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FBL discussion (2)

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Deleted User
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03:48 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
They are changing the format half way through a season.. there is to be 1 less killer game..
ONE FIXTURE through the season lol.

What other leagues change there format or points awarded after one fixture?
Posts: 38,097
03:48 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't see it as blackmail, i see it as a captain sticking up for his team who spents hours on gettng these games arranged and played. Perfectly normal and even i can see a point being made.

That player championship is clearly aimed at me I had a right to do that since it would have been a lot worse is i was not put through since the other player was hardly on . I never threatened anything though i asked to be removed from all snooker leagues and i still do but i have told someone i will continue to play for another fixture.

wasn't at you but this other guy who basically called me all names under sun for DQing him.
Deleted User
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03:48 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
tomato = tomato
one fixture does not equal half a season.

Nice one again though!

To be fair, arent we playing the second fixture of the season right now AND isn't the deadline tommorow..

Posts: 22,512
03:49 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Fact of the matter is it is going to be discussed very soon by league runners, so if you all want to keep going on then please do. Threatening to leave the league or not just let a decision be made.

If MVP leave the league then by all means do that if you do not like the decision that is made, no skin off my nose (as a runner) as a player i would be annoyed as i like playing for one clan in the leagues haha
Posts: 9,926
03:49 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
If you do the maths dgen it will favour SS and penalise MVP....... that is why

Helps if i had used the right figures
It's easy to undermine an argument by just claiming the other side only wants to try to profit. That's easier than talking about the issue itself.

I don't think I've read an answer to this:
You really think the 12 defaults, and their fallout, and all the points received from NOT playing games is the fairer and better solution going forward?

For the 12 defaults why not look into why they weren't played, poor captaining, bad luck kept missing each other. There should be lots of posts and messages between captains if clans have been trying to get the games played. If there is a lack of messages and posts, then you have your reasons and maybe then league staff need to deal with that, rather than punishing clans who comply to their rules.

For the record i know you have tried everything to play other killer game so you will get a large default. this is no different to any other clan game where one clan has made a lot of effort but game has not been played.

For the other 11 games you might find that no effort has been made so why are we changing the rules if it is because clans haven't chased etc.
Posts: 22,512
03:49 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
tomato = tomato
one fixture does not equal half a season.

Nice one again though!

To be fair, arent we playing the second fixture of the season right now AND isn't the deadline tommorow..


Nope still playing the first
Posts: 11,061
03:49 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
What other leagues change there format or points awarded after one fixture?
It's not ideal- I agree.

But consider the other option:
-You'll have 12 defaults
-You'll have to deal with all the arguments that will arise from those defaults
-You'll be giving free default points to loads of team that "didn't make an effort".

Is that really better?
Posts: 11,061
03:50 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
tomato = tomato
one fixture does not equal half a season.

Nice one again though!

To be fair, arent we playing the second fixture of the season right now AND isn't the deadline tommorow..

hahaha you just continue to get things wrong. When will you quit?

We are in the first fixture lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:50 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
If MVP leave the league then by all means do that if you do not like the decision that is made, no skin off my nose (as a runner) as a player i would be annoyed as i like playing for one clan in the leagues haha

If TA left, i wouldn't come play the FBL.. im only playing it now cos Ang needs me to play...

This has kinda shown why FBL was easily surpassed by FSL in its first season.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:51 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
tomato = tomato
one fixture does not equal half a season.

Nice one again though!

To be fair, arent we playing the second fixture of the season right now AND isn't the deadline tommorow..

hahaha you just continue to get things wrong. When will you quit?

We are in the first fixture lol

We are in the first fixture?? oh cool.. season has alot longer left that i thought

Just to prove my points though.. thats how much attention i pay to the FBL.. not really bothered by it, this has just messed me off though.. never heard of a pool league that rewards lack of effort.
Posts: 11,061
03:53 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
never heard of a pool league that rewards lack of effort.
But by giving these team default points you ARE rewarding them lol. There is no default panel that can accurately tell what effort has been made (especially when you have 12 defaults!!!)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:55 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
They want to change a format that was agreed upon at the start of the season part way through the season.. this has never happened within 15 or so seasons of the FCL and has definately not happened in any other league that has been created including FPL etc etc..
Posts: 9,926
03:56 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
never heard of a pool league that rewards lack of effort.
But by giving these team default points you ARE rewarding them lol. There is no default panel that can accurately tell what effort has been made (especially when you have 12 defaults!!!)

