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The Professionals - FCL Champions

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Posts: 22,512
03:37 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Snooker Squad (15) v (30) The Professionals

crazy_greg (6) v (9) dvz
lethal_lures v horse10000
onevisit (5) v (10) _redherring_
mich v scott7a
whocares8x8 v mattywellie
dgeneratio v rapid_pot
sarny_lad (4) v (11) beenjammin
pirate_steve v cphaynes

The Professionals (50) v (40) Uprising

beenjammin v psychosis
scott7a (7) v (8) w_hoolahan
_redherring_ (10) v (5) derik_dalton
lethal_playa (8) v (7) slimeball
bluenose1872 (4) v (11) therev
horse10000 v zantetsukenz
rapid_pot (10) v (5) lost
dvz (11) v (4) huts24

Cup Round One

The Professional (11) v (4) Underdogs

scott7a (11) v (4) xxx
lethal_playa v welshie
bluenose1872 v fast_one11
horse10000 v hardy202
_redherring_ v redalert124

Deadline: 2/12/12
Posts: 22,512
03:37 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Underdogs (8) vs (28) The Professionals

my2cjms (2) v (4) horse10000
hardy202 (0) v (6) beenjammin

xxx (2) v (4) lethal_playa
welshie (2) v (4) dvz

cke1982 (1) v (5) _redherring_
fast_one11 (1) v (5) bluenose1872

redalert124 v rapid_pot
stop_police v scott7a

Underdogs v The Professionals

The Professionals (25) vs (29) The Sinners

Fixture Complete

Deadline: 25/11/12
Posts: 2,094
03:38 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cheers ab, yeah it was a crackin clearance lethal!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:40 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cheers mate. Honestly best shot ive ever played
Posts: 22,512
03:41 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

Pete you are eligible for the snooker squad game actually, would you be willing to take cphaynes game at all mate? as i doubt he will respond to me on facebook.

Edited at 01:45 Sun 25/11/12 (GMT)
Posts: 22,512
04:11 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
No answer as he went offline Might make that sub soon anyway
Posts: 2,094
04:14 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I don't think he will of seen you're post m8. I was playing him then he said he had to go then he stopped responding and got logged out!!
Posts: 22,512
04:18 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Aye thought so mate, ill wait and see what he says on next log in
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05:33 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks for all the good thoughts guys... means alot.

probably better you think of me as your number one groupie >>>

picture me naked with big boobs if that helps

>>> forever your number one supporter (for one and all... wow; never seen such a great group!)
Posts: 22,512
06:08 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Swap and a substitution to get games played.

mich v scott7a
pirate_steve v cphaynes
is now
mich v cphanyes
pirate_steve v scott7a

mich v cphaynes
is now
mich v lethal_playa
Posts: 22,512
06:13 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Snooker Squad (15) v (30) The Professionals

crazy_greg (6) v (9) dvz
lethal_lures v horse10000
onevisit (5) v (10) _redherring_
mich v lethal_playa
whocares8x8 v mattywellie
dgeneratio v rapid_pot
sarny_lad (4) v (11) beenjammin
pirate_steve v scott7a

The Professionals (50) v (40) Uprising

beenjammin v psychosis
scott7a (7) v (8) w_hoolahan
_redherring_ (10) v (5) derik_dalton
lethal_playa (8) v (7) slimeball
bluenose1872 (4) v (11) therev
horse10000 v zantetsukenz
rapid_pot (10) v (5) lost
dvz (11) v (4) huts24

Cup Round One

The Professional (11) v (4) Underdogs

scott7a (11) v (4) xxx
lethal_playa v welshie
bluenose1872 v fast_one11
horse10000 v hardy202
_redherring_ v redalert124

Deadline: 2/12/12
Posts: 22,512
06:13 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Underdogs (8) vs (28) The Professionals

my2cjms (2) v (4) horse10000
hardy202 (0) v (6) beenjammin

xxx (2) v (4) lethal_playa
welshie (2) v (4) dvz

cke1982 (1) v (5) _redherring_
fast_one11 (1) v (5) bluenose1872

redalert124 v rapid_pot
stop_police v scott7a

Underdogs v The Professionals

The Professionals (25) vs (29) The Sinners

Fixture Complete

Deadline: 25/11/12
Posts: 3,072
08:53 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks for all the good thoughts guys... means alot.

probably better you think of me as your number one groupie >>>

picture me naked with big boobs if that helps

>>> forever your number one supporter (for one and all... wow; never seen such a great group!)

muuaaahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:58 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Swap and a substitution to get games played.

mich v scott7a
pirate_steve v cphaynes
is now
mich v cphanyes
pirate_steve v scott7a

mich v cphaynes
is now
mich v lethal_playa

Hi bud. Im off up to my Gran's today for a week. and she only had a desktop but this dosent work on her PC. I will ask mum if i can take the laptop up to my grans tho! So bear with me and ill let you know in the next 30-60 minutes.
Posts: 5,250
13:03 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Once again another post about computer problems.

Message me and i can help.
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14:10 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
A lot of changes have occurred in the past few days in this team but myself,jay,Scott and Steve-o have made this team a stronger more co plate well rounde team, we have made some excellent signings and we have had to let some fantastic players go but we do feel we hve tried to do what is best for the team and quite frankly I must admit we are doin a bloody good job, you may of noticed I haven't been in many games mysf recently and that jay has done Lot of the captaincy, this is because I am having problems getting my laptop from where I used to live so therefore cannot get on as much as I would like to.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:12 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
A lot of changes have occurred in the past few days in this team but myself,jay,Scott and Steve-o have made this team a stronger more co plate well rounde team, we have made some excellent signings and we have had to let some fantastic players go but we do feel we hve tried to do what is best for the team and quite frankly I must admit we are doin a bloody good job, you may of noticed I haven't been in many games mysf recently and that jay has done Lot of the captaincy, this is because I am having problems getting my laptop from where I used to live so therefore cannot get on as much as I would like to.

We got a great team mate and your doing well!
Posts: 5,250
14:22 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your own personal laptop has no bearing on your above post mate. Why would 1 machine do better than another ? You have accesss wireless or not lets see yer butt in action haha
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:04 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
fcl cup vs welshie.

11-4 to me. ggs
Posts: 22,512
15:12 Sun 25 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Snooker Squad (15) v (30) The Professionals

crazy_greg (6) v (9) dvz
lethal_lures v horse10000
onevisit (5) v (10) _redherring_
mich v lethal_playa
whocares8x8 v mattywellie
dgeneratio v rapid_pot
sarny_lad (4) v (11) beenjammin
pirate_steve v scott7a

The Professionals (50) v (40) Uprising

beenjammin v psychosis
scott7a (7) v (8) w_hoolahan
_redherring_ (10) v (5) derik_dalton
lethal_playa (8) v (7) slimeball
bluenose1872 (4) v (11) therev
horse10000 v zantetsukenz
rapid_pot (10) v (5) lost
dvz (11) v (4) huts24

Cup Round One

The Professional (22) v (8) Underdogs

scott7a (11) v (4) xxx
lethal_playa (11) v (4) welshie
bluenose1872 v fast_one11
horse10000 v hardy202
_redherring_ v redalert124

Deadline: 2/12/12
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The Professionals - FCL Champions

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