The Underdogs (We have actually won a couple of matches!!)
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15:27 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)
fighting eagles want a friendlyanyone interested let me know
underdogs team vs fighting eagles
1 cke1982
underdogs team vs fighting eagles
1 cke1982
15:28 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)
cheers staffie man look class hem pics especially the liverpool one
15:33 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)
lfc07 v samwisemac
us8 2--3 sam
us9 2--3 sam
uk8 0--5 sam
14--11 sam.
great player left me nothing lol,all the best m8
soz guys..
Edited at 00:06 Fri 27/07/12 (BST)
us8 2--3 sam
us9 2--3 sam
uk8 0--5 sam
14--11 sam.
great player left me nothing lol,all the best m8
soz guys..
Edited at 00:06 Fri 27/07/12 (BST)
15:34 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)
take that lfc the score was 11-4 mate
lfc07 v samwisemac
us8 2--3 sam
us9 2--3 sam
uk8 0--5 sam
14--11 sam.
great player left me nothing lol,all the best m8
soz guys..
Edited at 00:06 Fri 27/07/12 (BST)
us8 2--3 sam
us9 2--3 sam
uk8 0--5 sam
14--11 sam.
great player left me nothing lol,all the best m8
soz guys..
Edited at 00:06 Fri 27/07/12 (BST)
take that lfc the score was 11-4 mate
15:37 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)
FCL Fixture 2
The Untouchables 50 vs 25 The Underdogs
polar_bear 14 vs 1 hardy202
(s) banana vs welshie
the_unknown 10 vs 5 woowoo69
aaron1973 10 vs 5 redalert124 (s)
(s) mattywellie vs jooodles (s)
mr_pink_eyes vs lfc07
vendetta 13 vs 2 9balljay
(s)apples_back 3 vs 12 chris
games left to be played with Untouchables
banana vs welshie
mattywellie vs jooodles (s)
mr_pink_eyes vs lfc07
The Untouchables 50 vs 25 The Underdogs
polar_bear 14 vs 1 hardy202
(s) banana vs welshie
the_unknown 10 vs 5 woowoo69
aaron1973 10 vs 5 redalert124 (s)
(s) mattywellie vs jooodles (s)
mr_pink_eyes vs lfc07
vendetta 13 vs 2 9balljay
(s)apples_back 3 vs 12 chris
games left to be played with Untouchables
banana vs welshie
mattywellie vs jooodles (s)
mr_pink_eyes vs lfc07
15:40 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)
The Underdogs 36 vs 54 Mouseketeers
hardy202 0 vs 15 be_happy
welshie 8 vs 7 marksmith
woowoo69 vs thegreatone7 (s)
(Slfc07 4 vs 11 samewisemac
redalert124 vsfleetwood
(s) chris 12 vs 3 nick79theman
9balljay 8 vs 7 playa87
jooodles 4 vs 11 stephenball
games left to be played with Mouseketeers
woowoo69 vs thegreatone7
redalert124 vs fleetwood
hardy202 0 vs 15 be_happy
welshie 8 vs 7 marksmith
woowoo69 vs thegreatone7 (s)
(Slfc07 4 vs 11 samewisemac
redalert124 vsfleetwood
(s) chris 12 vs 3 nick79theman
9balljay 8 vs 7 playa87
jooodles 4 vs 11 stephenball
games left to be played with Mouseketeers
woowoo69 vs thegreatone7
redalert124 vs fleetwood
15:41 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)
Latin Legends 27 vs 18 Underdogs
w_hoolahan 7 vs 8 chris (s)
king8ball1 vs welshie
toluca321 vs redalert124
zantetsukenz 11 vs 4 woowoo69
scooby 9 vs 6 jooodles
games left to play with the latin legends
king8ball1 vs welshie
toluca321 vs redalert124
Latin Legends 27 vs 18 Underdogs
w_hoolahan 7 vs 8 chris (s)
king8ball1 vs welshie
toluca321 vs redalert124
zantetsukenz 11 vs 4 woowoo69
scooby 9 vs 6 jooodles
games left to play with the latin legends
king8ball1 vs welshie
toluca321 vs redalert124
15:41 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)
fcl rules
friendly not ranked
2o sec or more shot limit
All games must be played in these environments unless BOTH players agree to be changed
- Private Room
- Friendly
- 20 second shot limit
please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update the score and fcl result thread if u win match people who dont post the score after they play will be dropped for nxt matches after 2 times not posting there score it helps me update scores and know if matches havent been played and if they need subs to be played also keep messages of attempting to get the game played in case of defaults gl underdogs
Deadline is 29/7/12
5 games each of 8us, 9us and 8uk
friendly not ranked
2o sec or more shot limit
All games must be played in these environments unless BOTH players agree to be changed
- Private Room
- Friendly
- 20 second shot limit
