The Underdogs (We have actually won a couple of matches!!)
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18:39 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)
(MOU) fastboysam v (UND) redalert124
6-5 redalert124 ggsmate
6-5 redalert124 ggsmate
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18:49 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)
fcl league sub
robl94 vs pixie_dust (was thegreatone7)
redalert24 vs pusher (was girl_power7)
robl94 vs pixie_dust (was thegreatone7)
redalert24 vs pusher (was girl_power7)
18:58 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)
well done underdogs for getting games played players stop apoligising for results going against u yous are playing the best players on funkypool and u are scoring points so thats good enough sure ull get the result u want the more u play well done guys
18:58 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)
FCL Fixture 2
Underdogs 10 vs 50 Uprising
hardy202 0 vs 15 spin_doctor
robl94 3 vs 12 skunkyfool
tombstone74 4 vs 11 cool_dude (swap)
_the_rock_ (s) vs rocketweaz8 (s)
lilmisscragg vs run_outt
woowoo69 vs walktall
welshie vs psychosis (swap)
redalert124 3 vs 12 scallo (swap)
games left to be played with uprising
_the_rock_ vs rocketweaz8
lilmisscragg vs run_outt
woowoo69 vs walktall
welshie vs psychosis
Underdogs 10 vs 50 Uprising
hardy202 0 vs 15 spin_doctor
robl94 3 vs 12 skunkyfool
tombstone74 4 vs 11 cool_dude (swap)
_the_rock_ (s) vs rocketweaz8 (s)
lilmisscragg vs run_outt
woowoo69 vs walktall
welshie vs psychosis (swap)
redalert124 3 vs 12 scallo (swap)
games left to be played with uprising
_the_rock_ vs rocketweaz8
lilmisscragg vs run_outt
woowoo69 vs walktall
welshie vs psychosis
18:59 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)
Underdogs 9 vs 21 Vipers
hardy202 vs matthew95_8
robl94 vspixiedust (s)
tombstone74 4 vs 11 rhinofool
_the_rock_ (s) 5 vs 10 mfc_ss
0utlaw vs hotdave
welshie vsx_connor
redalert124 vs pusher (s)
9balljay vs_hot_potter
games left to be played with vipers
hardy202 vs matthew95_8
robl94 vs pixiedust
0utlaw vs hotdave
welshie vs x_connor
redalert124 vs pusher
9balljay vs _hot_potter
hardy202 vs matthew95_8
robl94 vspixiedust (s)
tombstone74 4 vs 11 rhinofool
_the_rock_ (s) 5 vs 10 mfc_ss
0utlaw vs hotdave
welshie vsx_connor
redalert124 vs pusher (s)
9balljay vs_hot_potter
games left to be played with vipers
hardy202 vs matthew95_8
robl94 vs pixiedust
0utlaw vs hotdave
welshie vs x_connor
redalert124 vs pusher
9balljay vs _hot_potter
18:59 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)
fcl rules
friendly not ranked
2o sec or more shot limit
All games must be played in these environments unless BOTH players agree to be changed
- Private Room
- Friendly
- 20 second shot limit
please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update the score and fcl result thread if u win match people who dont post the score after they play will be dropped for nxt matches after 2 times not posting there score it helps me update scores and know if matches havent been played and if they need subs to be played also keep messages of attempting to get the game played in case of defaults gl underdogs
Deadline is 15/7/12
5 games each of 8us, 9us and 8uk
friendly not ranked
2o sec or more shot limit
All games must be played in these environments unless BOTH players agree to be changed
- Private Room
- Friendly
- 20 second shot limit
