Legend Killers (Losing is not an option) 2
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22:28 Fri 14 Sept 12 (BST)
The Legend Killers Friendly Knockout
Format: 3 Games of each of 8 Ball US, 8 Ball UK, 9 Ball and 1 of straight.
If tied, then play 1 frame of straight!
up_the_pool (6) v (5) n_robertson
_itsjustme_ (7) v (3) sniper
skrillex v blueberry
kingywhu v griniiiboy
relisys v truered
curt (8) vs (2) greedy496
Deadline is Sep.15th
Players through
Format: 3 Games of each of 8 Ball US, 8 Ball UK, 9 Ball and 1 of straight.
If tied, then play 1 frame of straight!
up_the_pool (6) v (5) n_robertson
_itsjustme_ (7) v (3) sniper
skrillex v blueberry
kingywhu v griniiiboy
relisys v truered
curt (8) vs (2) greedy496
Deadline is Sep.15th
Players through
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22:37 Fri 14 Sept 12 (BST)
Legend Killers Team list
1. sniper (captain)
1. sniper (captain)
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22:42 Fri 14 Sept 12 (BST)
Bluejean not joining. Jamie glad u chose to deactivate, and sit out the seasons ban! Oh sure hope to see u back again soon however so we can play brutha! I know many will think your back on some new name, prolly think your this gu n that guy or her over there! Lol. But i believe what u told me, and i know ur toughin it out. Perhaps we will get down on the "guest battle royal matches"!! Til then, if ur reading, get at me sumhow! ;)
23:01 Fri 14 Sept 12 (BST)
yes mate no problem
Don't worry so much bout the friendly, why dont you play bluejean, kingywhu ;) 2 games each of 8us 9 us and 8uk. 1 of straight if its tied after 6? Good luck guys
yes mate no problem
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23:16 Fri 14 Sept 12 (BST)
yes mate no problembluejean deactivated, just message griniiiboy, and try and get games done, 3 of each and 1 of straight. Thats 10 games, play another of straight if tied at 5-5
Don't worry so much bout the friendly, why dont you play bluejean, kingywhu ;) 2 games each of 8us 9 us and 8uk. 1 of straight if its tied after 6? Good luck guys
yes mate no problem
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00:02 Sat 15 Sept 12 (BST)
FSL Friendly
The Sinners v The Legend Killers
dixong v skrillex
anoneeemouse v curt
blueberry v _itsjustme_
antione v death_myst
its_me v relisys
dbno v up_the_pool
mich v greedy496
kingwhu v banana
Deadline : 30/9/12
2 games each of 8us/9ball/8uk
1 point per frame won & 1 bonus point per run out/gb
Good luck all, have fun and keep it friendly please
Edited at 23:38 Fri 14/09/12 (BST)
The Sinners v The Legend Killers
dixong v skrillex
anoneeemouse v curt
blueberry v _itsjustme_
antione v death_myst
its_me v relisys
dbno v up_the_pool
mich v greedy496
kingwhu v banana
Deadline : 30/9/12
2 games each of 8us/9ball/8uk
1 point per frame won & 1 bonus point per run out/gb
Good luck all, have fun and keep it friendly please
Edited at 23:38 Fri 14/09/12 (BST)
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00:26 Sat 15 Sept 12 (BST)
^ awesome lineup! Good luck legend killers!! Lets get this new friendly going :)
15:50 Sat 15 Sept 12 (BST)
i no its just started but does any1 want to sub in to play me cause rielys ofline 23 hours....... i know its not long and course we will get it played..... just asking??
16:20 Sat 15 Sept 12 (BST)
I also noticed above that banana has left us and signed for Legends, unless snipes has the lineup wrong.
Good Luck in the friendly guys
Good Luck in the friendly guys
17:06 Sat 15 Sept 12 (BST)
He had a new name and told me it but then deactivated it again.
Bluejean not joining. Jamie glad u chose to deactivate, and sit out the seasons ban! Oh sure hope to see u back again soon however so we can play brutha! I know many will think your back on some new name, prolly think your this gu n that guy or her over there! Lol. But i believe what u told me, and i know ur toughin it out. Perhaps we will get down on the "guest battle royal matches"!! Til then, if ur reading, get at me sumhow! ;)
He had a new name and told me it but then deactivated it again.
