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Snooker Squad (VI) - Super League and FBL Cup Champions

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Posts: 11,063
02:49 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 (8) vs (7) mattywellie

8US: 3-2
9-Ball: 2-3
8UK: 3-2

Was pretty close throughout. matty missed a couple of open ones early that wouldve probably won him the frames.
I had a higher-than-average number of sick little nudges go against me. Maybe I should smash more...
Also had a couple of ill-timed in-offs that cost me a couple of frames.

Could've been more, but then again, he could've converted a couple more too.

Posts: 38,097
02:53 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
dgen-u ok to play 2moz at 5 pal????
sure if my comps okay and dinner isnt done
Posts: 3,610
02:54 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
see ya at 5 then lol
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02:56 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  

pirate_steve 6 - 9 banana
Posts: 11,063
02:58 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Cup Quarterfinals
Play 4 frames of your game type; 2 of straight

Vipers 4 vs 20 Snooker Squad

howhigh vs jose_enrique
hotdave 2 vs 2 dgeneratio
staffie_man 0 vs 4 lethal_lures
pixie_dust 1 vs 3 slatty
fry06 vs kilimanjaro
rhinofool 1 vs 3 meadow
davey_1985 0 vs 2 pirate_steve
mfc_ss 0 vs 2 tokko

Deadline: August 19th
FCL Cup Final:

Untouchables 25 vs 20 Snooker Squad

mattywellie 7 vs 8 whocares8x8
the_unknown vs slatty
fuunky 9 vs 6 tokko
banana 9 vs 6 pirate_steve
r1p0m4n vs lethal_lures
its_me vs dgeneratio
mr_pink_eyes vs jose_enrique
scott7a vs kilimanjaro
apples_back vs rubber_duck

Deadline: August 26th
Posts: 11,063
02:58 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Play 6 frames of your game type; 3 of straight

MVP 23 vs 19 Snooker Squad

beenjammin 4 vs 2 jose_enrique
cphaynes 5 vs 1 tokko
davybaumers 3 vs 3 lethal_lures
bunrzybhoy vs rubber_duck
man_up 1 vs 5 pirate_steve
_redherring_ 2 vs 4 dgeneratio
rapid_pot vs slatty
dvz 3 vs 0 whocares8x8
Killer 2 vs 4

Snooker Squad 26 vs 10 Team Angry

rubber_duck vs therev
jose_enrique 5 vs 1 poolbird
lethal_lures vs ritcho
sean92 3 vs 3 mrmtp
kilimanjaro vs ipotalot
pirate_steve 5 vs 1 naaaaaaaaath
whocares8x8 1 vs 2 greyhound
slatty 3 vs 0 mooksterman
Killer 5 vs 1

Deadline: August 19th
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03:04 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  

pirate_steve 6 - 9 banana

Looks like you've got original in the next set of fixtures on the snooker table. Forgot to tell you before the game that this was going to decide it
Posts: 11,063
03:11 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
pirate_steve 6 - 9 banana

Looks like you've got original in the next set of fixtures on the snooker table. Forgot to tell you before the game that this was going to decide it
haha! Good thing you didn't tell him beforehand. He would've spanked you with that sort of motivation!
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03:12 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
pirate_steve 6 - 9 banana

Looks like you've got original in the next set of fixtures on the snooker table. Forgot to tell you before the game that this was going to decide it
haha! Good thing you didn't tell him beforehand. He would've spanked you with that sort of motivation!

I'm not stupid
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03:17 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Not bad results lads! at least there isnt a spanking in there.... 5 points is nothing

Still no word from mr pink eyes.....
Deleted User
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03:18 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm sure when he comes on he will message u dude, I'm guessing u have sent him a message that he can see and reply to?
Deleted User
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03:20 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The alternative being a telepathic one?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:21 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm sure when he comes on he will message u dude, I'm guessing u have sent him a message that he can see and reply to?

Ofcourse Matthew
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(IP Logged)
03:21 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The alternative being a telepathic one?

Well some people wait for the opponent don't they to message them?
Posts: 11,063
03:21 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
In the midst of all this cup chatter, despite jose_enrique's adamant protest, please welcome the__tornado for next season!

His name on snooker, you guessed it, is the_tornado.
Nice to have you mate!
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(IP Logged)
03:22 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm sure when he comes on he will message u dude, I'm guessing u have sent him a message that he can see and reply to?

Ofcourse Matthew

See Owen no matter what they said about you I knew u wasn't stupid mate I stuck up for you :-)
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(IP Logged)
03:24 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The alternative being a telepathic one?

Well some people wait for the opponent don't they to message them?

I jest good sir.

Welcome to the clan Tornado!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:24 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The alternative being a telepathic one?

Well some people wait for the opponent don't they to message them?

I jest good sir.

Welcome to the clan Tornado!

I know dude :-p ul against fuunky btw I hear you had some rotten luck in uk, you really don't like that format do you lol?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:27 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The alternative being a telepathic one?

Well some people wait for the opponent don't they to message them?

I jest good sir.

Welcome to the clan Tornado!

I know dude :-p ul against fuunky btw I hear you had some rotten luck in uk, you really don't like that format do you lol?
Ha its not my fav but I played some good stuff. Just doesn't want to go for me in the league this year. I'm thinking of starting a breakaway league with none of this UK nonsense!!!!

Either that or drop down to Division 2, more my level this year!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:29 Wed 15 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The alternative being a telepathic one?

Well some people wait for the opponent don't they to message them?

I jest good sir.

Welcome to the clan Tornado!

Yeah I'm sure there is space at chips and gravy I'll ask jimmy oh I can't he is banned.

I know dude :-p ul against fuunky btw I hear you had some rotten luck in uk, you really don't like that format do you lol?
Ha its not my fav but I played some good stuff. Just doesn't want to go for me in the league this year. I'm thinking of starting a breakaway league with none of this UK nonsense!!!!

Either that or drop down to Division 2, more my level this year!
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Snooker Squad (VI) - Super League and FBL Cup Champions

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