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FBL discussion (2)

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Posts: 22,512
21:20 Thu 5 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
4v4 is ridiculous. Clans find it hard enough sometimes trying to get a 3v3 done..... I sometimes think you don't actually think your ideas right through Ash
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21:25 Thu 5 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
4v4 is ridiculous. Clans find it hard enough sometimes trying to get a 3v3 done..... I sometimes think you don't actually think your ideas right through Ash

I'm just trying to keep a content team, that's all. How about allocating a strictly killer (matches day) during the week? That way all players will be aware in advance, if they can't make it then plenty to chose from in the team?

IDEA ONLY - don't shoot the messenger lol
Posts: 2,463
21:28 Thu 5 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
response to erigert:
You're totally right on the difference between 9ball and straight.
You just want the scoring to lower the likely-hood of a landslide win, not really change the weight of straight.
Posts: 22,512
21:30 Thu 5 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Who are we to dictate to players and captains on what they can do on a certain day... your ideas are more strict mate.
Posts: 6,417
21:30 Thu 5 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
You're totally right on the difference between 9ball and straight.
You just want the scoring to lower the likely-hood of a landslide win, not really change the weight of straight.

well if i wasnt albanian i could have had expressed myself just like you
but that was what i meant
Posts: 22,512
21:52 Thu 5 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
After many seasons in the FBL i have noticed people saying it should be longer, It was made longer this season by adding an extra frame, but with that extra frame there was no way to draw a match.

So what i propose is this -

8 Frames Of 8US
8 Frames Of 9US
8 Frames Of 8UK
4 Frames Of Straight (Frame worth two points)


Two v Two (Two Games)

First - Four Points
Second - Two Points
Third & Fourth - Zero Points

With frames being increased to an even number there is every chance of an overall draw, with straight being increased by one frame there is also the chance to draw in that type to. Killer should have a winner getting majority of the points, and you can still get 6 - 0 in killer.
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21:56 Thu 5 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
and i think the scoring on straight needs to be changed too. if we look at the results of this last season the team which won the straight games won the overall fixture even though they lost the fixture, if we consider the other 4 types excluding straight. in other words i think that straight has too much weight on the final result. my suggestion is this:

2 frames of Straight not 3
if a player wins a frame with his opponent scoring less than 20 points he gets 3 points
if a player wins a frame with his opponent scoring more than 20 points he gets 2 points and his opponent 1 point.

in the end straight can contribute with 12 points (just like it does now.

What if his opponents score 20?
Posts: 6,417
22:07 Thu 5 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
and i think the scoring on straight needs to be changed too. if we look at the results of this last season the team which won the straight games won the overall fixture even though they lost the fixture, if we consider the other 4 types excluding straight. in other words i think that straight has too much weight on the final result. my suggestion is this:

2 frames of Straight not 3
if a player wins a frame with his opponent scoring less than 20 points he gets 3 points
if a player wins a frame with his opponent scoring more than 20 points he gets 2 points and his opponent 1 point.

in the end straight can contribute with 12 points (just like it does now.

What if his opponents score 20?

the game is void

you still get the point in my opinion
Posts: 19,819
22:30 Thu 5 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The games are fine as they are just get rid of this bonus point for each game.
Could have a 5 or 10 point win bonus.
Awaits my suggestion to be rejected .
Posts: 2,463
23:25 Thu 5 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not against 8 frames specifically, but the new proposal from Jay leaves killer at 12, with every other type getting 16.
Also lost accuracy, doesn't seperate 3rd from 4th.

You said: "Killer should have a winner getting majority of the points".
My way (3,2,1,0), they will if they play well as a team (maximum of 5-1). The winning individual only guarantees a draw for his team, his teamate will have to stay out of 4th place to get the win. I like that, makes it more a of a team thing.
What I liked best is how each position gets rewarded accordingly, 3rd is better than 4th, should score it that way.

Here's an idea if it goes to 8, score two 2 vs 2 games 4,3,1,0. Totals 16, equal with other types.
max score 7-1, can't have a washout, but what's 1 point compared to 7?

Whatever decided, I really think it should count every position differently.

