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Ninja Warriors - King Po Chicken! (2)

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07:17 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Less he was already in, and mikee subbed in. Fair nuf. BORED DOT COM. took 800mg normal Advil (Ibprofuen) like almost an hour very frustrated with things..and took 3 Advil PM's (600mg Ibprofuen) jus now! ;D ;P go to last post of last page to see why i started this post with what it said.
Posts: 5,250
09:05 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your gonna mess your guts up taking all that Ibuprofen mate
Deleted User
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09:17 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your gonna mess your guts up taking all that Ibuprofen mate
im still awake! Lool gonna go lay down tho now.
Deleted User
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09:49 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well Ninja's we have had atleast 4 players on ever day.would be nice to see u guys on to get games played.messages have been sent out but no replys.
and i guess crazyash read my post on are thread and he said he was a nija.i sent him a pm asking him to play as i had a player on now.he said no .i ask why not.he said he cant as he got messed around last time.i have no idea whta he ment by that. To me that is no way to get games played.thx mikee

Edited at 00:30 Thu 29/11/12 (GMT)

gl mate, one of your players didn't respond to my message for 5 days, but anyways let's bow down to fighting eagles, their clan is just hub of activity 100%!
Posts: 5,250
10:27 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
That statement above from the eagles ain't quite accurate i have replied to all messages from vegas and still have them.

Mikee even aknowledged a post from vegas to this effect lol.
Deleted User
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12:16 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 3 - Deadline - 2nd December 2012

Fighting Eagles (40) v (19) Ninja Warriors

pintofshandy (12) v (3) jack_86
kingdadcool (10) v (5) krazyash_07
vegas v dextr
sensibleshow v i_am_beast
flash_is_bac (11) v (4) jig_saw
relisys (7) v (8) thegame26
skiller10 v raymondrfc53
pat_groves07 v powerfool

5 Frames of each 8US/9US/8UK
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:16 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fixture Set 5 - Deadline for these games on 9/12/12

Ninja Warriors v The Sinners

Ninja Warriors (14) v (10) Mouseketeers

supernaut (3) v (3) thegreatone7
thegame26 (5) v (1) fastboysam
sean9 (6) v (0) fry06
pixie_dust v marksmith
jack_86 (0) v (6) solskjaer20

2 Frames of each 8US/9US/8UK
Deleted User
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12:20 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Permission for any of the following to sub into Fighting Eagles games...

Deleted User
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12:26 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I am going away tomorrow morning so I will try and catch marksmith tonight before I go bed. Also I will try and keep and eye out for one of the Fighting Eagles lot and get a game played there too.
Posts: 5,250
12:33 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hmmm no good morning or anything (poor jay & son)

Only joking i know how it is too feel crap even after hours in your bed

I will keep an eye on and direct if needed.
Deleted User
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12:58 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Jay is still unwell and fast asleep on the sofa and the lil one is playing on the floor attacking all this toys (O.o) freak child.

I am ill but I am harder than Jay and tough it out Joke, he has a migraine

If everyone could just keep their eyes peeled and get games played that would be great
Posts: 5,250
13:21 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Southern Blood as Dan keeps going on about maybe that's why

Or maybe not LOL
Deleted User
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15:12 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
are eligable players for these FCL games
Posts: 5,250
15:18 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
^^^^^3 of the 4 were online same time as myself and as per usual not tasty enough for them
Posts: 5,250
15:20 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sub yourself in now vs me fatmikee

We are both online
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:24 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I was asked last night to sub in my fatmikee and hoodstar, I said no as the last time I subbed in I got messed about, plus didn't want to 'tread on anyone elses toes'.

I don't have any matches and neither does jigsaw so, let us know when you want us to represent the clan?


Posts: 5,250
15:49 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
IN that game vs fighting eagles you were not included in the final team sheet submitted.

Also no free subs was issued by this clan so you were correct to refuse to play the game unless posts said so.

In all krazyah_07 you did no wrong and were being bullied into a game that would of ended up invalid

Well done you in seeing this
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:50 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I was asked last night to sub in my fatmikee and hoodstar, I said no as the last time I subbed in I got messed about, plus didn't want to 'tread on anyone elses toes'.

I don't have any matches and neither does jigsaw so, let us know when you want us to represent the clan?



Hey mate, the teamsheet I sent yesterday included both of you in both games
Posts: 37
22:59 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi ninja's i hope u r all well even I_am_beast who i have pm'd i left a message earlier this week on this thread asking 4 a sub no response , i will play any of you , its just a bit of fun after all:)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:12 Thu 29 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cheers Dextr, thought it didn't add up tbh.
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Ninja Warriors - King Po Chicken! (2)

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