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FCL League Discussion Thread (3)

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02:26 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

It's worrying that it took you 5 minutes to think of that!
Posts: 38,097
02:29 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah make season longer, play each other once is too short, take FBL finished in like 2 months from started. On our thread someone posted if season has ended because it felt it started weeks ago.

also this way you get a break for Cup games so tiebreakers wouldn't mess up the schedule
Posts: 22,512
03:06 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hard to do when not enough teams. If twelve pass the pre season then I will consider two divisions again.
Posts: 9,926
03:12 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Going back to 2 divisions would be a step backwards. League has been far more fun with all the top teams playing each other. Instead of being split if new clans start.
Posts: 22,512
03:42 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Exactly my thoughts mate.

If we get say 12 clans that will make one divison season longer.

Need more thoughts on individuals.
Posts: 9,926
03:54 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have always said I would keep it if people guaranteed their time to it, but lets face it, that can't happen. Over the last 3 seasons I have tried different formats to get people motivated with no avail.

If the individuals goes ahead next season I have a way to deal with the results of people who quit the individuals but that will be revealed if it is decided to keep it.

I like the individuals, would be disappointed to see them go. Why not just make them a straight knock out and then players could enter more than one game type. Any unplayed games go to default and their would be deadlines for each round.

Posts: 9,926
03:55 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Exactly my thoughts mate.

If we get say 12 clans that will make one divison season longer.

Need more thoughts on individuals.

And is a longer season a bad thing as i think they go past too quickly anyway.
Posts: 22,512
03:57 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
We have deadlines now and hardly anyone sticks to them at all, myself included for personal reasons as some others have.

I gave control of the Individual League to Jema and she has worked her butt off on it to make it better in the process having to ban multiple people from it out of pure laziness in my opinion. If she feels it would be better to scrap then i will back her as right now there is a ton of games each season as their is three leagues so no one would miss it much, myself included.
Posts: 9,926
04:04 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
We have deadlines now and hardly anyone sticks to them at all, myself included for personal reasons as some others have.

I gave control of the Individual League to Jema and she has worked her butt off on it to make it better in the process having to ban multiple people from it out of pure laziness in my opinion. If she feels it would be better to scrap then i will back her as right now there is a ton of games each season as their is three leagues so no one would miss it much, myself included.

Yes you have deadlines to complete games for a league format. If you make it straight knockout people who ignore them will get booted on the default. I would guess by the last 8 in each competition you would have those who wanted to play and games would get done from then on in.
Posts: 9,926
04:12 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Taken from professionals thread

Teams go down to 14 per clan next season.

Why are we reducing clan numbers? If you take professionals this season with inactivity / deactivation etc if we didn't have a large squad we would have struggled a lot more than we have. Reducing squad numbers is mad with the number of games you have between FBL and FCL. There is always players leave, deactivate are inactive etc, each clan squad size needs to accommodate for these factors.
Deleted User
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21:50 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just on the 2 months to captain/vice a clan rule...

I am all for stopping idiots making a clan and abandoning it after a week because they are bored or whatever. However this stops some people from being able to make a clan and that is really the main point some people come on the game.

I think if there are enough players (say 3 or 4) in the clan with the ability to captain a clan (and would willingly do so if the captain fails) and the person in question has previous experience be it on their current account or another, then they should be able to captain the clan.

Would be nice to see what others think here, it happens a lot, if you will accept someone on one account (if they retrieve it from admin) then what's the harm in accepting them on their current one?
Deleted User
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21:52 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks Mich a valid point sir
Deleted User
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21:54 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If there are enough people willing to pick up the pieces IF it does fail then I don't see a major problem, plus in this case you have a season on your current name.
Deleted User
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22:23 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I got told you only needed a season to be capt hence why I built my ranks up. If I knew this from the start then I'd have deacted long ago and got my old account back
Deleted User
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22:31 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
In fairness I love jimmy, but jimmy is probably one of the reasons this rule got out in place how many times jim have you been banned whilst captaining a clan or folded a clan? Also some of the people in c n g although established players have also been in a lot of clans that have folded in a senior position in that clan. But I understand what you are both saying I think that jays decision to input the rule is fine and mich or Liam should run it for a season until jimmy is able, lets be fair it can't be any worse than some people running clans.
Posts: 38,097
22:43 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hard to do when not enough teams. If twelve pass the pre season then I will consider two divisions again.

i don't mean two divisions but playing each other once is too short, take FBL finished in nearly 2 months. more competitive if we do twice
Deleted User
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22:43 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Matty its a fair point but I can't let anyone else run my clan I have my pride lol. Sam or cloone should give me my old account back in a few days and I'll be back in charge where I belong
Posts: 38,097
22:47 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If im honest im not an Individuals person too many games plus 4 other leagues to contend with so i tend to stay away but i enjoy the players championship as you get one game a fortnight, lose you don't need to worry anymore, win and you go through.

Also lower the format the better as makes it anyones game, im thinking 3 frames of 8US, 9US, 8UK thats 9 frames with first to 5 going through, quite short
Deleted User
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Deleted User
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22:51 Tue 11 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If they are willing to let him captain on another name why not let him captain on this one? Just saves a lot of fuss I think.
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