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00:34 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hoodstar vs long_pot

8 ball US: 1-1

9 ball: 1-1

8 ball UK: 2-0 (to me)

Overall: 4-2 to me

I know it doesnt count cause of the deadline, but I was still dedicated and this still meant something to me
Deleted User
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00:45 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done hood,but from now on try reading are thread and the deadline dates.
Deleted User
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00:45 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i thought the deadline was tomorrow!
Posts: 2,094
00:49 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hoodstar vs long_pot

8 ball US: 1-1

9 ball: 1-1

8 ball UK: 2-0 (to me)

Overall: 4-2 to me

I know it doesnt count cause of the deadline, but I was still dedicated and this still meant something to me

Deadline is Wednesday the 7th m8!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:50 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Mouseketeers(15) v(15) Fighting Eagles

punkpoet (6) v pintofshandy (0)
mat_123 (2) v skiller10 (4)
fastboysam(3) v(3) relisys
thegreatone(3) v scirocco (3)
nick79theman (1) v kingdadcool (5)

The Professionals(11) v(13) Fighting Eagles

bluenose1872 v murphybhoy
scott7a (4) v flash_is_bac (2)
lethal_playa(2) v(4) kingdadcool
dvz (3) v eaglestrike (3)
long_pot (2) v hoodstar (4)
Deadline 11/7/12

Edited at 21:32 (GMT)
Posts: 2,094
00:52 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nevermind, I got it right in the first place lol, yeah the deadline is wednesday 7th!!

Although the date above is the 11th of july, so if you're going by that date hoods, then yeah the deadline was passed time ago haha!!

Edited at 22:56 Mon 05/11/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
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01:10 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Defaults

The following games are going to default which involve your clan. Can you please send myself any default information that you have on this/these games please. Deadline to send in information is 6/11/12. Failure to hand in information may cost your player points in the default.

murphybhoy v the_unknown
sensibleshow v ipotalot

horse10000 v eaglestrike
dvz (5) - (0) sensibleshow
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:11 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well, guys take a good long hard look at above post.I dont have to tell you what it means.we are not use to getting defaults and damm sure aint gonna get use to it.if any 1 who was in these fixtures and sent a off line message to your oppents please send me a copy by offline messge.And any 1 who wishes to not message there oppents are dont wanna play there games please just find another Team.And see how long you last.I dont have to mention any names you know who you are.We have a Team to be reckoned with, but we all have to message are oppents as soon as fixtures are posted it is very important.i dont have to explain this as it is the most important thing you can do as aTeam player.I also would like ever player before thay just log in to play to please read are thread and say hi if nothing else.and to compliment a player on a game well played. this way you always know what is going on.i have had so many players come online and ask me who thay have to play are is my player on.And please when you know there is a deadline try your best to be online that day if you are eligabel to play.I am very sorry to post this but if you read what i have posted im sure you will agree no more defaults.And all please pray for gordo as he is having a hard time atm.your friend Mkee
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:13 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles(7) v(8) The Sinners FCL
DEADLINE IS 11/18/12

flash_is_bac v sarny_lad
murphybhoy v king8ball1
kingdadcool(7) v(8) jame2010s
gordo v jgo3000
relisys v dbno
07nels07 v banana
sensibleshow v gerard_mc
skiller10 v its_me

Underdogs v Fighting Eagles
DEADLINE IS 11/18/12

2awesome2win v scriocco
welshie v pat_groves07
ads19v pintofshandy
redalert124 v eaglestrike
r08 v flash_is_bac
xxx v relisys
_jesus_ v 07nels07
fast_one11 v sensibleshow
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:14 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Team Sheet
fattmikee (Captain)
gordo (Vice Captain
kingdadcool (Vice Captain FSL)
sensibleshow (ciaran)
bonzai2 (Joe)
pintofshandy (Stevie)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:30 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Appolgy hood,as your game did count.when u pm me i thought u was talking about FCL games which was over yesterday.Vey sorry.Mikee
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:16 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hoodstar vs long_pot

8 ball US: 1-1

9 ball: 1-1

8 ball UK: 2-0 (to me)

Overall: 4-2 to me

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:18 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hoodstar vs long_pot

8 ball US: 1-1

9 ball: 1-1

8 ball UK: 2-0 (to me)

Overall: 4-2 to me

....Just thought Id send this result again to confirm it, with the fact that it did count
Posts: 420
02:41 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
sarny_lad vs flash_is_bac

9us 3-2 flash_is_bac (broke 9ball)

8us 2-3 sarny_lad

8uk 3-2 flash_is_bac

overall 7-8 flash_is_bac

ggs bubs gl in rest!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:48 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
sarny_lad vs flash_is_bac

9us 3-2 flash_is_bac (broke 9ball)

8us 2-3 sarny_lad

8uk 3-2 flash_is_bac

overall 7-8 flash_is_bac

ggs bubs gl in rest!!

well done pal...
Posts: 7,974
12:09 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles(7) v(8) The Sinners FCL
DEADLINE IS 11/18/12
gordo v jgo3000

with all the respect this request deserves, do you feel that gordo should be in this fixture,

i am with all the sensistivity in the world asking under the circumstances is it a good idea to have gordo in at this difficult time, because i would suggest playing a game of virtual pool is the last thing on his mind at this worrying moment

would you consider a sub mikkee

and as posted previously all my thoughts are with gordo and that of all Team Sinners
Posts: 5,250
13:09 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Agree with the post above and expect mike to make the changes needed asap as it makes common sense.

Hope gordo gets well soon and everything is ok.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:23 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles(15) v(15) The Sinners FCL
DEADLINE IS 11/18/12

flash_is_bac(8) v(7) sarny_lad
murphybhoy v king8ball1
kingdadcool(7) v(8) jame2010s
gordo v jgo3000
relisys v dbno
07nels07 v banana
sensibleshow v gerard_mc
skiller10 v its_me

Underdogs v Fighting Eagles
DEADLINE IS 11/18/12

2awesome2win v scriocco
welshie v pat_groves07
ads19v pintofshandy
redalert124 v eaglestrike
r08 v flash_is_bac
xxx v relisys
_jesus_ v 07nels07
fast_one11 v sensibleshow
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:26 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done there Dillion,and to all the rest.we are looking very good at this point keep up the good work.

Edited at 12:32 Tue 06/11/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:39 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Sinners v Fighting Eagles (FSL)
2 games each of 9 Ball, 8 Ball and UK8 with bonus points for Run Outs and Golden Breaks.
Deadline ~ 18/11/12
james2010 v flash_is_bac
gerard_mc v murphybhoy
khukuri v pintofshandy
im_bad v skiller10
jgo3000 v kingdadcool

Edited at 12:43 Tue 06/11/12 (GMT)

Edited at 12:43 Tue 06/11/12 (GMT)
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