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The Professionals

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Posts: 22,512
03:16 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Set Three

Snooker Squad v The Professionals

crazy_greg v dvz
lethal_lures v horse10000
onevisit v davybaumers
mich v scott7a
whocares8x8 v mattywellie
rubber_duck v rapid_pot
sarny_lad v beenjammin
pirate_steve v tinie_tempah

The Professionals (15) v (15) Uprising

beenjammin v psychosis
ginomanx3 v w_hoolahan
lethal_playa v derik_dalton
_redherring_ v slimeball
bluenose1872 (4) v (11) therev
horse10000 v angry_bacon
rapid_pot v lost
dvz (11) v (4) huts24

Cup Round One

The Professional (11) v (4) Underdogs

scott7a (11) v (4) xxx
lethal_playa v stop_police
bluenose1872 v fast_one11
ginomanx3 v ads19
_redhering_ v redalert124

Deadline: 2/12/12
Posts: 22,512
03:16 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Underdogs (7) vs (23) The Professionals

my2cjms (2) v (4) horse10000
hardy202 (0) v (6) beenjammin

xxx (2) v (4) lethal_playa
welshie (2) v (4) dvz

ads19 v _redherring_
fast_one11 (1) v (5) bluenose1872

redalert124 v rapid_pot
stop_police v scott7a

Underdogs v The Professionals

The Professionals (8) vs (10) The Sinners

beenjammin v king8ball1
davybaumers v the__priest

bluenose1872 (4) v (2) jgo3000
ginomanx3 v dbno

_redherring_ (2) v (4) jame2010s
scott7a v its_me

rapid_pot v mdj
dvz (2) v (4) banana

The Professionals v The Sinners

Deadline: 25/11/12
Posts: 3,072
03:42 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dvz - crazi greg

9 - 6

v gd plai ' er - knows what he's doing.

was v ul in a couple & so i am just glad i won..

ggs m8
Posts: 9,926
03:52 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done mate
Posts: 3,072
04:28 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ta m8 :)
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13:38 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Players Championship

Full Round 3 Draw is here...

It was a completely open draw so some players may have been fortunate (or unfortunate depending upon your own view) to receive back to back Byes.

3 games of 8 Ball, 9 Ball & 8UK with bonus points for RunOuts/GB's.

Deadline is Midnight UK on 2nd December 2012

Please can Captains or other active clan members try and make their players aware of these games should they wish to compete.

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16:05 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I just potted the black off the break in 8uk.. into the bottom right corner! How is that possible!
Posts: 11,489
16:41 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
fbl sub
the underdogs vs the professionals
8uk wobblefit v _redherring_
is now
8uk cke1982 v _redherring_
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17:04 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
yay yay yay, catch ya tonight cke1982
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17:10 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Players Championship

Round 3

foxy147 vs scott7a
horse10000 vs bradonforest
_redherring_ vs naaaaaaaaath

Bye's to next round: beenjammin mattywellie bluenose1872 dvz

3 games of 8 Ball, 9 Ball & 8UK with bonus points for RunOuts/GB's.

Deadline is Midnight UK on 2nd December 2012
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17:17 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi pros , i am going to get 3 Sinner killer players online Friday abt 7-8pm , will you be able to play then if not can you give us a time that is convenient please ? If we dont hear back we will assume we are on for friday , thanks
Posts: 2,463
17:28 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'll be here
abt, that's funky time right?
Posts: 7,974
17:34 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
if there are any problems, getting games played with sinners,
will you sarah no please, there dosnt seem to be any movement in the remaining games, even though, there are players that have been on at the same time

also davybaumers whats happening here
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17:53 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
if there are any problems, getting games played with sinners,
will you sarah no please, there dosnt seem to be any movement in the remaining games, even though, there are players that have been on at the same time

also davybaumers whats happening here

Don't you worry about the professionals If and when we decide to sub we shall let you know.

Edited at 16:06 Tue 20/11/12 (GMT)
Posts: 7,974
18:00 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
if there are any problems, getting games played with sinners,
will you sarah no please, there dosnt seem to be any movement in the remaining games, even though, there are players that have been on at the same time

also davybaumers whats happening here

Don't you worry about the professionals I and when we decide to sub we shall let you know.

it does affect me there are 2 people in this fixture, and i will also let you no when its convienent for me to play

also its called working together
poor attitude, from a so called captain and a league runner

davybaumers offline 16 days
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18:07 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
if there are any problems, getting games played with sinners,
will you sarah no please, there dosnt seem to be any movement in the remaining games, even though, there are players that have been on at the same time

also davybaumers whats happening here

Don't you worry about the professionals I and when we decide to sub we shall let you know.

it does affect me there are 2 people in this fixture, and i will also let you no when its convienent for me to play

also its called working together
poor attitude, from a so called captain and a league runner

davybaumers offline 16 days

You can say all you want I told you TWO days ago to give it a FEW days now a few means three so that would be tomorrow so chill yourself down Craig as I said two days ago I will evaluate it tomorrow thanks for coming now see ya.
Posts: 7,974
18:11 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
if there are any problems, getting games played with sinners,
will you sarah no please, there dosnt seem to be any movement in the remaining games, even though, there are players that have been on at the same time

also davybaumers whats happening here

Don't you worry about the professionals I and when we decide to sub we shall let you know.

it does affect me there are 2 people in this fixture, and i will also let you no when its convienent for me to play

also its called working together
poor attitude, from a so called captain and a league runner

davybaumers offline 16 days

You can say all you want I told you TWO days ago to give it a FEW days now a few means three so that would be tomorrow so chill yourself down Craig as I said two days ago I will evaluate it tomorrow thanks for coming now see ya.

its called communication it helps, it also helps not been patronised by a kid, if you read my post i was been helpfull only you can turn a simple helpful request into an arguement

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18:20 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
if there are any problems, getting games played with sinners,
will you sarah no please, there dosnt seem to be any movement in the remaining games, even though, there are players that have been on at the same time

also davybaumers whats happening here


it does affect me there are 2 people in this fixture, and i will also let you no when its convienent for me to play
also its called working together
poor attitude, from a so called captain and a league runner
davybaumers offline 16 days

You can say all you want I told you TWO days ago to give it a FEW days now a few means three so that would be tomorrow so chill yourself down Craig as I said two days ago I will evaluate it tomorrow thanks for coming now see ya.

its called communication it helps, it also helps not been patronised by a kid, if you read my post i was been helpfull only you can turn a simple helpful request into an arguement


I haven't caused anything Into an argument and "kid" I'm 26 get over yourself will ya. Why couldn't you of just waited or tomorrow in the first place like I said a couple of days back? Only you can pester people and annoy people like this. Anyway I have work to do you know that thing most of us have to do.
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18:24 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lets not get into that again

We got lots of active players craig, giving it an extra day wont harm any, especially with your activity levels, the game will get played very soon im sure!

If no show by tomorrow, a sub will be made....thanks
Posts: 7,974
18:25 Tue 20 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Only you can pester people and annoy people like this
you say this,, read your posts on fighting eagles,,, for defaults

we got our games played

my post was a simple request maybe
and offering help to your players
i may need to simplify it further for you
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