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19:06 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol, i was only messin matey, great score against the underdogs.

Shame to see sean9 leave but i'm sure we will cope, maybe some players on your radar?
Deleted User
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01:54 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
do 7 ballings count in this new league? or is it just golden breaks and run outs?
Deleted User
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02:01 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
do 7 ballings count in this new league? or is it just golden breaks and run outs?

Just "Announcements" mate
Deleted User
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02:02 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Elite Force v Sinners

man_up v jgo3000

8 us - man_up 2-2 jgo3000
9 us - man_up 1-3 jgo3000
8 uk - man_up 4-0 jgo3000

overall - 11-9 man_up ?

didnt play well at all 3 months without a game takes its toll!
got the win i suppose he played v well in US games but i was better in uk. ggs mate nice guy.

Edited at 00:08 Fri 25/01/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
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02:02 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks foxy
Posts: 4,971
08:33 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great win to start yourself off mate! Thanks for getting it played!
Posts: 4,971
08:35 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League Fixture 1

Elite Force (36) v (44) The Sinners

huts24 v the__priest
w_hoolahan (15) v (5) mdj
lost v banana
snooks (4) v (16) jame2010s
shadwell17 (6) v (14) its_me
2awesome2win v dbno
flash_is_bac v king8ball1
man_up (11) v (9) jgo3000

Elite Force (18) v (24)The Reliable Ones

krazyash_07 (10) v (10) 9ballsniper_
baghera (8) v (14) pete_c
deitch v kathleen_b
buzzboxxuk v stiksnstones
bazzacu v jig_saw
2h0t2p0t v bri1974
w_hoolahan v mark82
solskjaer20 v vippooler

Each game consists of exactly 4 frames of each game type

4 frames of 8 Ball US
4 frames of 9 Ball US
4 frames of 8 Ball UK

Deadline midnight 3rd February
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:39 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks VC
Posts: 22,512
13:46 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Announcement

Can all captains please send a team list for both Pre Season games to bluenose1872. Deadline to give me your list is to be no later than midnight on Saturday the 26th!

You may change your list at any point during the deadline given, if a team fails to provide a list then there team will be chosen at random.

You can find who you are playing on the link posted below.

Thank you.

Deleted User
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16:07 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great win against a class player man_up.
Posts: 4,557
18:00 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lovely win man_up ! Well done mate :)
Deleted User
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18:04 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League - The League Cup

Round 1 games

Fighting Eagles v The Reliable Ones
Uprising v Pocket Dynamos
The Unbeatables v The Underdogs
Elite Force v The Vipers

Games are 8 a side therefore team lists required accordingly before Saturday night please.

All games are one single rack of each game type - 8US, 9US, 8UK, Straight, 9 Arcade & 8 Arcade - 6 racks in total. One point per rack won and no other bonus points.

Just bumped in case missed before. Yours is the only team list not received so far. If you wanted to let me have one soon then I will get the games out early, or you can wait till Saturday as per original post or if you definitely were not taking part then just let me know and I can get rest of games out early.

Thanks a lot.
Posts: 7,974
19:20 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Sinners v Elite Force

dbno v 2awesome2win
is now
bradonforest v 2awsome2win

banana v lost
is now
dbno v lost
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:26 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
1. huts24 (capt)
2. w_hoolahan (vice capt)
3. solskjaer20
4. lost
5. man_up
6. flash_is_bac
7. shadwell17
8. Baghera
9. Bazzacu
11. deitch
12. 2awesome2win
13. cushion
14. buzzboxxuk
15. 2h0t2p0t
16. krazyash_07

Lee i have taken this list to be added to the website, can you please send me your FBL pre season games teamsheets please as I only need yours and Sinner now
Posts: 4,971
19:55 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League Fixture 1

Elite Force (44) v (56) The Sinners

huts24 v the__priest
w_hoolahan (15) v (5) mdj
lost v dbno
snooks (4) v (16) jame2010s
shadwell17 (6) v (14) its_me
2awesome2win (8) v (12) bradonforest
flash_is_bac v king8ball1
man_up (11) v (9) jgo3000

Elite Force (18) v (24)The Reliable Ones

krazyash_07 (10) v (10) 9ballsniper_
baghera (8) v (14) pete_c
deitch v kathleen_b
buzzboxxuk v stiksnstones
bazzacu v jig_saw
2h0t2p0t v bri1974
w_hoolahan v mark82
solskjaer20 v vippooler

Each game consists of exactly 4 frames of each game type

4 frames of 8 Ball US
4 frames of 9 Ball US
4 frames of 8 Ball UK

Deadline midnight 3rd February
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:56 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League Fixture 1
The Sinners v Elite Force
bradonforest v 2awesome2win
2-2 + 1 8 ball
2-2 + 1 9 ball
3-1 + 2 uk
+ 1 completion

12-8 bradonforest win

Sorry was playing badly
Posts: 4,557
19:59 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
good 8 points 2awesome2win , wd
Posts: 4,971
20:04 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
great 8 points there for us! its going as we wanted.. just behind on score!
Posts: 4,557
20:10 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
1. huts24 (capt)
2. w_hoolahan (vice capt)
3. solskjaer20
4. lost
5. man_up
6. flash_is_bac
7. shadwell17
8. Baghera
9. Bazzacu
11. deitch
12. 2awesome2win
13. cushion
14. buzzboxxuk
15. 2h0t2p0t
16. krazyash_07
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:16 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League - The League Cup

Round 1 games

Elite Force v The Vipers

Fixtures can be found here...

All eight games consist of six individual one rack shoot-outs in each of the game types - 8US, 9US, 8UK, Straight, 9 Arcade & 8 Arcade - 6 racks in total per game. One point per game type won and no other bonus points.

Should the overall scores be level after all 8 matches are complete then there will be clan killer tie-break showdown for as many clan members (up to a max of 7) from each side that they can muster at the prescribed time.
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Elite Force - new exciting clan

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