M.V.P. - Legends
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17:08 Mon 3 Sept 12 (BST)
Pass the bucket
Ah wait they can't...too painful after carrying deadweight all season
3rd place is deadweight or was it 4th can't be botherd to look lol
yeah its a great record and im delighted to have played some part in MVP this season . i feel that other clans tried there best but didnt live up to the greatness which MVP have set along the years .. thankyou keith and alan for a great time here and hope one day i will hear MVP returning
Pass the bucket
Ah wait they can't...too painful after carrying deadweight all season
3rd place is deadweight or was it 4th can't be botherd to look lol
18:07 Mon 3 Sept 12 (BST)
FBL Golden Cue
Golden Cue has been done after some results trawling and here are the winners:
Division One: pirate_steve with 80% Frame Win rate
Division Two: banana with 89.58% Frame Win ratio
Overall standings can be found here: http://funkypoolbilliardsleague.weebly.com/golden-cue.html
They has been mistakes when updating due to several results been posted twice etc but if you want to check its up to you.
next season i will try and make the golden cue a little different which makes my updating easier.
Thanks and well done to the winners
Golden Cue has been done after some results trawling and here are the winners:
Division One: pirate_steve with 80% Frame Win rate
Division Two: banana with 89.58% Frame Win ratio
Overall standings can be found here: http://funkypoolbilliardsleague.weebly.com/golden-cue.html
They has been mistakes when updating due to several results been posted twice etc but if you want to check its up to you.
next season i will try and make the golden cue a little different which makes my updating easier.
Thanks and well done to the winners
22:03 Mon 3 Sept 12 (BST)
It's been fun, thanks.
and thanks to bunzrybhoy for talking me into joining when MVP was making it's comeback, joining any clan for that matter, more fun than I expected. But don't misunderstand that, MVP was definately the best clan I could have joined
Game Over
At midnight the FBL season ended which means this is also the end of MVP, congratulations guys on winning the FCL and FBL Div 1 this season, I want to thank all MVP players past and present for making MVP Funkypool's most successful and greatest ever clan, since our return 3 seasons ago we have entered 5 Divisions and won 5 with only 1 FBL defeat, we also won the FCL and FBL cups once lol, something we didn't do last time round, so well done for that guys.
Over the seasons a few clans have made it tough for us, clans like Wipeout, Untouchables and recently Snooker Squad, all great clans that tried their best to stop us. I'm sure Snooker Squad will be glad to see the back of us, 7 wins and a draw for MVP against them lol, they should do well next season with us gone.
I could gibber on all night about MVP and its great players but I wont, so i'll finish by saying a big thank you again to Keith and all MVP players and wish you lots of success in your future clans.
Good Luck Guys
M.V.P. - Simply The Best
At midnight the FBL season ended which means this is also the end of MVP, congratulations guys on winning the FCL and FBL Div 1 this season, I want to thank all MVP players past and present for making MVP Funkypool's most successful and greatest ever clan, since our return 3 seasons ago we have entered 5 Divisions and won 5 with only 1 FBL defeat, we also won the FCL and FBL cups once lol, something we didn't do last time round, so well done for that guys.
Over the seasons a few clans have made it tough for us, clans like Wipeout, Untouchables and recently Snooker Squad, all great clans that tried their best to stop us. I'm sure Snooker Squad will be glad to see the back of us, 7 wins and a draw for MVP against them lol, they should do well next season with us gone.
I could gibber on all night about MVP and its great players but I wont, so i'll finish by saying a big thank you again to Keith and all MVP players and wish you lots of success in your future clans.
Good Luck Guys
M.V.P. - Simply The Best
It's been fun, thanks.
and thanks to bunzrybhoy for talking me into joining when MVP was making it's comeback, joining any clan for that matter, more fun than I expected. But don't misunderstand that, MVP was definately the best clan I could have joined
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01:22 Tue 4 Sept 12 (BST)
I haven't finished my last fbl match against najork, sorry MVP
Thanks ab_rfc and horse10000 for giving me a place in the team
I played 3 seasons for MVP, enjoyed my time here with the best players on the site
Also thanks to all members who played for MVP, great players
Thanks ab_rfc and horse10000 for giving me a place in the team
I played 3 seasons for MVP, enjoyed my time here with the best players on the site
Also thanks to all members who played for MVP, great players
02:10 Tue 4 Sept 12 (BST)
cheers guys
Davy don't worry about your fixture, not your fault mate, you cant play if hes offline 8 days
Davy don't worry about your fixture, not your fault mate, you cant play if hes offline 8 days
20:46 Tue 4 Sept 12 (BST)
thanks lads i can honestly say it was a real pleasure with ya clan! Super geezas & thx for putting up with me :)
03:11 Sat 8 Sept 12 (BST)
It's been fun, thanks.
and thanks to bunzrybhoy for talking me into joining when MVP was making it's comeback, joining any clan for that matter, more fun than I expected. But don't misunderstand that, MVP was definately the best clan I could have joined
More than welcome, I should thank you for joining. Great player for MVP.
