Can Somebody HELP me
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Deleted User
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17:22 Thu 27 Sept 12 (BST)
I Carnt get Onto This Site Atall Without Using A Proxie Website It Just Goes Asif Its Loading Then Stays A Blank Page Like There No Site There Can Sombody Tell ME Why?
Deleted User
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17:41 Thu 27 Sept 12 (BST)
^^ As above
Try following ALL of these steps if you havent already - including making sure that all versions have been deleted and all browsing history etc has been cleared.
Try following ALL of these steps if you havent already - including making sure that all versions have been deleted and all browsing history etc has been cleared.
18:26 Thu 27 Sept 12 (BST)
Good Luck With The Help Above- That Should Work. But Why Do You Start Every Word With A Capital Letter????
Deleted User
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05:52 Fri 28 Sept 12 (BST)
And Its Not Just The Game Its The Full Site Including
15:48 Fri 28 Sept 12 (BST)
iT lOOks liKE iTs JaVa iTs HAppENed To Me BeFoRe. WaS A PAin tO SoRt oUt bUt Did iT eVENtuALly
15:51 Fri 28 Sept 12 (BST)
yEaH mE ToO ....SiLlY JaVa ShOuLd UsE sOmEtHiNg ElSe To RuN tHe gAmE
iT lOOks liKE iTs JaVa iTs HAppENed To Me BeFoRe. WaS A PAin tO SoRt oUt bUt Did iT eVENtuALly
yEaH mE ToO ....SiLlY JaVa ShOuLd UsE sOmEtHiNg ElSe To RuN tHe gAmE
21:01 Mon 1 Oct 12 (BST)
its 100 % not java as java is used once on the site for the game window, not the loading of the sounds like the same problem i have had for the last 5 months with no solution...
its 100 % not java as java is used once on the site for the game window, not the loading of the sounds like the same problem i have had for the last 5 months with no solution...
21:12 Mon 1 Oct 12 (BST)
tri to disable ani add ons like advert blokkas & simila
Deleted User
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04:52 Fri 4 Jan 13 (GMT)
i dunno what it was but ive swiched providers now and its working :S ty all for the help anyway :)
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Can Somebody HELP me
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