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The Underdogs (lets keep on winning games)

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:16 Sat 27 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
U guys aint posted your super league fixture vs snooker squad just letting u know as not sure if your players know they have a game.
Posts: 11,489
21:38 Sat 27 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
U guys aint posted your super league fixture vs snooker squad just letting u know as not sure if your players know they have a game.

i know posting and updating after deadlineof other match as will become to confusing
Posts: 11,489
23:55 Sat 27 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League fixture 2
The Underdogs v Uprising

r08 v angry_bacon
knockout v scallo
stop_police v walktall
wobblefit 3 v 3 i_am_rubbish
redalert124 v huts24
Games left to be played with Uprising
r08 v angry_bacon
knockout v scallo
stop_police v walktall
redalert124 v huts24
Posts: 11,489
23:57 Sat 27 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The Underdogs v Snooker Squad

r08 v onevisit
knockout v dgeneratio
stop_police v rubber_duck
wobblefit v the__tornado
redalert124 v davey_1985
Games left to be played with Snooker Squad
r08 v onevisit
knockout v dgeneratio
stop_police v rubber_duck
wobblefit v the__tornado
redalert124 v davey_1985
Posts: 11,489
23:57 Sat 27 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Deadline 7/11/12 Midnight
Posts: 11,489
23:58 Sat 27 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
All games are usual Super League format of 2 games each of 9 Ball, 8 Ball and UK8 with bonus points for Run Outs and Golden Breaks.

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on underdogs thread if u win or lose or draw so i can update scores and the superleague league thread only if u win

gl underdogs
Posts: 38,097
00:04 Sun 28 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Golden Cue Announcement

To be in Golden Cue you will need to play 60% of minimum frames a player can play assuming they play in all fixtures this means you will need 28 frames to be included in the Golden Cue.

This season Cup games are also included in the golden cue so the 28 frames could be 5 league (30 frames), or 4 league and 1 cup (28 frames).

If they play in all fixtures

Minimum number of frames a player can play is 46
Maximum number of frames a player can play is 54 (assuming there are no cup tiebreakers)

Please note only frames played on the table in League and Cup games will count towards the Golden Cue. Any frames that go to default will not count.

The person with the highest percentage at end of season will win the Golden Cue
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:34 Sun 28 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
could do with a sub for wobblefit.. apparently he messed his ex-opponent off with not turning up and with only tomorrow to play not looking good..

Edited at 22:53 Sat 27/10/12 (BST)
Posts: 4,557
01:49 Sun 28 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League fixture 2
The Underdogs v Uprising

redalert124 (0) v (6) huts24

played earlier today . ggs
Posts: 11,489
01:56 Sun 28 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
super league sub
team angry vs the underdogs
was mooksterman v wobblefit
now mooksterman vs cke1982
Posts: 11,489
01:22 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
super league
the underdogs vs team angry
cke1982 vs mooksterman
8us 1-1
8uk 1-1
9us 0-2

Posts: 11,489
01:24 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Team Angry 22 v 8 Underdogs

poolbiird 6 v 0 hardy202
(swap)mooksterman 4 v 2 cke1982 (s)
silent_hill 3 v 3 stop_police
badger2 4 v 2 _jesus_(s)
(swap)ipotalot 5 v 1 welshie

well done underdogs another game completed before deadline no defaults so far lets keep it up
Posts: 212
01:51 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
r08 vs angry_bacon
US 8ball 0 - 2
9Ball 1-1
UK 8Ball 1-1

lost 4-2 cke

wp angry gg's wp
Posts: 11,489
12:41 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
underdogs cup 2012

Round 1
Match 1 - stop_police vsxxx
Match 2 - ads19 10 vs 9 _jesus_
Match 3 -welshie vsfleetwood
Match 4 -my2cjms vs cke1982
Match 5 -xnufcx_wakie 8 vs 10 fast_one11
Match 6 - r08 10 v 2 hardy202
Match 7 - knockout 7 vs 10 redalert124
Match 8 -wobblefit vs 2awesome2win
games left to be played in underdogs cup
Match 1 - stop_police vsxxx
Match 3 -welshie vsfleetwood
Match 4 -my2cjms vs cke1982
Match 8 -wobblefit vs 2awesome2win

game type is first to 10 in any order
8us 4 8uk 4 9us 4 st8 2

dont have to play all games home player picks game type then away player picks next game type and then vice versa untill u reach 10 racks

deadline round 1 28/10/12 midnight xxx vs stop-police deadline 1st november
Posts: 11,489
12:41 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Team Angry 42 v 18 Underdogs

ipotalot 13 v 2 r08
naaaaaaaaath 8 v 7 welshie
mookstermanv hardy202 (swap)
andyw1 v wobblefit
badger2 v 2awesome2win (s)
_pool_beast_ 12 v 3 redalert124 (swap)
funnky v fleetwood
poolbiird 9 v 6 ads19
Games left to be played with team angry
mooksterman v redalert124
andyw1 v wobblefit
badger2 v 2awesome2win
funnky v fleetwood

Posts: 11,489
12:41 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Underdogs 17 v 88 The Sinners

stop_police 1 v 14 onua0767
my2cjms v banana (S)
fast_one11 5 v 10 dbno
knockout 1 v 14 its_me (swap)
xnufcx_wakie 0 v 15 mdj
_jesus_ 1 v 14 the_priest (swap)
2awesome2win 5 v 10 kingywhu (swap)
wobblefit 4 v 11 sarny_lad (swap)
Games left to be played with the sinners
my2cjms v banana
Posts: 11,489
12:42 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
fcl rules
friendly not ranked
2o sec or more shot limit
All games must be played in these environments unless BOTH players agree to be changed
- Private Room
- Friendly
- 20 second shot limit

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update scores and the fcl league thread only if u win

5 games each of 8us, 9us and 8uk

Deadline 4/11/12 midnight
Posts: 11,489
12:42 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Super League fixture 2
The Underdogs 2 v 10 Uprising

r08 2 v 4 angry_bacon
knockout v scallo
stop_police v walktall
wobblefit 3 v 3 i_am_rubbish
redalert124 0 v 6 huts24
Games left to be played with Uprising
knockout v scallo
stop_police v walktall

Posts: 11,489
12:43 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Underdogs v Snooker Squad

r08 v onevisit
knockout v dgeneratio
stop_police v rubber_duck
wobblefit v the__tornado
redalert124 v davey_1985
Games left to be played with Snooker Squad
r08 v onevisit
knockout v dgeneratio
stop_police v rubber_duck
wobblefit v the__tornado
redalert124 v davey_1985
Posts: 11,489
12:43 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
All games are usual Super League format of 2 games each of 9 Ball, 8 Ball and UK8 with bonus points for Run Outs and Golden Breaks.

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on underdogs thread if u win or lose or draw so i can update scores and the superleague league thread only if u win

gl underdogs

Deadline 7/11/12 Midnight
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The Underdogs (lets keep on winning games)

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