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FCL League Discussion Thread (3)

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01:50 Tue 17 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah only problem is mate, i ain't had much time to try and think of a decent format yet. I have drawn up all the groups now and will probably have them on website sometime in the next few days i hope. Thanks to chisisidovev for helping choose the random numbers allocated to the players.

I will say this GROUP D (Death) has claimed two groups of death from my point of view. Should be very interesting.

Such a tease!
Groups of death add the spice, you know a favourite is going out in the groups, usually some shockers in the others that look easy to call too.
Posts: 22,512
23:27 Tue 17 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I am thinking that for the group stages i should possibly do best of six frames. Would always give the chance at drawing also. Was thinking eight frames but that may be a bit much.

Win = Three Points
Draw = One Point
Loss = Zero Points

This would be for the table of course, any round after the group stage would be first to seven (example) and so on.

As there is only four players in each group i think it would be a good idea to play each other twice, so each player in a group should end up playing six games in total.
Posts: 19,967
00:11 Wed 18 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
when do we find out the groups?
Posts: 11,056
20:26 Tue 24 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
2.2 How fixtures are drawn
Fixtures are decided entirely at the discretion of the League host using the team lists supplied by team captains or vice captains.

^This rule needs changing please. Fixtures should be drawn up exactly in the order provided by the captains.
Posts: 22,512
20:32 Tue 24 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
2.2 How fixtures are drawn
Fixtures are decided entirely at the discretion of the League host using the team lists supplied by team captains or vice captains.

^This rule needs changing please. Fixtures should be drawn up exactly in the order provided by the captains.

That is how the games are done. Not going to change a rule on the website to something that is done anyway, which is actually at the discretion of league hosts.
Posts: 11,056
20:35 Tue 24 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
So the order in which the players are sent in is the order they come out, right?

Why is this at your discretion lol.
Posts: 22,512
20:44 Tue 24 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes that is right.

It is not at mine, i don't give a toss about it Its just a rule that has been there before i took over the league. Removing it full stop would do no more good than bad.
Posts: 11,056
21:43 Tue 24 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
It would do lots of good. I dont want anyone having any right to mess with the lineups. Saying a rule has been there before you took over is no argument at all.

How about you rewrite another rule to say "League results are decided at the league runners discretion based on the number of frames won by clans". You wouldn't put that either.

Unless there's a reason you should have discretion over how to order the lineups, it should NOT be in the rules.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:52 Tue 24 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
It would do lots of good. I dont want anyone having any right to mess with the lineups. Saying a rule has been there before you took over is no argument at all.

How about you rewrite another rule to say "League results are decided at the league runners discretion based on the number of frames won by clans". You wouldn't put that either.

Unless there's a reason you should have discretion over how to order the lineups, it should NOT be in the rules.

dalton agrees
Posts: 22,512
22:22 Tue 24 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Well i am sorry but im not going to waste a few minutes out of my time to re-word a rule or remove the same rule that does not actually get used...

I have always done the line ups in order of who the captain chooses, it is the easiest and fastest way so im not going to stop doing it. Runners discretion could be anything from a runner removing a banned player from the line up minutes before the release of the games (not that i check all members in games every set)
Posts: 11,056
22:34 Tue 24 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
No, you should not remove a banned player either. The captains change the lineup, NOT the runner. That's exactly what I mean. If I want to keep a banned player in there, that's none of your business.

I will provide you with the wording, so your precious minutes aren't used up. You can simply copy/paste:

"2.2 How fixtures are drawn
All fixtures are matched up according to the order of players in the lineups sent in by captains."

Or you can change it if you don't like the wording.
Should only take 30 seconds.
Posts: 22,512
23:50 Tue 24 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
League Announcement

After some two years abuse, threats and just stupid accusations, especially today with the attempt that i fix games for a clan i play for and actually am vice for (or was until the folding).

This is an online game, some people take this stuff way to far and i am not going to sit again and try and defend myself over something that i shouldn't need to. You either believe myself or other people im not going to make that choice for anyone. But i am the first one to admit that you never truly know something about some people until they turn.

I don't have the time to run the league and this was going to be my last season, i don't really have the energy to do it all again anyway so you have saved me a season thank you I am giving up the runner position at the FCL with immediate effect. I am not appointing a new runner either. If some steps up (and good luck to that person or persons) then feel free to message me and i can give you everything from season 15/16 - 20. I will not give the website though as it does contain a personal email address that i use.

Thanks all for the support and all that jazz in the past
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:58 Tue 24 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
So there's no FCL this Season mate?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:59 Tue 24 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
unless someone steps up to be runner no
Posts: 11,056
00:00 Wed 25 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Give it a day or two to get settled. It will get sorted out.
Posts: 22,512
00:00 Wed 25 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Maybe, maybe not all depends on a new runner and when they can get schedules sorted and things like that for the teams. Not really my concern any more, some people might find it selfish but in truth i could not give a toss, put up with so much crap that doing the "job" was just like a habit (smoking for example). Something i couldn't let go, but now it is so easy and rather exciting in some sort of way.

As Seb said give it a day or two, someone will step up to do it. As i said i have or should have everything they need. I wont delete it all until a new runner has said if they want it or not.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:04 Wed 25 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
cant say i blame u m8 done great job,

it bad when all u doing is helping people to have fun and just a few spoil it by being rude and obnoxious but show must go on m8 and i respect u.

thank you jay
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:04 Wed 25 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I shall temporarily mind the league until someone steps up if needs be but i wont be commanding it all season - unfortunately that does not include the indivs as i already have the fbl + indivs of my own
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:06 Wed 25 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
i prepared to help out where possible if u need it.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:18 Wed 25 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
cant say i blame u m8 done great job,

it bad when all u doing is helping people to have fun and just a few spoil it by being rude and obnoxious but show must go on m8 and i respect u.

thank you jay

This all happened because he was fixing fixtures for at least 3 clans spanning back at least a year.

Amongst other rule breaks/bending which I won't go into.

So anyone who questioned anything had every right to do so.
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