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16:49 Sat 9 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL: elite force v fighting eagles

was: deitch v gordo, compo2007 v vegas

now: compo2007 v gordo , deitch v vegas

deitch v vegas is now

2h0t2p0t v vegas
Posts: 3,610
17:01 Sat 9 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL ~ Fixture set 2

The Sinners v Fighting Eagles
8us _pool_beast_ v eaglestrike
is now
8us _pool_beast_ v vegas

8us mdj v vegas
is now
8us mdj v eaglestrike
Sent 2 minutes ago
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:18 Sat 9 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Set 2 - Deadline 10th of March 2013
The Sinners 10 vs 8 Fighting Eagles
Us8 _pool_beast_ v vegas 8US
US8 mdj v eaglestrike 8US
US9 kingpooluk20 (3) v (3) pat_groves07 9US
US9 dbno (2) v (4) time_bandit 9US
8 UK the_priest v squeezy 8UK
8UK its_me (5) v (1) kingdadcool 8UK
Str king8ball1 v gordo Straight
Str dark_chocco v seriousblack Straight

Fighting Eagles 10 vs 20 Snooker Squad
8US gordo v jose_enrique
8US funky_dave (2) v (4) davey_1985
9US aces_back (0) v (6) lethal_lures
9US pat_groves07 (3) v (3) onevisit
8UK squeezy v slatty
8UK kingdadcool (5) v (1) the__tornado
Straight time_bandit Str v pirate_steve
Straight seriousblack (0) v (6) whocares8x8
Posts: 11,061
17:18 Sat 9 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thx Seb we had no idea we had players off for 2 are more days.Glad u are keeping such a good look out for us.LOL( but if u will take a closer look you will see none have been off 2 are more days)

Edited at 14:57 Fri 08/03/13 (GMT)
lol when I posted, gordo had been off 3 days, squeezy off 2 days, and time_bandit off 3 days.
gordo and time_bandit have since logged back in (pirate_steve is still waiting for a response from him) but squeezy is off 3 days with the deadline tomorrow.

pirate online now if you have a sub.
Deleted User
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17:42 Sat 9 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
2h0t2pot (sub for Compo2007) v vegas

8 Ball UK 1 - 3
9 Ball 4 - 0
8 Ball 1 - 3

6 - 6 - Draw

ggs tc and best of luck in rest of your games
Deleted User
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17:49 Sat 9 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The deadline for FBL games is tomorow, below are eligible players for games with Sinners
Eligible subs for S/S are
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18:03 Sat 9 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just 3 more players needed for my straight event, If they are in by 7:30pm GMT then fixtures will be released tonight! Grab your spot now!
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18:07 Sat 9 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Team
fattmikee (vice Captain)
gordo (Vice Captain
kingdadcool ( Captain)
squeezy (dave)
destroyer_16 (Mark)
vegas (Dave)
sensibleshow (Ciaran)
seriousblack (Ross)
ladysapphire (dave)
aces_back (Dave)
eaglestrike FBL Only
standard (Jay) TCL Only
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18:15 Sat 9 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
_pool_beast 4 v vegas 2

Fair result would have been 3 - 3 but as _pool_beast said "thats funky pool lol"

ggs & gl in rest
Posts: 8,780
18:23 Sat 9 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
2h0t2pot (sub for Compo2007) v vegas

8 Ball UK 1 - 3
9 Ball 4 - 0
8 Ball 1 - 3

6 - 6 - Draw

ggs tc and best of luck in rest of your games

11-9 to you with bonuses added
Deleted User
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19:58 Sat 9 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
2h0t2pot (sub for Compo2007) v vegas

8 Ball UK 1 - 3
9 Ball 4 - 0
8 Ball 1 - 3

6 - 6 - Draw

ggs tc and best of luck in rest of your games

11-9 to you with bonuses added

Thank you jooodles. Sorry still getting used to these scores
Posts: 1,594
20:10 Sat 9 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey vegas, maybe u could sub in to play pirate_steve in our fixture m8?

hes browsing atm, as deadline is tomoro night!
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20:34 Sat 9 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
sensibleshow vs hardy202

10 to 2

8ball us 4 to nil
9ball 2 to 2
8ball uk 4 to nil

16 - 4
Deleted User
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20:38 Sat 9 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL ~ Deadline 17/3/13

