has print screened you are just assuming what was said between us and therefore is hear say, i was rude but he over reacted.
Posts: 19,967
13:25 Sun 13 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's not hearsay it's one word against another, hearsay would be "I hear punkpoet sends abuse to people who don't want to play right away". Not true, but what Bermuda said fit in with the way you were posting and what you said. You never disagreed with him you just said at the end of the day he's just refusing to play you full stop. So maybe he's not the one overreacting?

If you want to cancel the friendly over your own reaction to a player wanting a positive and friendly match instead of a more negative one then so be it. You gave back as much as you got last night so you can't complain there. And it was our players refusing to play, Bermuda was well within his right to ask to play another time, as you said there's another week to play.

And how are we supposed to know you're adhering to new rules when you go against them and don't state them in your refusal to sub? Would make sense to wouldn't it?

All the best for the new season dynamo 's
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Uprising III - We're getting old

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