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Posts: 19,819
23:20 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
How can nick be trying to get the game played when its on a number of threads stating she hasn't been able to play today or yesterday, and deliberately asking to "play now" when she is offline is a bit of a joke, its clear no one can "play now" if they aint even online.

As Emma as already asked about a week ago, can nick please give Emma a date and time to get this played rather than a "play now" response

Why can't Emma give nick a specific time? lol
Nick has tried and is online alot unsure what he can do.
if as you say he asked 'play now' Why can't emma say I am able to play.... ? anyways nick will be on friday and the weekend.
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23:29 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
How can nick be trying to get the game played when its on a number of threads stating she hasn't been able to play today or yesterday, and deliberately asking to "play now" when she is offline is a bit of a joke, its clear no one can "play now" if they aint even online.

As Emma as already asked about a week ago, can nick please give Emma a date and time to get this played rather than a "play now" response

Why can't Emma give nick a specific time? lol
Nick has tried and is online alot unsure what he can do.
if as you say he asked 'play now' Why can't emma say I am able to play.... ? anyways nick will be on friday and the weekend.

Considering the fact Emma asked him and he has ignored the question of a date and time, and just insisting "play now", it's not really down to Emma as to give nick a date and time, but seeing as you asked, and have obviously read (seeing as you commented on it), Emma has clearly given a time period, yano, the "friday onwards" part.

Emma has been online every day other than today, which she has browsed while waiting to be discharged, nick had a 4 day period of being offline.

And how can Emma say "yes lets play now" if shes not even online when nick is asking to "play now"...not easy to reply to somebody when Emma aint online to receive the message in the first place. Also Emma did say on wednesday "I am able to play from friday onwards"
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23:29 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Be interesting to see nicks next message to Emma, no doubt a message while shes offline asking to "play now"
Posts: 19,819
23:32 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
well just leave them 2 to it ant. I am sure both clans have subs.
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23:33 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Also, any idea when marksmith is able to play? Have had contact with him, he asked if I could "play now" and I replied saying I couldn't and asked him what other days and times would suit him, he replies with "ok no problem, let me know"...hardly answering my question of what days and times suit mark hmm seems a reoccurring situation
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23:35 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't see why Emma will be subbed out, but if that's the case, its down to skunky. I'm passing on messages from Emma to let you know of your players messages and helpfulness to get games played while she is recovering
Posts: 19,819
23:35 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Also, any idea when marksmith is able to play? Have had contact with him, he asked if I could "play now" and I replied saying I couldn't and asked him what other days and times would suit him, he replies with "ok no problem, let me know"...hardly answering my question of what days and times suit mark hmm seems a reoccurring situation

He is usually online at 10.30 if that helps.
Posts: 19,819
23:36 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't see why Emma will be subbed out, but if that's the case, its down to skunky. I'm passing on messages from Emma to let you know of your players messages and helpfulness to get games played while she is recovering

I didn't say emma would be subbed out anywhere.
Can you stop posting about this subject as I see no need for it to be continued :) thanks
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23:40 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll post when I see fit to post, when you said "I'm sure both clans have subs" obviously was hinting at a sub being made on either clans behalf if its needed. Emma don't need to be subbed out so no need to bring that up.

And yes it helps, cant he play now though? Infact I'll message him to ask asking if he can
Posts: 19,819
23:41 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll post when I see fit to post, when you said "I'm sure both clans have subs" obviously was hinting at a sub being made on either clans behalf if its needed. Emma don't need to be subbed out so no need to bring that up.

And yes it helps, cant he play now though? Infact I'll message him to ask asking if he can

He is not online so probably not... once again can you stop trying to get an argument
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23:42 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Just been informed that you asked skunky to sub Emma out of that game during the killer game which took part last night.... which surely doesn't stick up for your "I didn't say emma would be subbed out anywhere" comment
Posts: 6,262
23:43 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Popcorn anyone ?

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23:43 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not trying to get an argument, as I stated further up, I'm informing you of your players situation regarding getting their games played. I'm sure as a captain, you would be interested on seeing the progress of games being arranged
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23:46 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Popcorn anyone ?

I'll take a tub of sweet popcorn please bud
Posts: 19,819
23:46 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not trying to get an argument, as I stated further up, I'm informing you of your players situation regarding getting their games played. I'm sure as a captain, you would be interested on seeing the progress of games being arranged

I am very interested but as i said maybe in offline messages as my players now have to look through all these messages
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23:50 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
That's not my problem, if games were arranged probably without questions being avoided, this conversation wouldn't be taking place
Posts: 19,819
23:51 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
That's not my problem, if games were arranged probably without questions being avoided, this conversation wouldn't be taking place

hmmm you have changed eh?.
tbh I will not reply to anything you say unless its on offline messgae
Posts: 19,819
23:54 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture 5

Vipers 43 vs 47 Mouseketeers

blackcabman7 3 vs 12 punkpoet
howhigh 9 vs 6 mastroianni
hotdave 11 vs 4 tartanrox
davey_1985 0 vs 0 samwisemac
rhinofool 8 vs 7 cons10
matthew95_8 0 vs 0 firepower
fry06 5 vs 10 marksmith
mfc_ss 7 vs 8 playa87

Mouseketeers 43 vs 61 Uprising

marksmith 10 vs 5 the__priest
samwisemac 3 vs 12 irish_ninja
punkpoet 7 vs 8 unstopp4bl3
fleetwood 7 vs 8 derik_dalton
playa87 7 vs 8 cool_dude
stephenball 7 vs 8 skunky
nick79theman 0 vs 0 emma__jane
thegreatone7 3 vs 12 antione

Deadline 26th August
Posts: 19,819
23:54 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture 5

Underdogs 2 vs 10 Mouseketeers
hardy202vs firepower
jooodlesvs samwisemac
welshie 2 vs 4 playa87
jm48 vs tartanrox
redalert124 vs thegreatone7
powerfool vs mastroianni
woowoo69 0 vs 6 punkpoet
lfc07 vs marksmith

Mouseketeers 4 vs 2 Uprising

fleetwood vs the__priest
samwisemac vs unstopp4bl3
playa87 vs irish_ninja
thegreatone7 vs derik_dalton
nick79theman vs cool_dude
stephenball vs emma__jane
punkpoet vs run_outt
marksmith vs antione
Deadline 2nd Sept

Edited at 23:26 Wed 22/08/12 (BST)
Deleted User
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23:55 Thu 23 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Why would I want to take a clan discussion to offline message? so you can fabricate "facts" I don't think so. Just let your players in question know the situation and it would be very nice to hear a response from both of them stating a date and actual time.

I have no problem with nick or with mark, they both actually have there heads screwed on and have probably misunderstood the fair few times the same question as been asked. I'm sure me and Emma can look past a misunderstanding rather than just pure ignorance.

Enjoy your night
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