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~Vipers~ (Just having fun)

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Posts: 22,512
20:07 Mon 20 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I was busy but i could still browse and what not, just couldn't figure out why James had put the games on a spreadsheet thing instead of putting them on google docs as we all have access, and it is easier to put them on the docs as all the games where written out except the clan cup ones. Then it would have just meant i would have had to spend two minutes putting the links to the docs on the site but instead of that Myself and Jem spent over an hour doing it all as you cant copy and paste from that spreadsheet so it took way longer
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20:09 Mon 20 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Ahhh James asked me to put it on google docs today if he released fixtures last night , to which I agreed but you and jem did it last night.
Posts: 22,512
20:11 Mon 20 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah we had to as no games were shown, but fact is James knows how to work google docs and it is really simple to add to them. It would have took you probably about the same time as it took us possibly more as Jem done one thing while i did another.
Posts: 19,262
21:35 Mon 20 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
fcl last set.

Untouchables (39) vs (6) Vipers

apples_back vs staffie_man
banana (15) vs (0) matthew95_8
the_unknown (12) vs (3) hotdave
r1p0m4n vs rhinofool
madmiketyson vs family_man
dbno vs pusher
vendetta vs fry06
aaron1973 (12) vs (3) mfc_ss

Vipers (31) vs (29) Mouseketeers

blackcabman7 (3) vs (12) punkpoet
howhigh (9) vs (6) mastroianni
hotdave (11) vs (4) tartanrox
davey_1985 vs samwisemac
rhinofool (8) vs (7) cons10
matthew95_8 vs firepower
fry06 vs marksmith
mfc_ss vs playa87

Posts: 38,097
22:10 Mon 20 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
my browser doesn't take kindly to google docs, last time i tried to input a score it almost messed up the entire league table, so i asked if you, jem and matty do that while i do defaults and golden cue.

the lesson here is give me some notice next time when people ask me to do lineups as i spent 2-3 hours on it last night (just glad i had snooker prepared beforehand). reason i released early is because i had snooker to release at 8 pm THEN got a super league game (plus modem is turned off after midnight anyway), it got sprung on me like that so i didn't have much choice but next time if pool and snooker are released on same night please ask someone else.

ill test docs out later, something i wanted to try out anyway.
Posts: 38,097
22:13 Mon 20 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
P.S. sorry vipers for posting that here.
Posts: 19,262
23:51 Mon 20 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Set Five

Uprising vs Vipers

scallo vs blackcabman7
spin_doctor vs fry06


irish_ninja vs pixie_dust
rocketweaz8 vs bluenose1872


cool_dude vs hotdave
walktall vs mfc_ss


unstopp4bl3 vs rhinofool
run_outt vs howhigh

Untouchables vs Vipers


madmiketyson vs blackcabman7
mr_pink_eyes vs fry06


aaron1973 vs pixie_dust
dbno vs bluenose1872


r1p0m4n vs hotdave
banana vs mfc_ss


mattywellie vs rhinofool
scott7a vs howhigh

Deadline 2nd September 2012
Posts: 19,262
02:16 Tue 21 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
me v marksmith

well played mark ggs gl for rest
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02:29 Tue 21 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
sub for pusher or is it fry06 as well for me??????

i can play now.....
Posts: 19,262
02:34 Tue 21 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
sub for pusher or is it fry06 as well for me??????

i can play now.....

i cant play you mate cos iv arranged to play vendetta but will give a sub in a moment
Posts: 19,262
02:35 Tue 21 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
pusher out

howhigh in

now dbno v howhigh

I have no 1 online eligible to play atm
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02:37 Tue 21 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
ta ;)
Posts: 22,512
06:32 Tue 21 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Announcement

Can all clans please take a look at the league website and their team roster please. After going through the team changes thread i noticed a mountain of changes and have done them all that was asked for.

Please note that some changes where not done due to some clans being full when asking for a team change without posting a player is out. As far as i am aware all players in games right now are eligible as i have checked as much as i can. If anything is not right then i will speak to each captain individually and sort it out between ourselfs.

If you wish to re do your team sheet to what you actually have it as then please post players in and out in one post to save time.

This has been sent to all clans, so if a division one team wishes to show what their actual team is like then they can also post and that list will be kept and used to be updated for next season.


Thank you
Posts: 38,097
17:15 Tue 21 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Defaults Announcement

Hi! can you send dgeneratio default info for following games by Midnight Tonight, remember to include messages, forum messages and any sort of activity.

Vipers vs Underdogs

bluenose1872 vs lfc07 (sent by both)
staffie_man vs redalert124 (sent by Underdogs)

Legend Killers vs Vipers

kingywhu vs fry06 (sent by Vipers)
relisys vs howhigh (3-3 here but will let result stand post on results thread next time please)
lars_4 vs davey_1985 (sent by Vipers)
khukuri vs _hot_potter_ (this is down as 3-3 on website but fry said relisys vs howhigh was 3-3 and this was unplayed so default it goes)
Legend Killers vs Vipers Killer (sent by Vipers)

Posts: 76
18:04 Tue 21 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Rhinofool 2 v 4 unstopp4bl3

GGS better player by a mile own. All the best m8, might win a straight match one day!!!
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18:29 Tue 21 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Rhinofool 2 v 4 unstopp4bl3

GGS better player by a mile own. All the best m8, might win a straight match one day!!!

unlucky mate good result never the less points in the bag well played good luck rest mate.
Posts: 19,262
19:02 Tue 21 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Unlucky rhino cheers for playing
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20:08 Tue 21 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
just played cool_dude in our fbl

8uk match 3-3 ggs he was unlucky in last could of been 4-2 to him
gl rest mate
Posts: 38,097
00:35 Wed 22 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
as it turns out khukuri vs hot potter was played so no info needed for that game

anymore info for the other games has a midnight deadline
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02:00 Wed 22 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Fcl mfc_ss v playa87
8us 3-2 playa
9ball 3-2 playa
8uk 3-2 me
8-7 playa87
close games went to 7-7, sound guy and a pleasure to play , ggs m8 wp
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~Vipers~ (Just having fun)

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