please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update the score and fcl result thread if u win match people who dont post the score after they play will be dropped for nxt matches after 2 times not posting there score it helps me update scores and know if matches havent been played and if they need subs to be played also keep messages of attempting to get the game played in case of defaults gl underdogs
Deadline is 29/7/12
5 games each of 8us, 9us and 8uk
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15:42 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)
Me and jooodles will get it done we are both active :-)
FCL Fixture 2
The Untouchables 50 vs 25 The Underdogs
polar_bear 14 vs 1 hardy202
(s) banana vs welshie
the_unknown 10 vs 5 woowoo69
aaron1973 10 vs 5 redalert124 (s)
(s) mattywellie vs jooodles (s)
mr_pink_eyes vs lfc07
vendetta 13 vs 2 9balljay
(s)apples_back 3 vs 12 chris
games left to be played with Untouchables
banana vs welshie
mattywellie vs jooodles (s)
mr_pink_eyes vs lfc07
The Untouchables 50 vs 25 The Underdogs
polar_bear 14 vs 1 hardy202
(s) banana vs welshie
the_unknown 10 vs 5 woowoo69
aaron1973 10 vs 5 redalert124 (s)
(s) mattywellie vs jooodles (s)
mr_pink_eyes vs lfc07
vendetta 13 vs 2 9balljay
(s)apples_back 3 vs 12 chris
games left to be played with Untouchables
banana vs welshie
mattywellie vs jooodles (s)
mr_pink_eyes vs lfc07
Me and jooodles will get it done we are both active :-)
15:43 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)
come on underdogs 7 games to go in fcl 3 days to deadline no defaults wanted
15:44 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)
Me and jooodles will get it done we are both active :-)
that yous both are m8
FCL Fixture 2
The Untouchables 50 vs 25 The Underdogs
polar_bear 14 vs 1 hardy202
(s) banana vs welshie
the_unknown 10 vs 5 woowoo69
aaron1973 10 vs 5 redalert124 (s)
(s) mattywellie vs jooodles (s)
mr_pink_eyes vs lfc07
vendetta 13 vs 2 9balljay
(s)apples_back 3 vs 12 chris
games left to be played with Untouchables
banana vs welshie
mattywellie vs jooodles (s)
mr_pink_eyes vs lfc07
The Untouchables 50 vs 25 The Underdogs
polar_bear 14 vs 1 hardy202
(s) banana vs welshie
the_unknown 10 vs 5 woowoo69
aaron1973 10 vs 5 redalert124 (s)
(s) mattywellie vs jooodles (s)
mr_pink_eyes vs lfc07
vendetta 13 vs 2 9balljay
(s)apples_back 3 vs 12 chris
games left to be played with Untouchables
banana vs welshie
mattywellie vs jooodles (s)
mr_pink_eyes vs lfc07
Me and jooodles will get it done we are both active :-)
that yous both are m8
16:09 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)
fbl fixture 3
Mouseketeers 12 vs 6 Underdogs
8US be_happy 6 vs 0 hardy202
8USsamwisemac vs lfc07
9US fastboysam vs 9balljay
9US thegreatone7 vs welshie
8UK ryanbelfast vs redalert124
8UK mastroianni vs 0utlaw
Straight punkpoet 2 vs 4 woowoo69
marksmith 4 vs 2 chris
Killer Mouseketeers vs The Underdogs
games left to be played with Mouseketeers
8US samwisemac vs lfc07
9US fastboysam vs 9balljay
9US thegreatone7 vs welshie
8UK ryanbelfast vs redalert124
8UK mastroianni vs 0utlaw
Killer Mouseketeers vs The Underdogs
Edited by forum moderator jooodles, at 14:27 Fri 27/07/12 (BST)
Mouseketeers 12 vs 6 Underdogs
8US be_happy 6 vs 0 hardy202
8USsamwisemac vs lfc07
9US fastboysam vs 9balljay
9US thegreatone7 vs welshie
8UK ryanbelfast vs redalert124
8UK mastroianni vs 0utlaw
Straight punkpoet 2 vs 4 woowoo69
marksmith 4 vs 2 chris
Killer Mouseketeers vs The Underdogs
games left to be played with Mouseketeers
8US samwisemac vs lfc07
9US fastboysam vs 9balljay
9US thegreatone7 vs welshie
8UK ryanbelfast vs redalert124
8UK mastroianni vs 0utlaw
Killer Mouseketeers vs The Underdogs
Edited by forum moderator jooodles, at 14:27 Fri 27/07/12 (BST)
16:09 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)
Underdogs 0 vs 6 Untouchables
8US hardy202 0 vs 6 banana
8US lfc07 vs apples_back
9US welshie vs polar_bear
9US chris vs mr_pink_eyes
8UK redalert124 vsits_me
8UK 0utlaw vs mattywellie
Straight woowoo69 vs dbno
Straight 9balljay vs vendetta
Killer Underdogs vs Untouchables
games left to be played with Untouchables
8US lfc07 vs apples_back
9US welshie vs polar_bear
9US chris vs mr_pink_eyes
8UK redalert124 vs its_me