Edited at 20:30 Thu 05/09/13 (BST)
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23:30 Thu 5 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The games are fine as they are just get rid of this bonus point for each game.
Could have a 5 or 10 point win bonus.
Awaits my suggestion to be rejected .

Wow!!! I actually agree with you Zac lol, are all the planets in line lol?
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02:02 Fri 6 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
You said: "Killer should have a winner getting majority of the points".
My way (3,2,1,0), they will if they play well as a team (maximum of 5-1). The winning individual only guarantees a draw for his team, his teamate will have to stay out of 4th place to get the win. I like that, makes it more a of a team thing.

Killer is all about being the last player standing to win the majority of the points - and doing everything necessary to achieve that. That is proper team play.

One player might deliberately kill themselves in 4th place if it was to take out the opponent's best player for the good of the team. There is no incentive to do that if you are then only going to draw at best.
Posts: 11,062
02:08 Fri 6 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  

Besides, I think every type should remain equal.

if i have the two best players on straight 90% of the time i can gain an advantage of 12 points over the other team, instead if i have the two best players on 9ball theres only a 5-10% of chance to gain an advantage of 12 points cause its easier to lose a frame in 9 ball than in straight.
I disagree here. All game types should be equal. There are more than enough good straight players nowadays. Nobody is guaranteed a 3-0 win.
Posts: 11,062
02:09 Fri 6 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
For the killer games- why not just leave it up to the clans to decide in each fixture? If they want to play a 2v2, let them play 2v2. If they want to play 6v6, let them play 6v6. If they want to play 7v4, let them play 7v4.
Why does it need to be regulated?
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02:14 Fri 6 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
For the killer games- why not just leave it up to the clans to decide in each fixture? If they want to play a 2v2, let them play 2v2. If they want to play 6v6, let them play 6v6. If they want to play 7v4, let them play 7v4.
Why does it need to be regulated?

It doesn't - however having played Killer games where it was 3 v 3 and each team's players were consecutive it was extremely long and extremely dull. That could be even worse with more players from the same team playing one after the other.
Posts: 11,062
02:17 Fri 6 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I found no part of that dull lol. The more players, the more exciting killer was. I think there was a 5v5 clan killer on snooker at one point. So good!
But like I said- why don't we just let the clans decide what they want to do?
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02:18 Fri 6 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Why not just leave it as 6 frames of each and 3 of straight. Worked for a very long time and if it was to revert back it would continue to work for a very long time. Change for the sake of change, ruining a good thing in my view. I want to play these league less and less these days and further crap changes arent going to help.

killer worked perfect the way it was with 3v3 as well. With the scoring system it had as well.

go back to a formula thought through by smart people who didnt jump in and watch the league continue to succeed. No doubt it will change regardless of what the majority want anyway so not sure why everyone is posting to be honest.
Posts: 22,512
03:39 Fri 6 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Things have to change when things progress.

Thought through by smart people, what are you trying to imply now i wonder. Changes that have been have been voted for, some have not been but there is that word called experimenting that springs to mind.
Posts: 11,489
03:52 Fri 6 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
For the killer games- why not just leave it up to the clans to decide in each fixture? If they want to play a 2v2, let them play 2v2. If they want to play 6v6, let them play 6v6. If they want to play 7v4, let them play 7v4.
Why does it need to be regulated?

agree with who cares it should be up to captains what format of killer we play so if we have 2 players on we can play 2 v 2 etc
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03:55 Fri 6 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol don't worry about it Jay, I really expect nothing less from him. Too blinded by some form of vendetta against me to realise that most of what he accuses me of is complete nonsense, but let him carry on...

I open the discussion page each season to get view points from the clanners so I can tailor a league to their preferences. Not everyones can be implemented of course and I do look at all sensible suggestions where possible.

The majority of last season was based upon a vote (that apparently doesn't exist) which was determined by the FBL clanners - some input was of my own doing like 7 frames as I had noted some comments of the FBL not being long enough.

I didn't play the majority of season 7 and I am not playing season 9 in clans so I personally have nothing to gain from altering the format/rules.

I wish to thank everyone for their comments, please continue to discuss as it's useful
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