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20:12 Sat 2 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Will ever please welcome Sledgehammer (mat) to the Fighting Eagles.
Deleted User
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20:32 Sat 2 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Mat has reset his stats so is unable to post as he has not played 100 games.But he says hi to all.
Deleted User
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20:33 Sat 2 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi Mat *waves*
Deleted User
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20:43 Sat 2 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Team
fattmikee (vice Captain)
gordo (Vice Captain
kingdadcool ( Captain)
squeezy (dave)
destroyer_16 (Mark)
vegas (Dave)
sensibleshow (Ciaran)
seriousblack (Ross)
ladysapphire (dave)
sledgehammer (Mat)
eaglestrike FBL Only
standard TCL Only

Edited at 20:58 Sat 02/03/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:00 Sat 2 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

sinners v eagles
banana v seriousblack
is now
the__priest v seriousblack

jame2010s v gordo
is now
mdj v gordo

Posts: 6,262
22:22 Sat 2 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
gordo said:
hi is there anyone online to play our game jame2010 offline 13 days cheers just message me if you can sub in

What fixture is it you are talking about gordo ?
You know you aren't playing him in TCL as he was subbed out there before you posted about him being offline....
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:33 Sat 2 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Set 2 - Deadline 10th of March 2013
The Sinners 8 vs 4 Fighting Eagles
Us8 _pool_beast_ v eaglestrike 8US
US8 mdj v vegas 8US
US9 kingpooluk20 (3) v (3) pat_groves07 9US
US9 dbno v time_bandit 9US
8 UK the_priest v squeezy 8UK
8UK its_me (5) v (1) kingdadcool 8UK
Str king8ball1 v gordo Straight
Str dark_chocco v seriousblack Straight

Fighting Eagles 10 vs 20 Snooker Squad
8US gordo v jose_enrique
8US funky_dave (2) v (4) davey_1985
9US aces_back (0) v (6) lethal_lures
9US pat_groves07 (3) v (3) onevisit
8UK squeezy v slatty
8UK kingdadcool (5) v (1) the__tornado
Straight time_bandit Str v pirate_steve
Straight seriousblack (0) v (6) whocares8x8
Posts: 96
22:48 Sat 2 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
everybody except mike and sledgehammer im pullin out of this clan for a number of reasons and sooner or later youll know why enjoye dplaying with you all gl in rest of the games enjoyed hope you understand why thanks for having me
Deleted User
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22:57 Sat 2 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
You made your point Dave,time will tell.hope you are wrong.but i have told you 1000 times ignore button it works.
Deleted User
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13:52 Sun 3 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
fuunky battered me 10-2.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:44 Sun 3 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL ~ Deadline 3/3/13

The Sinners (53) v (27) Fighting Eagles

jame2010s v gordo
mdj v destroyer_16
_pool_beast_ v vegas
king8ball1(19) v (1) sensibleshow
dbno (12) v (8) funky_dave
banana v seriousblack
its_me (14) v (6) aces_back
dark_chocco (9) v (12) kingdadcool
The Fighting Eagles (44) v (98) The Professionals

pat_groves07 (8) v (12) ginomanx3
destroyer_16 (5) v (15) scott7a
vegas (9) v (12) beenjammin
sensibleshow v horse10000
funky_dave (3) v (17) fuunky
seriousblack (10) v (11) _redherring_
time_bandit (2) v (18) dvz
kingdadcool (7) v (13) the_only_ego

4x 8us/9b/8uk
Posts: 9,926
14:54 Sun 3 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
sensibleshow v horse10000

i_am_blessed subbed in and played

Score was 12-8 to i_am_blessed

So game is completed, thanks to all at fighting_eagles and good luck for the rest of the season
Posts: 6,262
14:58 Sun 3 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL ~ Deadline 3/3/13

The Sinners (53) v (27) Fighting Eagles

jame2010s v gordo
mdj v destroyer_16
_pool_beast_ v vegas
king8ball1(19) v (1) sensibleshow
dbno (12) v (8) funky_dave
banana v seriousblack
its_me (14) v (6) aces_back
dark_chocco (9) v (12) kingdadcool
The Fighting Eagles (44) v (98) The Professionals

pat_groves07 (8) v (12) ginomanx3
destroyer_16 (5) v (15) scott7a
vegas (9) v (12) beenjammin
sensibleshow v horse10000
funky_dave (3) v (17) fuunky
seriousblack (10) v (11) _redherring_
time_bandit (2) v (18) dvz
kingdadcool (7) v (13) the_only_ego

4x 8us/9b/8uk

Paul does noone read the posts, or subs I made in TCL ?

gordo isn't playing james2010s anymore, its even right above where you posted the TCL fixture ^^

Also the destroyer TCL game has been played

bonkerss17 12 v 8 destroyer_16

error number 3 TCL
......the__priest is playing serious_black now, how can your guys play games when you're posting fixtures that aren't up to date and they don't know who they are playing

Edited at 13:20 Sun 03/03/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:30 Sun 3 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL ~ Deadline 3/3/13

The Sinners (65) v (35) Fighting Eagles

mdj v gordo
bonkerss17 (12) v (8) destroyer_16
_pool_beast_ v vegas
king8ball1(19) v (1) sensibleshow
dbno (12) v (8) funky_dave
the_priest v seriousblack
its_me (14) v (6) aces_back
dark_chocco (9) v (12) kingdadcool
The Fighting Eagles (44) v (98) The Professionals

pat_groves07 (8) v (12) ginomanx3
destroyer_16 (5) v (15) scott7a
vegas (9) v (12) beenjammin
sensibleshow v horse10000
funky_dave (3) v (17) fuunky
seriousblack (10) v (11) _redherring_
time_bandit (2) v (18) dvz
kingdadcool (7) v (13) the_only_ego

4x 8us/9b/8uk
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:36 Sun 3 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok to al Eagles here is a list of eligible players to play against sinners as deadline is today.please add those players in unplayed games to friends and play them if u see 1 online thx Mikee
squeezy the_priest,mdj,_pool_beast_

Edited at 15:40 Sun 03/03/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:37 Sun 3 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
jame2010 v gordo is now

the_priest v gordo
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:11 Sun 3 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL ~ Deadline 3/3/13

The Sinners (65) v (35) Fighting Eagles

the_priest v gordo
bonkerss17 (12) v (8) destroyer_16
_pool_beast_ v vegas
king8ball1(19) v (1) sensibleshow
dbno (12) v (8) funky_dave
mdj v seriousblack
its_me (14) v (6) aces_back
dark_chocco (9) v (12) kingdadcool
The Fighting Eagles (52) v (110) The Professionals

pat_groves07 (8) v (12) ginomanx3
destroyer_16 (5) v (15) scott7a
vegas (9) v (12) beenjammin
sensibleshow (8) v (12) i_am_blessed
funky_dave (3) v (17) fuunky
seriousblack (10) v (11) _redherring_
time_bandit (2) v (18) dvz
kingdadcool (7) v (13) the_only_ego

4x 8us/9b/8uk
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:13 Sun 3 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi, im online now, do you have someone who can play the tcl game ?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:41 Sun 3 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
sinners v eagles
the_priest (10) v (10) gordo v ggs pleasure to play against gl in rest m8

8 ball us 2-2
9 ball us 3-1 gordo
8 ball uk 3-1 the_priest
Posts: 6,262
19:50 Sun 3 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Eligible Subs For TCL - Deadline Tonight

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