Squad this season was one of the best, amazing results especially against Snookered Squad. 7Wins 1 Draw is brilliant. All expected to beat us. Least they put up a good fight
Cheers keith & alan for actually bringing it back, how much did I nag you about it? lol!
Watch this space.............
Game Over
At midnight the FBL season ended which means this is also the end of MVP, congratulations guys on winning the FCL and FBL Div 1 this season, I want to thank all MVP players past and present for making MVP Funkypool's most successful and greatest ever clan, since our return 3 seasons ago we have entered 5 Divisions and won 5 with only 1 FBL defeat, we also won the FCL and FBL cups once lol, something we didn't do last time round, so well done for that guys.
Over the seasons a few clans have made it tough for us, clans like Wipeout, Untouchables and recently Snooker Squad, all great clans that tried their best to stop us. I'm sure Snooker Squad will be glad to see the back of us, 7 wins and a draw for MVP against them lol, they should do well next season with us gone.
I could gibber on all night about MVP and its great players but I wont, so i'll finish by saying a big thank you again to Keith and all MVP players and wish you lots of success in your future clans.
Good Luck Guys
M.V.P. - Simply The Best
At midnight the FBL season ended which means this is also the end of MVP, congratulations guys on winning the FCL and FBL Div 1 this season, I want to thank all MVP players past and present for making MVP Funkypool's most successful and greatest ever clan, since our return 3 seasons ago we have entered 5 Divisions and won 5 with only 1 FBL defeat, we also won the FCL and FBL cups once lol, something we didn't do last time round, so well done for that guys.
Over the seasons a few clans have made it tough for us, clans like Wipeout, Untouchables and recently Snooker Squad, all great clans that tried their best to stop us. I'm sure Snooker Squad will be glad to see the back of us, 7 wins and a draw for MVP against them lol, they should do well next season with us gone.
I could gibber on all night about MVP and its great players but I wont, so i'll finish by saying a big thank you again to Keith and all MVP players and wish you lots of success in your future clans.
Good Luck Guys
M.V.P. - Simply The Best
It's been fun, thanks.
and thanks to bunzrybhoy for talking me into joining when MVP was making it's comeback, joining any clan for that matter, more fun than I expected. But don't misunderstand that, MVP was definately the best clan I could have joined
More than welcome, I should thank you for joining. Great player for MVP.
Squad this season was one of the best, amazing results especially against Snookered Squad. 7Wins 1 Draw is brilliant. All expected to beat us. Least they put up a good fight
Cheers keith & alan for actually bringing it back, how much did I nag you about it? lol!
Watch this space.............
18:04 Sun 9 Sept 12 (BST)
Further to abs post, i would like to thank all MVP players past and present who have all played a part in making MVP the most successful clan on Funkypool
14 leagues entered and 12 leagues won is not a bad record. (One of those leagues we didn't win we won all our games as well)
Thanks to ab for all his help over many seasons. Any player who has played for MVP will know how much messaging, posting chasing we both do to make sure we get games played and if games don't get played it is not down to MVP.
It is a shame that Ab and I have not got the time to keep it going but it has been getting harder each season and it was almost finished at the end of last season but we decided on one more before we called it a day as we wanted the FBL Div 1.
Big thanks to the other clans who without the rivalry the clan league would not be near as much fun.
Good luck to all players in the future
Game Over
At midnight the FBL season ended which means this is also the end of MVP, congratulations guys on winning the FCL and FBL Div 1 this season, I want to thank all MVP players past and present for making MVP Funkypool's most successful and greatest ever clan, since our return 3 seasons ago we have entered 5 Divisions and won 5 with only 1 FBL defeat, we also won the FCL and FBL cups once lol, something we didn't do last time round, so well done for that guys.