please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update the score and fcl result thread if u win match people who dont post the score after they play will be dropped for nxt matches after 2 times not posting there score it helps me update scores and know if matches havent been played and if they need subs to be played also keep messages of attempting to get the game played in case of defaults gl underdogs
Deadline is 15/7/12
5 games each of 8us, 9us and 8uk
19:04 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)
19:05 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)
FCL Fixture 2
Underdogs 20 vs 55 Uprising
hardy202 0 vs 15 spin_doctor
robl94 3 vs 12 skunkyfool
tombstone74 4 vs 11 cool_dude (swap)
_the_rock_ (s) 10 vs 5 rocketweaz8 (s)
lilmisscragg vs run_outt
woowoo69 vs walktall
welshie vs psychosis (swap)
redalert124 3 vs 12 scallo (swap)
games left to be played with uprising
lilmisscragg vs run_outt
woowoo69 vs walktall
welshie vs psychosis
Underdogs 20 vs 55 Uprising
hardy202 0 vs 15 spin_doctor
robl94 3 vs 12 skunkyfool
tombstone74 4 vs 11 cool_dude (swap)
_the_rock_ (s) 10 vs 5 rocketweaz8 (s)
lilmisscragg vs run_outt
woowoo69 vs walktall
welshie vs psychosis (swap)
redalert124 3 vs 12 scallo (swap)
games left to be played with uprising
lilmisscragg vs run_outt
woowoo69 vs walktall
welshie vs psychosis
19:06 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)
FBL Fixture 1
The Legend Killers 27 v 15 Underdogs
8US sniper (s) 2 v 4 lfc07
8US ads19 5 v 1 hardy202
9US familyguy0 (s) 3 v 3 jooodles
9US relisys 5 v 1 robl94
8UK fuunky 4 v 2 tombstone74
8UK khukuri v welshie
Straight r1p0m4n v woowoo69
Straight ripped_rank 6 v 0 lilmisscragg
Killer sniper/haste/ripped_rank 2 v 4 jooodles/woowoo69/lfc07
Killer ads19/relisys/familyguy0 v different underdogs
games left with legend killers
8UK khukuri v welshie
Straight r1p0m4n v woowoo69
Killer ads19/relisys/familyguy0 v different underdogs
The Legend Killers 27 v 15 Underdogs
8US sniper (s) 2 v 4 lfc07
8US ads19 5 v 1 hardy202
9US familyguy0 (s) 3 v 3 jooodles
9US relisys 5 v 1 robl94
8UK fuunky 4 v 2 tombstone74
8UK khukuri v welshie
Straight r1p0m4n v woowoo69
Straight ripped_rank 6 v 0 lilmisscragg
Killer sniper/haste/ripped_rank 2 v 4 jooodles/woowoo69/lfc07
Killer ads19/relisys/familyguy0 v different underdogs
games left with legend killers
8UK khukuri v welshie
Straight r1p0m4n v woowoo69
Killer ads19/relisys/familyguy0 v different underdogs
19:07 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)
Untouchables 22 v 12 Underdogs
8US madmiketyson 4 v 2 welshie
8US the_unknown 4 v 2 tombstone74
9US dbno 3 v 3 hardy202 (s)
9US im_crap_adam 4 v 2 0utlaw
8UKmr_pink_eyes v redalert124
8UK jimmy__1878 (s) 1 v 5 robl94
Straight banana v chris
Straight apples_back 6 v 0 woowoo69
Killer 3 v 3 underdogs
Killer 3 v 3 different underdogs
games left with untouchables
8UK mr_pink_eyes v redalert124
Straight banana v chris
Killer 3 v 3 underdogs
Killer 3 v 3 different underdogs
8US madmiketyson 4 v 2 welshie
8US the_unknown 4 v 2 tombstone74
9US dbno 3 v 3 hardy202 (s)
9US im_crap_adam 4 v 2 0utlaw
8UKmr_pink_eyes v redalert124
8UK jimmy__1878 (s) 1 v 5 robl94
Straight banana v chris
Straight apples_back 6 v 0 woowoo69
Killer 3 v 3 underdogs
Killer 3 v 3 different underdogs
games left with untouchables
8UK mr_pink_eyes v redalert124
Straight banana v chris
Killer 3 v 3 underdogs
Killer 3 v 3 different underdogs
19:07 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)
fbl rules
friendly not ranked
2o sec or more shot limit
All games must be played in these environments unless BOTH players agree to be changed
- Private Room
- Friendly
- 20 second shot limit
Please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update the score and fbl result thread if u win match.
