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Mouseketeers ~ The Cheesy Bandits

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Posts: 19,819
01:41 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah i done well at helping for that day lol! if you around if gerard_mc comes online i should be on playstation for most of the night if he does pop on if your here can you message me!

yeah will do matey :) hasnt been on in 19 hours though
Posts: 22,512
06:06 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
gerard_mc v playa87

I have seen a post on the Sinner page and from what i can grasp there is a current score of 4 - 0 to gerard_mc and the rest is to be played on deadline day (going by what time the post was made). I have checked both players results as i didnt want to put the wrong partial score on the website but there is no record of the game being partially played. Playa's results show nothing and only a few games played in less than a day. Gerards results go back four days and their is no record of the games either. Is it possible that this game was actually played more than four days ago but has not been completed as of yet. Can a captain please shed some light on this please and offline message me.

Posts: 19,819
14:02 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
gerard_mc v playa87

I have seen a post on the Sinner page and from what i can grasp there is a current score of 4 - 0 to gerard_mc and the rest is to be played on deadline day (going by what time the post was made). I have checked both players results as i didnt want to put the wrong partial score on the website but there is no record of the game being partially played. Playa's results show nothing and only a few games played in less than a day. Gerards results go back four days and their is no record of the games either. Is it possible that this game was actually played more than four days ago but has not been completed as of yet. Can a captain please shed some light on this please and offline message me.


as far as im aware its 4-0 gerard but this show why partial games are bad for fcl as now we have to hope gerard and playa find each other where both sinners and mice have alot of eligable reliable subs.
And jay you said playa hasnt played in 4 days? abit irreverent but he has been looking for geard as you can see on the last page. and by the time of the post would show if it was more than 4 days back which i believe it was.
I beleive they have agreed to play tonight.
Hope theres no default
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14:29 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
gerard_mc v playa87

I have seen a post on the Sinner page and from what i can grasp there is a current score of 4 - 0 to gerard_mc and the rest is to be played on deadline day (going by what time the post was made). I have checked both players results as i didnt want to put the wrong partial score on the website but there is no record of the game being partially played. Playa's results show nothing and only a few games played in less than a day. Gerards results go back four days and their is no record of the games either. Is it possible that this game was actually played more than four days ago but has not been completed as of yet. Can a captain please shed some light on this please and offline message me.


playa only plays his clan games these days and the occasional tourny i am here almost everyday i do miss the occasional day as my gf takes laptop but i deff on here regular mate!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:45 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Individuals Annoucement

Fixture Set 4 of the Individuals has now been released.

A list of all opponents including all remaining games from fixtures 1, 2 & 3 and the new fixtures can be found on the Individual Fixture thread. Link below...

Fixture 2 results will be updated on the league tables after midnight tonight.

As ever good luck everyone!
Posts: 19,819
15:50 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
aye i know you're popping on and off today but gerard has been offline a day last time i looked
Posts: 8,885
17:26 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL League fixtures set 1

The Sinners 69 v 36 Mouseketeers

king8ball1 9 v 6 marksmith
sarny_lad 11 v 4 thegreatone7
jgo3000 10 v 5 punkpoet
jame2010s 9 v 6 mat_123
gerard_mc v playa87
ritcho 8 v 7 fastboysam
banana 13 v 2 mastroianni
dbno 9 v 6 mfc_ss

5 racks of 9b 8bus and 8buk
we have 2 of the best teams here guys and girls, every point counts :)

Deadline 4/11/12 @ Midnight!
Posts: 8,885
17:26 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Super League Fixture Set 2

Mouseketeers 13 v 11 Inpossibles

thegreatone7 4 v 2 shadwell17
cleensheet 3 v 3 blackcabman
fry06 2 v 4 rhinofool
marksmith v swagga_back
samwisemac 4 v 2 remarkaball


Mouseketeers 12 v 12 Fighting Eagles

punkpoet 6 v 0 pintofshandy
mat_123 2 v 4 skiller10
fastboysam 3v 3 relisys
mastroianni v scirocco
nick79theman 1 v 5 kingdadcool

Format ; 2 racks of 8b 9b and 8buk
bonus point for an event (run out or golden break)

Deadline ; 7/11/12!
Posts: 8,885
17:27 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

1st fixture set

Mouseketeers 10 vs 20 Snooker Squad

8US woowoo69 v dgeneratio
8US mfc_ss 2 v 4 onevisit

9US girl_power7 v crazy_greg
9US cleensheet 3 v 3 kilimanjaro

8UK nick79theman 1 v 5 davey_1985
8UK playa87 2 v 4 r1p0m4n

Straight samwisemac v slatty
Straight marksmith v pirate_steve

Killer 2 v 4

Team Angry 18 vs 13 Mouseketeers

8US poolbiird 4 v 2 mat_123
8US fuunky v stephenball

9US naaaaaaaaath 4 v 2 fastboysam
9US deejay 5 v 1 fry06

8UK the_unknown 2 v 4 thegreatone7
8UK _pool_beast_ v mastroianni

Straight ipotalot v punkpoet
Straight silent_hill 2 v 4 marksmith

Killer v

DEADLINE 11/11/12!

Edited at 15:53 Sun 04/11/12 (GMT)

Edited at 15:53 Sun 04/11/12 (GMT)
Posts: 7,974
17:34 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
gerard is on line now people

playa87 (craig) said he would be online checking
Posts: 8,885
17:50 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

me vs the_unknown

4 - 2 win

is a great player but has the same bad attitude just glad I won it enough said should of been 5 -1 tbo but ahh well good win for me there
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(IP Logged)
18:37 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
5-1 not sure how you work that out, bad attitude something do with your boring play easy clearance on and you snooker it's pathetic. Good luck for future games.
Posts: 8,885
18:40 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
5-1 not sure how you work that out, bad attitude something do with your boring play easy clearance on and you snooker it's pathetic. Good luck for future games.

unless u were playing another game the snookers i did i had to doo cuz my balls were not pottable and the 2nd frame i should of cleaned them two last reds soo yeaa thats how i got 5-1

good luck to u 2
Posts: 11,063
18:44 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
woowoo69 off 3 days.
girl_power7 off 7 days.

Might need subs?
Posts: 8,885
18:58 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
subs will be made in the coming week
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:25 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

mouseketeers Vs the sinners

playa87 Vs gerard_mc

8uk 0-5
9ball 3-2
us8 3-2

overall 6-9 to gerard_mc

sorry guys should have been much closer i was unlucky should have won a few more!
Posts: 8,885
19:35 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

mouseketeers Vs the sinners

playa87 Vs gerard_mc

8uk 0-5
9ball 3-2
us8 3-2

overall 6-9 to gerard_mc

sorry guys should have been much closer i was unlucky should have won a few more!

great 6 points hun wd
Posts: 8,885
19:35 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
well done guys another fixture set complete
Posts: 8,885
20:13 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
super league


mastroianni v scirocco


thegreatone7 v scirocco
Posts: 19,819
20:44 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
well done guys and girls not to bad :)
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Mouseketeers ~ The Cheesy Bandits

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