Over the seasons a few clans have made it tough for us, clans like Wipeout, Untouchables and recently Snooker Squad, all great clans that tried their best to stop us. I'm sure Snooker Squad will be glad to see the back of us, 7 wins and a draw for MVP against them lol, they should do well next season with us gone.
I could gibber on all night about MVP and its great players but I wont, so i'll finish by saying a big thank you again to Keith and all MVP players and wish you lots of success in your future clans.
Good Luck Guys
M.V.P. - Simply The Best
At midnight the FBL season ended which means this is also the end of MVP, congratulations guys on winning the FCL and FBL Div 1 this season, I want to thank all MVP players past and present for making MVP Funkypool's most successful and greatest ever clan, since our return 3 seasons ago we have entered 5 Divisions and won 5 with only 1 FBL defeat, we also won the FCL and FBL cups once lol, something we didn't do last time round, so well done for that guys.
Over the seasons a few clans have made it tough for us, clans like Wipeout, Untouchables and recently Snooker Squad, all great clans that tried their best to stop us. I'm sure Snooker Squad will be glad to see the back of us, 7 wins and a draw for MVP against them lol, they should do well next season with us gone.
I could gibber on all night about MVP and its great players but I wont, so i'll finish by saying a big thank you again to Keith and all MVP players and wish you lots of success in your future clans.
Good Luck Guys
M.V.P. - Simply The Best
Further to abs post, i would like to thank all MVP players past and present who have all played a part in making MVP the most successful clan on Funkypool
14 leagues entered and 12 leagues won is not a bad record. (One of those leagues we didn't win we won all our games as well)
Thanks to ab for all his help over many seasons. Any player who has played for MVP will know how much messaging, posting chasing we both do to make sure we get games played and if games don't get played it is not down to MVP.
It is a shame that Ab and I have not got the time to keep it going but it has been getting harder each season and it was almost finished at the end of last season but we decided on one more before we called it a day as we wanted the FBL Div 1.
Big thanks to the other clans who without the rivalry the clan league would not be near as much fun.
Good luck to all players in the future
18:04 Sun 9 Sept 12 (BST)
Forgot to mention that MVP have won the last 10 Divisions we have entered.
MVP's clan record
S4 = MVP - D2 Winners
S5 = MVP - D1 R/up
S6 = MVP - D1 3rd
S7 = MVP - D1 Winners
S8 = MVP - D1 Winners
S9 = MVP - D1 Winners
S10 = MVP - D1 Winners
S11 = MVP - D1 Winners
3 season break
S15 = MVP - D2 Winners (1024pts) & Cup
S16 = MVP - Div 1 Winners
S17 = MVP - Div 1 Winners
S4 = MVP - D2 Winners & Cup
S5 = MVP - D1 Winners
MVP also won the first FPL Clan League
M.V.P.- The End
MVP's clan record
S4 = MVP - D2 Winners
S5 = MVP - D1 R/up
S6 = MVP - D1 3rd
S7 = MVP - D1 Winners
S8 = MVP - D1 Winners
S9 = MVP - D1 Winners
S10 = MVP - D1 Winners
S11 = MVP - D1 Winners
3 season break
S15 = MVP - D2 Winners (1024pts) & Cup
S16 = MVP - Div 1 Winners
S17 = MVP - Div 1 Winners
S4 = MVP - D2 Winners & Cup
S5 = MVP - D1 Winners
MVP also won the first FPL Clan League
M.V.P.- The End
03:22 Wed 12 Sept 12 (BST)
Player Wins Losses %
ab_rfc 15 6 71.43
dvz 33 15 68.75
bunrzybhoy 10 5 66.67
cphaynes 81 42 65.85
beenjammin 107 60 64.07
_redherring_ 117 66 63.93
man_up 70 42 62.5
rapid_pot 64 44 59.26
davybaumers 90 64 58.44
sean_paul 24 18 57.14
horse10000 16 17 48.48
huts24 48 63 43.24
Final totals for the season from all games
ab_rfc 15 6 71.43
dvz 33 15 68.75
bunrzybhoy 10 5 66.67
cphaynes 81 42 65.85
beenjammin 107 60 64.07
_redherring_ 117 66 63.93
man_up 70 42 62.5
rapid_pot 64 44 59.26
davybaumers 90 64 58.44
sean_paul 24 18 57.14
horse10000 16 17 48.48
huts24 48 63 43.24
Final totals for the season from all games
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M.V.P. - Legends
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