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The Underdogs (We have actually won a couple of matches!!)

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Posts: 11,489
15:24 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
RESULT: 8 Ball Arcade Friendly Tournament
trytothink (0) loses to knockout (3) with 3 balls remaining

TOURNAMENT: knockout knocks out trytothink
TOURNAMENT:Congratulations, you won the 8 ball arcade tournament (friendly)

nice win m8 keep it up
Posts: 11,489
15:24 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
8UK: skunkyfool 4 v 2 pixie_dust

thought pixie was playing walktall
Posts: 2,182
15:29 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
8UK: skunkyfool 4 v 2 pixie_dust

thought pixie was playing walktall

She asked for a sub mate, so I subbed in.
Posts: 11,489
15:41 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
1 cke1982 captain
2 hardy202 vicecaptain
3 Welshie
4 ads19
5 redalert124
6 jacko
7 fleetwood
8 r08
9 wobblefit
10 stop_police
11 my2cjms
12 vacant
13 knockout
14 xnufcx_wakie
15 _jesus_
16 2awesome2win

pixie dust has left to join ninja warriors want to thank her and gl for the future
Posts: 11,489
15:42 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
with pixie dust gone recruiting for another vice captain any one want to be vice let me know as vice u will make subs update game sheets and help new members with being in a clan if interested mesage me or post on forum
Posts: 11,489
15:52 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
fbl preseason friendly

Uprising 23 v 7 Underdogs

8US slimeball v welshie (S)

8US spin_doctor 3 v 3 stop_police

9US derik_dalton v jacko

9US scallo v fleetwood

8UK cushion v r08

(s)8UK skunkyfool 4 v 2 pixie_dust

Straight w_hoolahan 6 v 0 hardy202

Straight psychosis 6 v 0 wobblefit

Killer skunkyfool i_am_rubbish the rev 4 v 2 hardy202 cke1982 redalert124
games left to be played with uprising
8US slimeball v welshie
9US derik dalton v jacko
9US scallo v fleetwood
8UK cushion v r08

Posts: 11,489
16:26 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
fbl rules

friendly not ranked
2o sec or more shot limit
All games must be played in these environments unless BOTH players agree to be changed
- Private Room
- Friendly
- 20 second shot limit

6 Frames of your game type or 3 of straight

deadline 21/10/12 midnight
Posts: 11,489
16:27 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
come on underdogs whats going on with these games 5 days to deadline 4 fbl games to go need these games played to get in the fbl league any one who cant get game played let me know so i can make a sub
Posts: 11,489
16:28 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
super league

The Underdogs 4 v 21 The Professionals
r08 0 v 6 dvz
stop_police v mattywellie
wobblefit 1 v 6 scott7a
pixie_dust 3 v 3 _redherring_
redalert124 0 v 6 beenjammin
games left to be played with the professionals
stop_police v mattywellie


Edited at 14:21 Wed 17/10/12 (BST)
Posts: 11,489
16:28 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Team Angry 3 v 3 Underdogs

poolbiird v hardy202
ipotalot v wobblefit
silent_hill 3 v 3 stop_police
badger2 v _jesus_ (s)
mooksterman v welshie

games left to be played with team angry
poolbiird v hardy202
ipotalot v wobblefit
badger2 v _jesus_
mooksterman v welshie


Edited at 13:43 Wed 17/10/12 (BST)
Posts: 11,489
16:28 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
All games are usual Super League format of 2 games each of 9 Ball, 8 Ball and UK8 with bonus points for Run Outs and Golden Breaks.

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on underdogs thread if u win or lose or draw so i can update scores and the superleague league thread only if u win

gl underdogs

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK on 28/10/12
Posts: 11,489
16:29 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
arranging clan league game and what to do if ur game goes to default

Once your fixture is announced the recommended strategy to organise the fixture is:-

1) Add your opponent to your friends list (As soon as you see the fixture).

2) Message your opponent informing him of you general availability (As soon as you see the fixture) i.e:-

"Hi we have a clan fixture to play, I'm online most evenings between 7 and 10. Are you likely to be online at these times?"

Depending on the response proceed as follows:-

2a) NO - If your opponent will not be around at these times, try and find a common time.If a common time can be found arrange a date and time to play.

If no common time can be found inform the Captain/Vice to arrange a suitable substitution (Ensure you tell them when your opponent will be available).

2b) YES - Keep an eye out for your opponent while your online. If you do not manage to get hold of him after the first week of the fixture. Message them again to arrange a time and date.

3) In the event your opponent did not turn up to play your fixture, message him to re-arrange. Make sure he is aware that they have let you down... but be careful there may have been an unavoidable circumstance behind it
Posts: 11,489
16:30 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
If your opponent continues to miss the arranged times your messages will be vital for the defaults panel (usually a 48 hour deadline). Please ensure you send all of your correspondence to your Captain and League Runners, This includes messages to ur captain and evidence of trying to get game played before deadline
Posts: 11,489
16:37 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
fsl sub
team angry vs underdogs
badger2 v pixie_dust
is now
badger2 v _jesus_
Posts: 521
16:43 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  

redalert124 vs benjammin

6-0 benjammin

ggs mate u play so good
Posts: 11,489
17:21 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
super league

The Underdogs 4 v 21 The Professionals
r08 0 v 6 dvz
stop_police v mattywellie
wobblefit 1 v 6 scott7a
pixie_dust 3 v 3 _redherring_
redalert124 0 v 6 beenjammin
games left to be played with the professionals
stop_police v mattywellie


Edited at 14:21 Wed 17/10/12 (BST)
Posts: 11,489
17:22 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
super league

The Underdogs 4 v 21 The Professionals
r08 0 v 6 dvz
stop_police v mattywellie
wobblefit 1 v 6 scott7a
pixie_dust 3 v 3 _redherring_
redalert124 0 v 6 beenjammin
games left to be played with the professionals
stop_police v mattywellie


Edited at 14:21 Wed 17/10/12 (BST)
Posts: 2,182
17:58 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
9US: scallo v fleetwood
is now
9US: therev v fleetwood
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:30 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi friends, If there is a open spot I would like to try out to be in your clan. I am not the greatest player but easy to get alone with. Just let me know thanks. Chaz
Posts: 11,489
18:33 Wed 17 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
fbl sub
uprising vs the underdogs
8UK cushion v r08
is now
8uk cushion vs redalert124
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The Underdogs (We have actually won a couple of matches!!)

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