The Underdogs (33) v (68) Fighting Eagles

kopiteking01(7) v (13) gordo
welshie v destroyer_16
xxx (6) v (14) vegas
hardy202 (4) v (16) sensibleshow
mardu0o v scirocco
ronald_faja v time_bandit
the_9_ball (13) v (8) pat_groves
gemma_22 (3) v (17) standard
Elite Force (45) v (38) The Fighting Eagles

deich v gordo
buzzboxxuk (9) v (12) kingdadcool
2h0t2pot (9) v (11) vegas
krazyash_07 (10) v (11) standard
dinkydo v sensibleshow
solskjaer20 v time_bandit
w_hoolahan (17) v (4) seriousblack
steventait88 v destroyer_16

4x 8us/9b/8uk
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:40 Sat 9 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cup Quarterfinals
Play 1 frame of 8US, 9-Ball, 8UK, Straight, 9-Arc, 8-Arc

Fighting Eagles 19 vs 23 Snooker Squad

vegas (3) vs (3) jose_enrique
gordo (3) vs (3) thegame26
kingdadcool (2) vs (4) sarny_lad
time_bandit vs slatty
destroyer_16 2 vs 4 onevisit
aces_back (2) vs (4) crazy_greg
pat_groves07 (2) vs (4) lethal_lures
seriousblack (5) vs (1) davey_1985

Deadline: March 10th
Deleted User
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23:11 Sat 9 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Set 2 - Deadline 10th of March 2013
The Sinners 14 vs 10 Fighting Eagles
Us8 _pool_beast_ (4) v (2) vegas 8US
US8 mdj v eaglestrike 8US
US9 kingpooluk20 (3) v (3) pat_groves07 9US
US9 dbno (2) v (4) time_bandit 9US
8 UK the_priest v squeezy 8UK
8UK its_me (5) v (1) kingdadcool 8UK
Str king8ball1 v gordo Straight
Str dark_chocco v seriousblack Straight

Fighting Eagles 10 vs 20 Snooker Squad
8US gordo v jose_enrique
8US funky_dave (2) v (4) davey_1985
9US aces_back (0) v (6) lethal_lures
9US pat_groves07 (3) v (3) onevisit
8UK squeezy v slatty
8UK kingdadcool (5) v (1) the__tornado
Straight time_bandit Str v pirate_steve
Straight seriousblack (0) v (6) whocares8x8
Deleted User
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14:18 Sun 10 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Announcement

Fixture set three is now available on the website, thank you to all captains for submitting their team sheets on time.

The link to the page is;

You will also find the fixtures and member tagging at the bottom of the page for you to copy and paste if you wish.

Deadline is: 24th March 2013

There are still some set two games outstanding so would be very grateful if players can concentrate on completing these first.

Good Luck!
Jema - FBL League Runner
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14:19 Sun 10 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
League Notice

It is deadline day, therefore anybody from your clan can sub into an outstanding game for FCL/FBL.

Please ensure all subs/swaps are posted on the relevant threads..



If you have any questions please message the corresponding league runner.
Deleted User
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14:56 Sun 10 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Any chance of anyone being able to play me at some reasonable time today for the FBL game?? time_bandit is still yet to give me a time, and I did ask two potential subs yesterday but both declined. Just want to get it played
Deleted User
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15:33 Sun 10 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Announcement

I was going to cancel this due to the other killer league but I will put the trial games out there anyway to see what happens and base its future on the outcome.

As I have said previously Killer has been moved to a seperate mini game to be played in a cup/knockout format. The friendly test games are below and the rules can be found on the website, which I suggest you read for scoring;

Killer Friendly
(10th March 2013 - 24th March 2013)

Snooker Squad v Fighting Eagles
Uprising v Chips N Gravy
Vipers v Pocket Dynamos
Elite Force v The Professionals
The Sinners v Unbeatables
The Underdogs v <League Team> (Please message pixie_dust for this one)

I will point out this has not been limited to 3 from each team, you can have as many players from your clan as you want i.e. 6 from Uprising and 4 from Unbeatables, as long as there is a minimum of 3 and no more than 7 from each clan a killer game can go ahead.

This mini game is completely optional and if you do not wish to take part please message me and I will remove you however this is just a bit of fun and has no impact on league table standings.

I hope clans are willing to participate and good luck if you do!

Jema - FBL League Runner
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