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23:01 Sat 15 Sept 12 (BST)
He had a new name and told me it but then deactivated it again.i know i was talking to him on that "new name" thats why i posted that, i know he's serious bout this. At least for now n near future. He seemed serious talking to me. After all funky is jus a game. Family is #1
Bluejean not joining. Jamie glad u chose to deactivate, and sit out the seasons ban! Oh sure hope to see u back again soon however so we can play brutha! I know many will think your back on some new name, prolly think your this gu n that guy or her over there! Lol. But i believe what u told me, and i know ur toughin it out. Perhaps we will get down on the "guest battle royal matches"!! Til then, if ur reading, get at me sumhow! ;)
He had a new name and told me it but then deactivated it again.
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23:03 Sat 15 Sept 12 (BST)
:b ha na sarah posted it u silly fruit! :D ill b on sumtime 2day. We ca shoot sum bud.
I also noticed above that banana has left us and signed for Legends, unless snipes has the lineup wrong.
Good Luck in the friendly guys
Good Luck in the friendly guys
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05:27 Sun 16 Sept 12 (BST)
FSL Friendly
The Sinners v The Legend Killers
dixong v skrillex
anoneeemouse v curt
blueberry v _itsjustme_
antione v death_myst
its_me v relisys
dbno v up_the_pool
mich v greedy496
banana v kingywhu
Deadline : 30/9/12
2 games each of 8us/9ball/8uk
1 point per frame won & 1 bonus point per run out/gb
Good luck all, have fun and keep it friendly please
The Sinners v The Legend Killers
dixong v skrillex
anoneeemouse v curt
blueberry v _itsjustme_
antione v death_myst
its_me v relisys
dbno v up_the_pool
mich v greedy496
banana v kingywhu
Deadline : 30/9/12
2 games each of 8us/9ball/8uk
1 point per frame won & 1 bonus point per run out/gb
Good luck all, have fun and keep it friendly please
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09:33 Sun 16 Sept 12 (BST)
Not many in it, but it's my first of many!
22:28 Sat 15/09/12 Won the Random Multi-Discipline, winning 98 TournaPoints!
22:28 Sat 15/09/12 Won the Random Multi-Discipline, winning 98 TournaPoints!
14:33 Sun 16 Sept 12 (BST)
its_me v relisys
fancy getting a sub for relisys sniper .. offline 2 days.... i know its not long but i could play after 1pm today if u can pal
fancy getting a sub for relisys sniper .. offline 2 days.... i know its not long but i could play after 1pm today if u can pal
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15:17 Sun 16 Sept 12 (BST)
Not me mate, play n_robertson
its_me v relisys
fancy getting a sub for relisys sniper .. offline 2 days.... i know its not long but i could play after 1pm today if u can pal
fancy getting a sub for relisys sniper .. offline 2 days.... i know its not long but i could play after 1pm today if u can pal
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
15:17 Sun 16 Sept 12 (BST)
FSL Friendly
The Sinners v The Legend Killers
dixong v skrillex
anoneeemouse v curt
blueberry v _itsjustme_
antione v death_myst
its_me v n_robertson
dbno v up_the_pool
mich v greedy496
banana v kingywhu
Deadline : 30/9/12
2 games each of 8us/9ball/8uk
1 point per frame won & 1 bonus point per run out/gb
Good luck all, have fun and keep it friendly please
The Sinners v The Legend Killers
dixong v skrillex
anoneeemouse v curt
blueberry v _itsjustme_
antione v death_myst
its_me v n_robertson
dbno v up_the_pool
mich v greedy496
banana v kingywhu
Deadline : 30/9/12
2 games each of 8us/9ball/8uk
1 point per frame won & 1 bonus point per run out/gb
Good luck all, have fun and keep it friendly please
20:57 Sun 16 Sept 12 (BST)
its_me vs n_robertson......... clan friendly
8uk 1-1 but i 7 balled him so 2-1
8ball... 1-0 .. he fouled on the black and logged out
3-1 to tratter
ty 4 the sub snipper but if all ure players do this is it worth doing?
Edited at 18:00 Sun 16/09/12 (BST)
8uk 1-1 but i 7 balled him so 2-1
8ball... 1-0 .. he fouled on the black and logged out
3-1 to tratter
ty 4 the sub snipper but if all ure players do this is it worth doing?
Edited at 18:00 Sun 16/09/12 (BST)
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Legend Killers (Losing is not an option) 2
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