Sorry i disagree, the team who has messaged and posted the most will win the default. Killer is only a game just like any other when it comes down to it. If you send lots of messages and post on opposing clans thread and arrange times and try and try until you get a full squad it can be done. If you don't message, post etc it won't be done and you deserve to get murdered in default if other clan has been doing that.
Posts: 11,061
03:57 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
They want to change a format that was agreed upon at the start of the season part way through the season.. this has never happened within 15 or so seasons of the FCL and has definately not happened in any other league that has been created including FPL etc etc..
Again, compare the two options we have-

1) take off the second played killer games from the team who have played them (minority). That will be the end of it. No further consequences, hassle, etc.

2) do the 12 defaults (if that's even possible); deal with the arguments that will come up after that; have more games played for some teams than for others at the end of the season.

Who says that changing things mid-season is great? Sometimes it just needs to happen like here.
Posts: 11,061
03:59 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Edited at 01:03 Sun 08/07/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:59 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
What other leagues change there format or points awarded after one fixture?
It's not ideal- I agree.

But consider the other option:
1) -You'll have 12 defaults
2) -You'll have to deal with all the arguments that will arise from those defaults
3) -You'll be giving free default points to loads of team that "didn't make an effort".

Is that really better?

1) You will have defaults because one of the captains didnt make much effort with the opposing captain to arrange a time and date for the killer games.

2) How can they argue losing a default if they aint made any effort to play the games just like the fighting eagles

3) You get free points in FCL, SL and other FBL games when they go to default as your opponent "didn't make an effort" or the captain didn't make a sub when you was asking for one
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:59 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Meh, do what you guys want, im not really bothered by FBL anymore, all i see it as now is practice for the FCL and SL..

The constant going back on things (like the first cup draw release and their decision to have 2 killer games) is getting really annoying because it always seems to hit my clan, perhaps yes it would be a little less annoying if it didnt hit my clan as hard..

Even still, these kinda things shouldnt be happening.
Posts: 9,926
04:01 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
They want to change a format that was agreed upon at the start of the season part way through the season.. this has never happened within 15 or so seasons of the FCL and has definately not happened in any other league that has been created including FPL etc etc..
Again, compare the two options we have-

1) take off the second played killer games from the team who have played them (minority). That will be the end of it. No further consequences, hassle, etc.

2) do the 12 defaults (if that's even possible); deal with the arguments that will come up after that; have more games played for some teams than for others at the end of the season.

Who says that changing things mid-season is great? Sometimes it just needs to happen like here.

Option 1 should never happen as it penalises clans who have made the effort.

Option 2 is what happens with every other unplayed game in FBL so why should it not go to default. If team hasn't bothered to chase they will get a 0-0. and depending who has bothered the figures would change accordingly. FBL staff set the rules so they now need to apply them. They got offered the chance to change but refused so now they need to apply the rules that they wanted.
Posts: 11,061
04:02 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
2) How can they argue losing a default if they aint made any effort to play the games just like the fighting eagles
Every clan- even Shooters, made an effort to play the killer games. That's how the first game got played by everyone right? So determining who made enough effort (how much is enough with no precedent?) and who deserves more points than the other team for 12 different killer games is more effort than anyone should have to make online

therev said:
3) You get free points in FCL, SL and other FBL games when they go to default as your opponent "didn't make an effort" or the captain didn't make a sub when you was asking for one
If it happens on the occasional default, it's ok, but here it will happen to the majority of games! That means that more points will be awarded for free than were actually earned on the table (in the second games)- that's just silly.
Posts: 11,061
04:03 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
sigh, again, if you think the 12 defaults are the better option and the league runners agree with you- go for it.

I will however NOT be pulling my clan out of the league even if a decision goes against what I think, because that would just be silly and embarrassing. It's the road that craig took in the FBL cup final last season and it's just weak.

I support whatever the runners decide to do with this.
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FBL discussion (2)

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