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Mouseketeers ~ The Cheesy Bandits

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Posts: 19,819
23:15 Sat 27 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
well done sam :D
and is it supposed to snow this weekend then? As it was freezing this morning.
Posts: 19,819
23:28 Sat 27 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL League fixtures set 1

The Sinners 61v 29 Mouseketeers

king8ball1 9 v 6 marksmith
sarny_lad 11 v 4 thegreatone7
jgo3000 10 v 5 punkpoet
jame2010s 9 v 6 mat_123
gerard_mc v playa87
ritcho v fastboysam
banana 13 v 2 mastroianni
dbno 9 v 6 mfc_ss


Snooker Squad 50 v 25 Mouseketeers

onevisit v girl_power7
slatty 11 v 4 stephenball
the__tornado 12 v 3 sparkone
mich v marksmith
r1p0m4n 12 v 3 fry06
davey_1985 7 v 8 samwisemac
whocares8x8 v nick79theman
crazy_greg 8 v 7 woowoo69

5 racks of 9b 8bus and 8buk
we have 2 of the best teams here guys and girls, every point counts :)

Deadline 4/11/12 @ Midnight!
Posts: 38,097
00:04 Sun 28 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Golden Cue Announcement

To be in Golden Cue you will need to play 60% of minimum frames a player can play assuming they play in all fixtures this means you will need 28 frames to be included in the Golden Cue.

This season Cup games are also included in the golden cue so the 28 frames could be 5 league (30 frames), or 4 league and 1 cup (28 frames).

If they play in all fixtures

Minimum number of frames a player can play is 46
Maximum number of frames a player can play is 54 (assuming there are no cup tiebreakers)

Please note only frames played on the table in League and Cup games will count towards the Golden Cue. Any frames that go to default will not count.

The person with the highest percentage at end of season will win the Golden Cue
Posts: 19,819
01:48 Sun 28 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Fixture Set 2

Mouseketeers v Inpossibles

thegreatone7 v shadwell17
cleensheet v aces_back
fry06 v rhinofool
marksmith v swagga_back
samwisemac v hostmaster


Mouseketeers v Fighting Eagles

punkpoet v pintofshandy
mat_123 v skiller10
fastboysam v relisys
mastroianni v scirocco
nick79theman v gordo

Format ; 2 racks of 8b 9b and 8buk
bonus point for an event (run out or golden break)

Deadline ; 7/11/12
Posts: 19,262
01:20 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
get with the times zac its already snowed
Posts: 703
11:41 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL League fixtures set 1

The Sinners 61v 29 Mouseketeers

king8ball1 9 v 6 marksmith
sarny_lad 11 v 4 thegreatone7
jgo3000 10 v 5 punkpoet
jame2010s 9 v 6 mat_123
gerard_mc v playa87
ritcho v fastboysam
banana 13 v 2 mastroianni
dbno 9 v 6 mfc_ss

us 8 fastboysam 1 - 4 ritcho
us 9 fastboysam 4 - 1 ritcho ( should have been 5-0 i reckon!)
uk 8 fastboysam 2 - 3 ritcho

fastboysam 7 - 8 ritcho

really good game, just didnt get that little bit of luck in last game.
very nice player tho.
Posts: 38,097
14:14 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

Due to timezone problems

mich v marksmith
dgeneratio v marksmith
Posts: 19,262
14:21 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Am i the only 1 having forum issues?

seems like its backwards :-/
Posts: 38,097
14:22 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Am i the only 1 having forum issues?

seems like its backwards :-/

what does it say?

If Opera try "F5" it refreshes to correct time
If any other browser check your computer time in case it doesn't update due to clocks going back.

Edited at 12:27 Sun 28/10/12 (GMT)
Posts: 19,262
14:47 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Its the forum, noticed it last night...

just with the timings on threads for example last night the sinner thread was top with the last post having being an hour ago but the 2nd thread was ninja warriors saying the last post was 18 minutes ago :-/
Posts: 22,512
15:30 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Announcement

Fixture set one has now been released. Deadline for these games is 11/11/12.

You can find your games on the link provided below.

