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Deleted User
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12 years ago  [Link]  
Dark Destroyers(7) v(17) Fighting Eagles FSL
Deadline Jan.13th 2013 Have fun and keep it friendly

the_shield (3) v aces_back (3)
kathleen_b(1) v(5) scirocco
stiksnstones v squeezy
jig_saw (2) v (4) turtle1560
remarkaball v ladysapphire
2pac_rulez v funky_dave
kera (1) v(5) destroyer_16
powerfool v relisys
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  

Hi all, Mikee and I have decided having discussed it with some of you guys that we will no longer be putting a team in Superleague.
Mikee will continue to run our FCL team (5 games of each)
I will be entering a team into the FBL league.
As this will be our first season and the format is a little different I would like you all to answer my offline message regarding preferences.
The format is 8 different players to play;
2 players play 6 frames of 8 ball (1 point per game)
2 players play 6 frames of 9 ball (1 point per game)
2 players play 6 frames of 8 uk (1 point per game)
2 players play 3 games of straight (2 points per game)
Also there are 6 more players required (these can be made up from the above 8 players or other team members) to play Killer.
Look out for my messages and respond asap
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
STRONG / FAIR / WEAK + Average Rating
8 Ball ..............................
9 Ball ..............................
8 uk ..............................
Straight ..............................
Killer ..............................
Please let Kingdadcool no which of the above games you feel more comfortable playing.This is for FBL games as posted above.thx Mikee
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Team
fattmikee (vice Captain)
gordo (Vice Captain
kingdadcool ( Captain FSL)
squeezy (dave)
destroyer_16 (Mark)
vegas (Dave)
sensibleshow (Ciaran)
flash_is_bac (Dillion)
turtle1560 (Sean)
relisys (David)
aces_back (dave)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Dark Destroyers(12) v(18) Fighting Eagles FSL
Deadline Jan.13th 2013 Have fun and keep it friendly

the_shield (3) v aces_back (3)
kathleen_b(1) v(5) scirocco
stiksnstones v squeezy
jig_saw (2) v (4) turtle1560
remarkaball v sensibleshow
2pac_rulez v funky_dave
kera (1) v(5) destroyer_16
powerfool(5) v(1) relisys
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Well guys we have a good team here,but as always the pochers are out in full dont fall prey to there little bag a tricks.seems there is a race going on for Craig and Huts lol.stay loyal guys as always.Thx Mikee
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
stiksnstones 5 v 1 squeezy

Including a 2-0 loss in the UK 8 round
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Dark Destroyers(17) v(19) Fighting Eagles FSL
Deadline Jan.13th 2013 Have fun and keep it friendly

the_shield (3) v aces_back (3)
kathleen_b(1) v(5) scirocco
stiksnstones(5) v(1) squeezy
jig_saw (2) v (4) turtle1560
remarkaball v sensibleshow
2pac_rulez v funky_dave
kera (1) v(5) destroyer_16
powerfool(5) v(1) relisys
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
david was you drunk lol.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Team
fattmikee (vice Captain)
gordo (Vice Captain
kingdadcool ( Captain FSL)
squeezy (dave)
destroyer_16 (Mark)
vegas (Dave)
sensibleshow (Ciaran)
flash_is_bac (Dillion)
relisys (David)
aces_back (dave)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Will ever 1 please welcome bonzai2,to the Eagles.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
I wasn't drunk! BUT....HE WAS!!

Hi Bonzai!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  

Hi all, Mikee and I have decided having discussed it with some of you guys that we will no longer be putting a team in Superleague.
Mikee will continue to run our FCL team (5 games of each)
I will be entering a team into the FBL league.
As this will be our first season and the format is a little different I would like you all to answer my offline message regarding preferences.
The format is 8 different players to play;
2 players play 6 frames of 8 ball (1 point per game)
2 players play 6 frames of 9 ball (1 point per game)
2 players play 6 frames of 8 uk (1 point per game)
2 players play 3 games of straight (2 points per game)
Also there are 6 more players required (these can be made up from the above 8 players or other team members) to play Killer.
Look out for my messages and respond asap

To save confusion Paul, killer is 6 players in total so only 3 from each team is needed. The same 3 can play both killer games if there are two separate matches released at the same time
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
FCL Friendly

Unbeatables (0) vs (0) Fighting Eagles

turtle1560 vs gordo
chalkey_84 vs vegas
_dntbmad vs pat_groves07
serious_game vs bonzai2
_pool_beast_ vs vegas

Good Luck Everyone. Deadline is 15/1/13.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Dark Destroyers(18) v(24) Fighting Eagles FSL
Deadline Jan.13th 2013 Have fun and keep it friendly

the_shield (3) v aces_back (3)
kathleen_b(1) v(5) scirocco
stiksnstones(5) v(1) squeezy
jig_saw (2) v (4) turtle1560
remarkaball (1) v (5) sensibleshow
2pac_rulez v kingdadcool
kera (1) v(5) destroyer_16
powerfool(5) v(1) relisys

Edited at 18:58 Sat 05/01/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles vs New team
Deadline for matches Sunday 20th January at midnight
8US: im_n0_g00d vs bonsai2
8US: pete_c vs gordo
9US: bri1974 vs destroyer_16
9US: truered vs funky_dave
8UK: _itsjustme_ vs squeezy
8UK: hacker vs pat_groves
STR8: umanga vs vegas
STR8: lethal_ninja vs kingdadcool
Posts: 37
12 years ago  [Link]  
sensibleshow 2 to nil remarkaball at 8 ball
2 to nil at 9 ball
1 to 1 at 8ball uk

remarkaball was unlucky at times ggs
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Well done there Ciaran good points
and same for Mr.Vegas

Ok guys and girls even tho these are not pre-season friendlys.Please treat them the same,please get those messages sent out ASAP.And post you did send your oppenet a message trying to set up a good time for both to get games played.And GL in your games.

Edited at 19:18 Sat 05/01/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
FCL Friendly

Unbeatables (7) vs (8) Fighting Eagles

turtle1560 vs gordo
chalkey_84 vs ladysapphire
_dntbmad vs pat_groves07
serious_game vs bonzai2
_pool_beast_(7) vs (8) vegas

Good Luck Everyone. Deadline is 15/1/13.

Edited at 19:13 Sat 05/01/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Will ever 1 please welcome lou_sir to Eagles a great addtion.
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