People who dont post the score after they play will be dropped for nxt matches after 2 times of not posting there score it helps me update scores and know if matches havent been played. And if they need subs to be played also keep messages of attempting to get the game played in case of defaults gl underdogs
6 Frames of your game type or 3 of straight
Deadline is 8th of July @ Midnight
friendly not ranked
2o sec or more shot limit
All games must be played in these environments unless BOTH players agree to be changed
- Private Room
- Friendly
- 20 second shot limit
Please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update the score and fbl result thread if u win match.
People who dont post the score after they play will be dropped for nxt matches after 2 times of not posting there score it helps me update scores and know if matches havent been played. And if they need subs to be played also keep messages of attempting to get the game played in case of defaults gl underdogs
6 Frames of your game type or 3 of straight
Deadline is 8th of July @ Midnight
19:09 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)
well done the rock great win
need 3 sets of 3 underdogs teams for killer need to be on at the same time
1st team cke1982/hardy202/?
3rd team
come on underdogs 3 days till deadline 7 games to go
well done the rock great win
need 3 sets of 3 underdogs teams for killer need to be on at the same time
1st team cke1982/hardy202/?
3rd team
come on underdogs 3 days till deadline 7 games to go
20:17 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)
Super League ll Fixture 3
The Underdogs 6 v 18 Snooker Squad
welshie v kilimanjaro Still to play
Deadline is Midnight UK on Sunday 8th July.
Super league ll fixture 4
The Underdogs v The Vipers
chris v blackcabman7
welshie v matthew95_8
woowoo69 v fry06
jooodles v mfc_ss
0utlaw v pixie_dust
The Underdogs v Shooters Revenge
cke1982 v schutzenmaus
tombstone74 v i_am_classic
redalert124 v ritcho
robl94 v bl3ss3d
hardy202 v blueberry
Deadline is Midnight UK on 18/7/12
2 games of US8
2 games of US9
2 games of UK8
6 games in total - 1 point for each game won and 1 point for each 'event' achieved ('events' are Golden Breaks and Run Outs)
Good luck everyone
The Underdogs 6 v 18 Snooker Squad
welshie v kilimanjaro Still to play
Deadline is Midnight UK on Sunday 8th July.
Super league ll fixture 4
The Underdogs v The Vipers
chris v blackcabman7
welshie v matthew95_8
woowoo69 v fry06
jooodles v mfc_ss
0utlaw v pixie_dust
The Underdogs v Shooters Revenge
cke1982 v schutzenmaus
tombstone74 v i_am_classic
redalert124 v ritcho
robl94 v bl3ss3d
hardy202 v blueberry
Deadline is Midnight UK on 18/7/12
2 games of US8
2 games of US9
2 games of UK8
6 games in total - 1 point for each game won and 1 point for each 'event' achieved ('events' are Golden Breaks and Run Outs)
Good luck everyone
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22:14 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)
ok its like this iv just talked to i am classic and it apears hes left shooters the clan so wat am i to do
plz tell me
im going mad thats twice with i am dubstep is it me lol hope not
plz tell me
im going mad thats twice with i am dubstep is it me lol hope not
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
22:16 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)
We need to give them breathing space to regroup I think.
ok its like this iv just talked to i am classic and it apears hes left shooters the clan so wat am i to do
plz tell me
im going mad thats twice with i am dubstep is it me lol hope not
plz tell me
im going mad thats twice with i am dubstep is it me lol hope not
We need to give them breathing space to regroup I think.
22:25 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)
deffo got till 15/7 give them till end of week see what happens
22:26 Thu 5 Jul 12 (BST)
well done the rock great win
need 3 sets of 3 underdogs teams for killer need to be on at the same time
1st team cke1982/hardy202/tombstone74
3rd team
come on underdogs 3 days till deadline 7 games to go
well done the rock great win
need 3 sets of 3 underdogs teams for killer need to be on at the same time
1st team cke1982/hardy202/tombstone74
3rd team
come on underdogs 3 days till deadline 7 games to go
03:52 Fri 6 Jul 12 (BST)
Is welshie (2 days) gonna be around to play the last Super League game? Deadline is Sunday.
Is welshie (2 days) gonna be around to play the last Super League game? Deadline is Sunday.
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The Underdogs (We have actually won a couple of matches!!)
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