Funkypool Premier League (Invite Only)

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Posts: 35
20:01 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
This event will only take place if there is enough interest.

The idea is that the best 8 players in the game will battle each other for 14 weeks. All original game types (8-ball arcade, 9-ball arcade, 8-ball billards, 9-ball billiards, 8-ball UK, straigt pool) will be played. In the 15th week, the top-4 of this leage format will continue to semi-finals and final. Below is the potential invite list. If a player declines their invite or does not respond, the next player on the ranking will replace them.

Provisional invite list

Please note that when a players name is written in bold it means they have accepted the invite, italic means they have yet to reply to their invite, normal means they have declined their invite.

1 Overall rankings 1st (beenjammin)
2 Overall rankings 2nd (dvz)
3 Overall rankings 3rd (lethal_lures)
4 Overal rankings 4th (scott7a)
5 Overall tournament wins 1st (w_hoolahan) *
6 Overall wins 1st (jimfaebod)
7 Wildcard (tba)
8 Wildcard (tba)

* w_hoolahan has been invited because he is the only active and regular player in the overall tournament wins top-3
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Funkypool Premier League (Invite Only)

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