8UK 0utlaw vs mattywellie
Straight woowoo69 vs dbno
Straight 9balljay vs vendetta
Killer Underdogs vs Untouchables
8US hardy202 0 vs 6 banana
8US lfc07 vs apples_back
9US welshie vs polar_bear
9US chris vs mr_pink_eyes
8UK redalert124 vsits_me
8UK 0utlaw vs mattywellie
Straight woowoo69 vs dbno
Straight 9balljay vs vendetta
Killer Underdogs vs Untouchables
games left to be played with Untouchables
8US lfc07 vs apples_back
9US welshie vs polar_bear
9US chris vs mr_pink_eyes
8UK redalert124 vs its_me
8UK 0utlaw vs mattywellie
Straight woowoo69 vs dbno
Straight 9balljay vs vendetta
Killer Underdogs vs Untouchables
16:10 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)
fbl rules
friendly not ranked
2o sec or more shot limit
All games must be played in these environments unless BOTH players agree to be changed
- Private Room
- Friendly
- 20 second shot limit
Please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update the score and fbl result thread if u win match.
People who dont post the score after they play will be dropped for nxt matches after 2 times of not posting there score it helps me update scores and know if matches havent been played. And if they need subs to be played also keep messages of attempting to get the game played in case of defaults gl underdogs
6 Frames of your game type or 3 of straight
Deadline is 5th of August @ Midnight
friendly not ranked
2o sec or more shot limit
All games must be played in these environments unless BOTH players agree to be changed
- Private Room
- Friendly
- 20 second shot limit
Please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update the score and fbl result thread if u win match.
People who dont post the score after they play will be dropped for nxt matches after 2 times of not posting there score it helps me update scores and know if matches havent been played. And if they need subs to be played also keep messages of attempting to get the game played in case of defaults gl underdogs
6 Frames of your game type or 3 of straight
Deadline is 5th of August @ Midnight
16:21 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)
teamlist sent for fcl games and if we make semis of the cup
17:14 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)
Personally i think we should be concentrating on the games we have already, we are down to 12 players, 1 is away and a couple aren't that active so it's asking an awful of the players that are active and already playing in 3 leagues ~ just my opinion mind
fighting eagles want a friendlyanyone interested let me know
underdogs team vs fighting eagles
1 cke1982
underdogs team vs fighting eagles
1 cke1982
Personally i think we should be concentrating on the games we have already, we are down to 12 players, 1 is away and a couple aren't that active so it's asking an awful of the players that are active and already playing in 3 leagues ~ just my opinion mind
17:15 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)
Me and jooodles will get it done we are both active :-)
that yous both are m8
Playing tonight at 11pm
FCL Fixture 2
The Untouchables 50 vs 25 The Underdogs
polar_bear 14 vs 1 hardy202
(s) banana vs welshie
the_unknown 10 vs 5 woowoo69
aaron1973 10 vs 5 redalert124 (s)
(s) mattywellie vs jooodles (s)
mr_pink_eyes vs lfc07
vendetta 13 vs 2 9balljay
(s)apples_back 3 vs 12 chris
games left to be played with Untouchables
banana vs welshie
mattywellie vs jooodles (s)
mr_pink_eyes vs lfc07
The Untouchables 50 vs 25 The Underdogs
polar_bear 14 vs 1 hardy202
(s) banana vs welshie
the_unknown 10 vs 5 woowoo69
aaron1973 10 vs 5 redalert124 (s)
(s) mattywellie vs jooodles (s)
mr_pink_eyes vs lfc07
vendetta 13 vs 2 9balljay
(s)apples_back 3 vs 12 chris
games left to be played with Untouchables
banana vs welshie
mattywellie vs jooodles (s)
mr_pink_eyes vs lfc07
Me and jooodles will get it done we are both active :-)
that yous both are m8
Playing tonight at 11pm
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18:58 Fri 27 Jul 12 (BST)
Hey guys, we need to organise our killer games, what times can you lot get 3 players online???
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The Underdogs (We have actually won a couple of matches!!)
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