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Posts: 324
15:00 Thu 2 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I have adopted this idea from social networking sites, and I believe if implemented, may be successful.

So I and many other users of the game browse over forums and post frequently on a variety of topics, however users understandably sometimes forget which posts they have posted where, and consequently appear to be rude / offline from the conversation.

This occurs all to often on the 'fun and games" section where if users have won a game (without knowing), will likely not return to their post and thus a halt is caused to the game.

However, this can be prevented by a notification icon; this would operate just like on Facebook, where the icon notifies the user to clarify a particular user has commented on an inital post you have made.

An analogy of this is lets say: I were to win hangman, and recieve a notification to state a user has responded to my answer, and if I win I can begin a new game without any delays.

Hopefully, this will speed up particular forum sections where the section relies on a particular user to respond.

Posts: 38,097
15:11 Thu 2 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i like the idea personally as it could be useful to staff members for game queries for instance. you would need to be quoted or tagged for this to happen though otherwise you would get 100,000 notifications a day. If people overuse it then they should be an option to turn it off completely (similar to emails for in game notifications).

on my list of ideas on snooker i also said that notifications could be linked to both sites so an opponent messages you and your on snooker it would say...

You have a pool message from bluenose1872 you can view it by pressing this link. You could then log off snooker and come on pool right away, helps for those who play in the clan league on both sites.

just wonder if the server could handle it if yes then im all for it
Posts: 5,223
19:54 Thu 2 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I like this idea also, and it can be quite helpful to the staff team too. It would probably work if the user tagged them in a post and it worked like in-game where you get a notification telling you.

A little bit to add onto your notifications that I think would help staff,
On a thread there should be a 'Report Post' button, but is only valid once. Meaning once one person has reported it, no-one else can preventing people spamming the button. This would then send a notification to the staff who moderate that certain forum. Thoughts?

If it gets implemented is a different thing entirely
Nice suggestion though
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