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The Sinners ~ 'The Forgiven Ones'

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Deleted User
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22:51 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Im sure matty , if you had a question to ask admin or a moderator about a post made on this thread , it would have been more suitable to use the contact us in the help section, or message the moderator online at the time to ask the question , rather than post the query on here .

No more posts are needed on here regarding this matter ,

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:54 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Well I decided to do things my way I'm sure I didn't break any rules did I?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:56 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL ~ Deadline : 21/10/12

The Sinners 29 v 13 Uprising
8US sarny_lad v spin_doctor
8US the__priest 5 v 1 skunkyfool
9US (swp)mdj 3 v 3 derik_dalton(swp)
9US jame2010s 5 v 1 i_am_rubbish
8UK dbno v psychosis
8UK blueberry 3 v 3 huts24
Straight banana 6 v 0 w_hoolahan
Straight (swp)its_me 2 v 4 slimeball
5-1 win
Snooker Squad 24 v 18 The Sinners
8US jose_enrique 4 v 2 king8ball1
8US davey_1985 2 v 4 the__priest
9US slatty 5 v 1 sarny_lad
9US lethal_lures 1 v 5 dbno
8UK foxy147 3 v 3 jame2010s
8UK r1p0m4n 4 v 2 its_me
Straight whocares8x8 v banana
Straight pirate_steve v straightline

6 Games of either 8us/9ball/8uk or 3 games of straight

Please arrange to get your games played asap , as it is important to get these fixtures completed.
Good luck Sinners, have fun
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:56 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League ~ deadline 28/10/12
2 games of uk
2 games of 8 ball
2 games of 9 ball
runouts & GB = bonus point

Mouseketeers 4 v 2 The Sinners

thegreatone7 v sarny_lad
girl_power7 v ritcho
mat_123 4 v 2 blueberry
nick79theman v king8ball1
woowoo69 v khukuri
The Professionals 4 v 2 The Sinners

bluenose1872 v banana
horse10000 v its_me
mattywellie v dbno
dvz v straightline
beenjammin 4 v 2 the__priest

20 seconds friendly , private room
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:57 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
5-1 to me against dbno.
Posts: 7,974
23:32 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
please dont leave this clan

i have asked repeatedly for admin to look at this person on numerous occasions, it appears his problem / ? here shouldve been directed to admin or the moderating team

may i add you have not done anything wrong here, ive seen the posts made, you didnt leave the game, if its_me chose to leave the game thats down to him and him alone, missing 2 blacks it happens, its not the crime of the century (its_me has mega computer problems as it happens also)

the snooker moderator knows clearly the rules and dosnt need to post the slur be it directly or indirectly at you on this thread

he is clearly making this thread a horrble enviroment for all and now we lose a player because of his childish and uncalled for antics

i can only apologise to you mdj, for this slur against you, that clearly implies your a cheat. this person knows the rules and there is no evidence to support his claim, he wasnt in the game, he can read into what ever he wants to without proof, he is clearly making a slur against your good character on this site, which is neither warranted or called for and now has cost this team your services and also tarnished your reputation on this site.
Posts: 7,974
23:33 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
this slur is clearly aimed at you as has quoted you

Lol thank you, got a massive favour from it's_me tho when he give me the 8 uk semi this morning despite him leading 3-2!

ab_rfc , horse10000 I have to ask are you allowed to boost people's stats by handing them games ????????? Just asking to clarify two fouls on the black?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:35 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol nice speech Craig but you didn't pick up an Oscar did you?
Again I have done nothing wrong just for the record.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:42 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Confused as to how it can be a slur or aimed at mdj when mdj said on the forum that tratter gave him games and matty said 'are you allowed to boost people's stats by handing them frames.'
Surely that's aimed at the person who gave the frames
As for the rest of the speeches you lot cant report everyone for breathing in your direction then cry when you get it back lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:44 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Cheating is not permitted regardless of how it comes about. Doesn't matter how you try to turn it around Craig, its cheating between two clan members and it sickens me.
Deleted User
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23:46 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
*hugs Jimmy with a headpat

...'There there Jimmy'
Posts: 7,974
23:46 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol nice speech Craig but you didn't pick up an Oscar did you?
Again I have done nothing wrong just for the record.

im sorry you feel this way speech or no speech
you are making this thread unpleasant with your constant goading of myself and my players, i will let admin decide if youve done somthing wrong or not, im sorry but your not judge and jury here, its clear by naming him in your quote its against forum rules, no where does it say or show he has gained points by cheating or any other words you chose to use

now lets get this thread back on topic, your comments matty should be directed to admin or the moderating team

not to come on this thread and spoil peoples fun and enjoyment, and put slurs agaisnt peoples characters.

ive known mdj for many years, he has never had a wrong word to say about anyone ever.
you chose and only you, to question this and tarnish his reputation on this site
Posts: 7,974
23:49 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
and you can all take your trash off this thread, its not for this thread if youve problems take it admin or contact us.

this is a clan thread, this converstaion has nothing to do with any league this clan plays in.

or have i missed somthing.

now id request that this matter is taken to admin or the moderating team, it is the final time i ask.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:52 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I never tarnished anything by making the quote I believe it was aimed at the person fouling the blacks ;-) i have not named anyone all It was just a quote so please go and check over the forum rules again before you accuse me of making slurs against certain members. I never said "so and so has cheated" I asked a simple question and got called an idiot. I never claim to be judge or jury just like you can't tell me to get off the thread if I have something to say I will use my freedom Of type and type it ;-)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:53 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Do you have to put everything in bold your making the place look u untidy you can get your point across in normal writing.
Posts: 2,800
23:53 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Matty stop spoiling all the 'fun and enjoyment' of this team.

Tratter probably does this often as he is on 24/7.

Any more problems please message me offline Oh wait you haven't said that one yet....
Posts: 7,974
23:53 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
like i said this isnt anything to do with this thread
its not league related take it elsewhere
Posts: 7,974
23:55 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
will someone from admin or mod team please cap this thread until we can get back to league or clan buisness please
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:56 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]

Here we go craig I got you the page mate.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:57 Tue 16 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
If you post about Matty on the thread then of course he is going to answer it on the to keep it on topic
7 minutes cant post that about somebody and expect them not to defend themselves on the same place the accusations are!
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The Sinners ~ 'The Forgiven Ones'

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