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The Underdogs (lets keep on winning games)

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Posts: 11,489
12:38 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
fbl rules

friendly not ranked
2o sec or more shot limit
All games must be played in these environments unless BOTH players agree to be changed
- Private Room
- Friendly
- 20 second shot limit

6 Frames of your game type or 3 of straight

come on underdogs any one who cant get game played let me know so i can make a sub if u win or lose please post result on here as me xxx or hardy 202 can update scores and post on fbl thread only if u win or ur opponent says they will post gl underdogs

deadline 9/12/12 midnight
Posts: 11,489
12:39 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Players Championship
welshie vsgreyhound
Round 4 (Deadline Midnight BST 12/12/12)

as last underdog in players championship gl welshie
Posts: 11,489
12:40 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fcl Fixture 4

Snooker Squad 36 v 24 Underdogs

crazy_greg 8 v 7 redalert124

mich v hardy202

lethal_lures v xxx

slatty 12 v 3 fast_one11

r1p0m4n v my2cjms (s)

dgeneratio v welshie

davey_1985 11 v 4 staffie_man (s)

onevisit 5 v 10 hatt0nl
Games left to be played with Snooker Squad
mich v hardy202
lethal_lures v xxx
r1p0m4n v my2cjms
dgeneratio v welshie

Posts: 11,489
12:41 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Underdogs 13 v 47 Uprising

redalert124 v lost

xxx v siogeo

fast_one11 6 v 9 walktall

welshie v therev

karl_b 3 v 12 tweedweasle

staffie_man 2 v 13 skunkyfool

(s)my2cjms v w_hoolahan

hardy202 2 v 13 derik_dalton
Games left to be played with Uprising
redalert124 v lost
xxx v siogeo
welshie v therev
my2cjms v w_hoolahan
Posts: 11,489
12:42 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
fcl rules
friendly not ranked
2o sec or more shot limit
All games must be played in these environments unless BOTH players agree to be changed
- Private Room
- Friendly
- 20 second shot limit

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here if u win or lose so i can update scores and the fcl league thread only if u win

5 games each of 8us, 9us and 8uk

Deadline for these games to be completed is 16/12/12 @ Midnight!

come on underdogs 2 fsl games to go 7 fbl matchs left 2 days till deadline lets get games played or subs will be made if no contact has been made let me know whats going on with ur games
Posts: 2,182
14:43 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey redalert124, can you play walktall now? It's saying you're in the chat room but you're not answering our pm's! If not, shall I switch games and get walktall to play welshie at 9ball? All are online right now!
Posts: 444
14:45 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey redalert124, can you play walktall now? It's saying you're in the chat room but you're not answering our pm's! If not, shall I switch games and get walktall to play welshie at 9ball? All are online right now!

am i able ?
Posts: 11,489
14:46 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey redalert124, can you play walktall now? It's saying you're in the chat room but you're not answering our pm's! If not, shall I switch games and get walktall to play welshie at 9ball? All are online right now!

messaged red alert myself no response
Posts: 2,182
14:46 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey redalert124, can you play walktall now? It's saying you're in the chat room but you're not answering our pm's! If not, shall I switch games and get walktall to play welshie at 9ball? All are online right now!

am i able ?

Yes mate, I can swap Zante and walktall round so you could play walktall now!
Posts: 444
14:47 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey redalert124, can you play walktall now? It's saying you're in the chat room but you're not answering our pm's! If not, shall I switch games and get walktall to play welshie at 9ball? All are online right now!

am i able ?

Yes mate, I can swap Zante and walktall round so you could play walktall now!

2 mins in a tourney at mo
Posts: 2,182
14:48 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Swap

9US welshie v zantetsukenz
8UK redalert124 v walktall

is now

9US welshie v walktall
8UK redalert124 v zantetsukenz
Posts: 11,489
15:01 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fbl Fixture 3

Underdogs 2 vs 22 Uprising

8US hardy202 v angry_bacon

(s)8US cke1982 v therev

9US xxx v lost

(s)9US welshie v walktall (swap)

8UK fast_one11 1 v 5 skunkyfool (s)

8UK redalert124 v zantetsukenz (swap)

(s)Straight staffie_man 0 v 6 irish_ninja

Straight tarantino 0 v 6 tweedweasle

Killer cke1982 fast_one11 hardy202 1 v 5 irish_ninja skunkyfool tweedweasel Uprising
games left to be played with uprising
8US hardy202 v angry_bacon
8US cke1982 v therev
9US xxx v lost
9US welshie v walktall
8UK redalert124 v zantetsukenz


Edited at 12:57 Fri 07/12/12 (GMT)
Posts: 444
15:02 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

walktall ( uprising ) v welshie ( underdogs )

9US : 2 - 4 to welshie
Posts: 11,489
15:03 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

walktall ( uprising ) v welshie ( underdogs )

9US : 2 - 4 to welshie

wp m8 some nice pts to the dogs
Posts: 444
15:04 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

walktall ( uprising ) v welshie ( underdogs )

9US : 2 - 4 to welshie

wp m8 some nice pts to the dogs

we do try and ty for the games. pleasure to play
Posts: 11,489
15:05 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fbl Fixture 3

Underdogs 6 vs 24 Uprising

8US hardy202 v angry_bacon

(s)8US cke1982 v therev

9US xxx v lost

9US welshie 4 v 2 walktall (swap)

8UK fast_one11 1 v 5 skunkyfool (s)

8UK redalert124 v zantetsukenz (swap)

(s)Straight staffie_man 0 v 6 irish_ninja

Straight tarantino 0 v 6 tweedweasle

Killer cke1982 fast_one11 hardy202 1 v 5 irish_ninja skunkyfool tweedweasel Uprising
games left to be played with uprising
8US hardy202 v angry_bacon
8US cke1982 v therev
9US xxx v lost
8UK redalert124 v zantetsukenz


Edited at 12:57 Fri 07/12/12 (GMT)
Posts: 38,097
17:01 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Announcement

sorry the completion bonus took so long, people was busy this last set. After careful discussion it has been determined by defaults team that Underdogs was at fault for the remaining games not being completed, therefore Professionals have been given the completion bonus, Underdogs will not get their bonus since they was at fault.

If you have a problem with this send me an offline message, do not argue on the threads.

Posts: 11,063
17:19 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
For the FBL game (deadline this Sunday!), my2cjms has been off 3 days. We'll have subs around this weekend if tornado isn't here, but he's very active.

ill sub my self in if u have players onlineill be online all today or tomorrow im out for my mates birthday sunday
ok thanks, i've messaged him so he'll pm you or post here when he's online.
Posts: 444
19:53 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Players Championship
welshie vsgreyhound
Round 4 (Deadline Midnight BST 12/12/12)

as last underdog in players championship gl welshie

what format is it :(
Posts: 22,512
20:12 Fri 7 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Three frames of 8US, 9US and 8UK. If at deadlock after nine frames the winner of the last frame gets to choose what game type they want to play the sudden death frame in.
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The Underdogs (lets keep on winning games)

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