Snooker Squad (VI) - Super League and FBL Cup Champions
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06:47 Wed 12 Sept 12 (BST)
FCL Friendly
Play 5 frames of 8US, 9-Ball, and 8UK.
Pick an opponent that you see online from the list and play him! The tie will end after 8 matches are played (unless there's interest for more).
Good luck!
Professionals players:
man_up -
mattywellie - cphaynes - burnzhyboy- bluenose1872-horse1000-ginomanx3-_redherring_
Snooker Squad players:
r1p0m4n - davey_1985 - i_am_blessed -
tokko -
Professionals 51 vs 39 Snooker Squad
dvz 10 vs 5 the__tornado
onua0767 12 vs 3 dgeneratio
scott7a 7 vs 8 slatty
beenjammin 5 vs 10 tinie
rapid_pot 9 vs 6 jose_enrique
... vs ...
... vs ...
... vs ...
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list.
Play 5 frames of 8US, 9-Ball, and 8UK.
Pick an opponent that you see online from the list and play him! The tie will end after 8 matches are played (unless there's interest for more).
Good luck!
Professionals players:
man_up -
mattywellie - cphaynes - burnzhyboy- bluenose1872-horse1000-ginomanx3-_redherring_
Snooker Squad players:
r1p0m4n - davey_1985 - i_am_blessed -
tokko -
Professionals 51 vs 39 Snooker Squad
dvz 10 vs 5 the__tornado
onua0767 12 vs 3 dgeneratio
scott7a 7 vs 8 slatty
beenjammin 5 vs 10 tinie
rapid_pot 9 vs 6 jose_enrique
... vs ...
... vs ...
... vs ...
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list.
13:05 Wed 12 Sept 12 (BST)
For the people that want to no
Frame win ratios
wd to everyone, great season but lets hope for an even better 1 next season!
Frame win ratios
slatty......................72.580 %
lethal_lures...........72.388 %
whocares8x8........70.232 %
tinie........................69.333 %
pirate_steve..........65.161 %
rubber_duck..........63.636 %
sarny_lad...............53.846 %
jose_enrique.........53.679 %
dgeneratio.............50.228 %
tokko......................48.214 %
i_am_blessed.......46.153 %
meadow.................44.800 %
kilimanjaro..............43.511 %
crazy_greg.............42.465 %
sean92....................30.000 %
lethal_lures...........72.388 %
whocares8x8........70.232 %
tinie........................69.333 %
pirate_steve..........65.161 %
rubber_duck..........63.636 %
sarny_lad...............53.846 %
jose_enrique.........53.679 %
dgeneratio.............50.228 %
tokko......................48.214 %
i_am_blessed.......46.153 %
meadow.................44.800 %
kilimanjaro..............43.511 %
crazy_greg.............42.465 %
sean92....................30.000 %
wd to everyone, great season but lets hope for an even better 1 next season!
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
20:42 Wed 12 Sept 12 (BST)
Hopefully i'll only play a couple of fixtures again (clearly makes me look good )
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
21:48 Wed 12 Sept 12 (BST)
started playing matty in friendly score so far is 3-2 to me.. 9us,8uk left to go.. playing after his tea
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
21:58 Wed 12 Sept 12 (BST)
To be honest we are both a long way off the standard we can play..
Edited at 19:03 Wed 12/09/12 (BST)
Edited at 19:03 Wed 12/09/12 (BST)
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
22:05 Wed 12 Sept 12 (BST)
We both suck, and seb I may suck but you only beat me 8-7 :-p
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
22:25 Wed 12 Sept 12 (BST)
I think your only saying I suck cos in leaving d and c . Remember one game lost in two seasons ;-)
22:32 Wed 12 Sept 12 (BST)
hahaha nono, everyone who is not in this clan sucks big-time
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
22:56 Wed 12 Sept 12 (BST)
davey 9 vs 6 matty
8us 3-2 to me
9us 4-1 matty
8uk 5-0 me...
8us 3-2 to me
9us 4-1 matty
8uk 5-0 me...
22:57 Wed 12 Sept 12 (BST)
How can you lose to matty in 9-ball???
Nice win mate.
Nice win mate.
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
22:58 Wed 12 Sept 12 (BST)
I'm no judge but isn't that 9-6?
davey 8 vs 7 matty
8us 3-2 to me
9us 4-1 matty
8uk 5-0 me...
8us 3-2 to me
9us 4-1 matty
8uk 5-0 me...
I'm no judge but isn't that 9-6?
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
22:58 Wed 12 Sept 12 (BST)
lol i never really got a shot in 9ball. i didnt really play that well till 8uk seem to find abit of form then..
How can you lose to matty in 9-ball???
Nice win mate.
Nice win mate.
lol i never really got a shot in 9ball. i didnt really play that well till 8uk seem to find abit of form then..
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
22:58 Wed 12 Sept 12 (BST)
I'm no judge but isn't that 9-6?
davey 9 vs 6 matty
8us 3-2 to me
9us 1-4 matty
8uk 5-0 me...
8us 3-2 to me
9us 1-4 matty
8uk 5-0 me...
I'm no judge but isn't that 9-6?
22:59 Wed 12 Sept 12 (BST)
FCL Friendly
Play 5 frames of 8US, 9-Ball, and 8UK.
Pick an opponent that you see online from the list and play him! The tie will end after 8 matches are played (unless there's interest for more).
Good luck!
Professionals players:
man_up -
horse10000 - _redherring_ -
bunrzybhoy -
Snooker Squad players:
r1p0m4n - i_am_blessed -
onevisit -
Professionals 49 vs 41 Snooker Squad
dvz 10 vs 5 the__tornado
onua0767 12 vs 3 dgeneratio
scott7a 7 vs 8 slatty
beenjammin 5 vs 10 tinie
rapid_pot 9 vs 6 jose_enrique
mattywellie 6 vs 9 davey_1985
... vs ...
... vs ...
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list.
Edited at 20:13 Wed 12/09/12 (BST)
Play 5 frames of 8US, 9-Ball, and 8UK.
Pick an opponent that you see online from the list and play him! The tie will end after 8 matches are played (unless there's interest for more).
Good luck!
Professionals players:
man_up -
horse10000 - _redherring_ -
bunrzybhoy -
Snooker Squad players:
r1p0m4n - i_am_blessed -
onevisit -
Professionals 49 vs 41 Snooker Squad
dvz 10 vs 5 the__tornado
onua0767 12 vs 3 dgeneratio
scott7a 7 vs 8 slatty
beenjammin 5 vs 10 tinie
rapid_pot 9 vs 6 jose_enrique
mattywellie 6 vs 9 davey_1985
... vs ...
... vs ...
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list.
Edited at 20:13 Wed 12/09/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
(IP Logged)
23:00 Wed 12 Sept 12 (BST)
lol put 8-7 as i thought matty won the last 8uk but he missed across the table double for black in middle.
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
23:05 Wed 12 Sept 12 (BST)
did you guys sign hoolihan? any other players u have signed too im happy for you to announce to get remaining games played!
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Snooker Squad (VI) - Super League and FBL Cup Champions
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