Thank you.
Posts: 8,885
16:00 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

1st fixture set

Mouseketeers vs Snooker Squad

8US woowoo69 v dgeneratio
8US mfc_ss v onevisit

9US girl_power7 v crazy_greg
9US cleensheet v kilimanjaro

8UK nick79theman v davey_1985
8UK playa87 v r1p0m4n

Straight samwisemac v slatty
Straight marksmith v jose_enrique

Killer v

Team Angry vs Mouseketeers

8US poolbiird v mat_123
8US badger2 v stephenball

9US naaaaaaaaath v fastboysam
9US deejay v fry06

8UK the_unknown v thegreatone7
8UK player28 v mastroianni

Straight ipotalot v punkpoet
Straight silent_hill v marksmith

Killer v

DEADLINE 11/11/12!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:45 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

playa87 offline 4 days , any idea if he will be online today , or if you have a sub avail

Posts: 8,885
16:54 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
we will keep an eye out for him if he dosent come on till tuesday ill sort a sub out


me vs shad

8 us 1 - 1
9 us 2 - 0
8 uk 1 - 1

result 4 -2 shoud of won both uk games soo pritty mad but the win is most inportant
Posts: 8,885
16:55 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL League fixtures set 1

The Sinners 61v 29 Mouseketeers

king8ball1 9 v 6 marksmith
sarny_lad 11 v 4 thegreatone7
jgo3000 10 v 5 punkpoet
jame2010s 9 v 6 mat_123
gerard_mc v playa87
ritcho v fastboysam
banana 13 v 2 mastroianni
dbno 9 v 6 mfc_ss


Snooker Squad 50 v 25 Mouseketeers

onevisit v girl_power7
slatty 11 v 4 stephenball
the__tornado 12 v 3 sparkone
mich v marksmith
r1p0m4n 12 v 3 fry06
davey_1985 7 v 8 samwisemac
whocares8x8 v nick79theman
crazy_greg 8 v 7 woowoo69

5 racks of 9b 8bus and 8buk
we have 2 of the best teams here guys and girls, every point counts :)

Deadline 4/11/12 @ Midnight!
Posts: 8,885
16:56 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Super League Fixture Set 2

Mouseketeers 4 v 2 Inpossibles

thegreatone7 (4) v (2) shadwell17
cleensheet v aces_back
fry06 v rhinofool
marksmith v swagga_back
samwisemac v hostmaster


Mouseketeers v Fighting Eagles

punkpoet v pintofshandy
mat_123 v skiller10
fastboysam v relisys
mastroianni v scirocco
nick79theman v gordo

Format ; 2 racks of 8b 9b and 8buk
bonus point for an event (run out or golden break)

Deadline ; 7/11/12
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:08 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Players Championship

Please see here for details...
Posts: 19,262
20:41 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sam n ritcho played beth
8-7 ritcho
Posts: 19,819
22:25 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

Due to timezone problems

mich v marksmith
dgeneratio v marksmith

timezone issues? Arn't they both in UK? hmmm but mark does come online 10.30 most nights if it helps
Posts: 8,885
22:34 Sun 28 Oct 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL League fixtures set 1

The Sinners 61v 29 Mouseketeers

king8ball1 9 v 6 marksmith
sarny_lad 11 v 4 thegreatone7
jgo3000 10 v 5 punkpoet
jame2010s 9 v 6 mat_123
gerard_mc v playa87
ritcho 8 v 7 fastboysam
banana 13 v 2 mastroianni
dbno 9 v 6 mfc_ss


Snooker Squad 50 v 25 Mouseketeers

onevisit v girl_power7
slatty 11 v 4 stephenball
the__tornado 12 v 3 sparkone
dgeneratio v marksmith
r1p0m4n 12 v 3 fry06
davey_1985 7 v 8 samwisemac
whocares8x8 v nick79theman
crazy_greg 8 v 7 woowoo69

5 racks of 9b 8bus and 8buk
we have 2 of the best teams here guys and girls, every point counts :)

Deadline 4/11/12 @ Midnight!
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Mouseketeers ~ The Cheesy Bandits

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