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20:31 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
shadwell17 Vs hardy202

8Us shadwell17 5 - 1 hardy202

Total 5 - 1 to shadwell17

Good luck for the rest of the season.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:43 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right then can i have a sub for 9us game vs swagga then please?
Deleted User
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21:18 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Players Championship

Full Round 2 Draw is here...

3 games of 8 Ball, 9 Ball & 8UK with bonus points for RunOuts/GB's.

Deadline is Midnight UK on 18th November 2012

Please can Captains or other active clan members try and make their players aware of these games should they wish to compete.

Posts: 22,512
23:03 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Default Decision

huts24 (14) - (1) seanallen (Majority)
huts24 (13) - (2) _danny17_ (Majority)
cool_dude (5) - (5) shadwell17 (Average)
ginomanx3 (14) - (1) ripped_rank (Majority)
dvz (15) - (0) sensibleshow (Majority)
ipotalot (15) - (0) sensibleshow (Majority)
horse10000 (15) - (0) eaglestrike (Majority)
the_unknown (8) - (2) (Average)

Above is the final decision on the defaults from fixture set one, these will be added to the over all games on the website. These are considered resolved but if you have any questions then please feel free to message bluenose1872.

Thank you.
Deleted User
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00:41 Wed 7 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
_redherring_ 9-6 rhinofool

wd m8 really wp, gl for'll do good for this clan
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:54 Wed 7 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
F C L SET (2)
Inpossibles(2) v(13) Team Angry

winter64 v andyw1
sergiov27 v mooksterman
hotdave v deejay
remarkaball v poolbiird
blackcabman7 v ipotalot
tamtheman v silent_hill
rhinofool vthe_unknown
ace_back(2) v(13)fuunky

Deadline for these games is 18/11/12 @ Midnight
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:56 Wed 7 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Super League

The Professionals(9) v(3) Inpossibles

dvz v sergiov27
mattywellie v rhinofool
scott7a(6) v(0) blackcabman7
beenjammin(3) v(3) remarkaball
lethal_playa v tamtheman
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:00 Wed 7 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

subbed out The Professionals (16) v (5) Inpossibles subbed out


8US horse10000(4)v(2) shadwell17

8US long_pot(4)v(2)hotdave

9US lethal_playav swagga_back

9US mattywelliev mark82

8UK bluenose1872(5)v(1) blackcabman7

8UK onua0767v rhinofool

Straight dvz(3)v(0)remarkaball

Straight cphaynes v tamtheman

Killer v

deadline for these games is 11/11/12

subbed out Inpossibles (16) vs (15) Underdogs subbed out


8US shadwell17(5) v (1)hardy202

8US hotdave(1) v(5) 2awesome2win

9US swagga_back(6) v(4) stop_police

9US mark82 v fast_one11

8UK blackcabman7(1) v(5)redalert124

8UK rhinofool v wobblefit

Straight remarkaball(3) v(0)r08

Straight tamtheman v knockout

Killer v

deadline for these games is 11/11/12

Edited at 23:03 Tue 06/11/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:00 Wed 7 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

Inpossibles 14 v 31 The Professionals

blackcabman7 (3) v (12) bluenose1872
rhinofool(6) v (9)_redherring_
hotdave v ginomanx3
remarkaball (5) v (10) lethal_playa
tamtheman v long_pot
swagga_back v mattywellie
mark82 v cphaynes
shadwell17 v horse10000

Deadline for these games is 18/11/12 @ Midnight.

Edited at 23:44 Tue 06/11/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:01 Wed 7 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
F C L SET (2)
Inpossibles v Team Angry

winter64 v andyw1
sergiov27 v mooksterman
hotdave v deejay
remarkaball v poolbiird
blackcabman7 v ipotalot
tamtheman v silent_hill
rhinofool vthe_unknown
ace_back vfuunky

Deadline for these games is 18/11/12 @ Midnight
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:05 Wed 7 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
blackcabman7 vs redalert124 f bl

8 ball uk----------(5)---(1) to redalert124

he played well good player

he fouled the black ball in last frame other wise i could have been 6 --0 i playing shocking at the moment

ul mate looks like you and me are having the same luck mate none lol wd cheers for getting it done gl rest.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:06 Wed 7 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ok super league

me versese mrs big dog(beenjammin)

8uk remball 0 v 2 jammin
8us remball 1 v 1 jammin
9us remball 2 v 0 jammin
ok guys girls draw good for me as he seen im intermediate at 8uk he just killed me but that was last game he asked for so im glad

i played him in killer games told him my old names and he remembored me so think that went long ways to as we had good games in the past

good result mate well played keep up the good work gl rest mate.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:07 Wed 7 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
shadwell17 Vs hardy202

8Us shadwell17 5 - 1 hardy202

Total 5 - 1 to shadwell17

Good luck for the rest of the season.

good result mate keep up the good work mate thanks for getting it done gl rest.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:18 Wed 7 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

Edited at 23:22 Tue 06/11/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:23 Wed 7 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Players Championship

tinie_tempah vaces_back
krazyash_07v tamtheman

3 games of 8 Ball, 9 Ball & 8UK with bonus points for RunOuts/GB's

Deadline is Midnight UK on 18th November 2012

Edited at 23:35 Tue 06/11/12 (GMT)

Edited at 23:38 Tue 06/11/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:39 Wed 7 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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01:42 Wed 7 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
***shadwell17 Vs horse1000***

8US shadwell17 2 - 3 horse1000
9US shadwell17 5 - 0 horse1000
8UK shadwell17 3 - 2 horse1000

Total 10 - 5 shadwell17

Great player and a pleasure playing against. All the best for the season.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:53 Wed 7 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks for the warm welcome guys
Deleted User
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03:04 Wed 7 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Welcome to welshgizy19 and james_h. All the best for the season.
Posts: 22,512
05:21 Wed 7 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Announcement

The league table has now been updated to the end of fixture set one. After each set the league table will be updated. Below is the link to the website page that shows the league table.

For all wondering about the Golden Cue, the golden cue has also been updated to the end of fixture set one. Defaulted games are NOT included in the golden cue. This will be added to the website tomorrow evening for all to see so keep an eye out on the website.

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Inpossibles (new clan)

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