~Vipers~ (Just having fun)
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22:01 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)
FCL Set Four.
Legend Killers (19) v (26) Vipers
blueberry (10) v (5) blackcabman7
haste v staffie_man
mighty_zeus v mfc_ss
familyguy0 v hotdave
sniper (5) v (10) davey_1985
kingywhu v fry06
wade_ (4) v (11) rhinofool
khukuri v pixie_dust
Vipers (24) v (11) Underdogs
family_man v woowoo69
fry06 (8) v (7) redalert124
davey_1985 v chris
rhinofool v welshie
mfc_ss v 9balljay
hotdave v lfc07
bluenose1872 (11) v (4) hardy202
pixie_dust (5) v (0) cke1982
Deadline: 12/8/12
Good Luck People!
Legend Killers (19) v (26) Vipers
blueberry (10) v (5) blackcabman7
haste v staffie_man
mighty_zeus v mfc_ss
familyguy0 v hotdave
sniper (5) v (10) davey_1985
kingywhu v fry06
wade_ (4) v (11) rhinofool
khukuri v pixie_dust
Vipers (24) v (11) Underdogs
family_man v woowoo69
fry06 (8) v (7) redalert124
davey_1985 v chris
rhinofool v welshie
mfc_ss v 9balljay
hotdave v lfc07
bluenose1872 (11) v (4) hardy202
pixie_dust (5) v (0) cke1982
Deadline: 12/8/12
Good Luck People!
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02:48 Sun 5 Aug 12 (BST)
Not me im afraid hun, I am going to quit clans
vipers for next season.
1) staffie_man C
2) lethal_playa V.C
3) blackcabman7
4) hotdave
and your name if u staying guys.
1) staffie_man C
2) lethal_playa V.C
3) blackcabman7
4) hotdave
and your name if u staying guys.
Not me im afraid hun, I am going to quit clans
03:12 Sun 5 Aug 12 (BST)
staffie_man said:
vipers for next season.
1) staffie_man C
2) lethal_playa V.C
3) blackcabman7
4) hotdave
5) x_connor
and your name if u staying guys.
Would just like to say i haven't been a great part of the team this season but alot to change in the following seasons and its been a pleasure being part of this clan Thanks.
vipers for next season.
1) staffie_man C
2) lethal_playa V.C
3) blackcabman7
4) hotdave
5) x_connor
and your name if u staying guys.
Would just like to say i haven't been a great part of the team this season but alot to change in the following seasons and its been a pleasure being part of this clan Thanks.
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20:42 Sun 5 Aug 12 (BST)
welcome conner and jem u be very missed hun.
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20:54 Sun 5 Aug 12 (BST)
hellooooooo and welcome connor hope you enjoy it here in the happy house gl mate.
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22:24 Sun 5 Aug 12 (BST)
vipers for next season.
1) staffie_man C
2) girl_power7
3) blackcabman7
4) hotdave
5) x_connor
6) mfc_ss
7) cupidscue
and your name if u staying guys.
please welcome cupidscue for next season.
Edited at 19:29 Sun 05/08/12 (BST)
1) staffie_man C
2) girl_power7
3) blackcabman7
4) hotdave
5) x_connor
6) mfc_ss
7) cupidscue
and your name if u staying guys.
please welcome cupidscue for next season.
Edited at 19:29 Sun 05/08/12 (BST)
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23:28 Sun 5 Aug 12 (BST)
familyguy0 vs hotdave
8us 1-4
9us 1-4
overall 12-3 to me v ggs he was very unlucky nothing seemed to go right for him but a pleasure playing him well polite player gl rest mate.
8us 1-4
9us 1-4
overall 12-3 to me v ggs he was very unlucky nothing seemed to go right for him but a pleasure playing him well polite player gl rest mate.
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00:02 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)
how can pixies game against cke1982 only be 5-0 are they still to finish the game or is there a miss print
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00:04 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)
oh its ok i looked back in the pages and seen why no need for reply silly me der.lol
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02:28 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)
FBL Announcement
Fixture set four has now been released, you can find your games using the links below...
Div 1: http://funkypoolbilliardsleague.weebly.com/fixture-four.html
Div 2: http://funkypoolbilliardsleague.weebly.com/fixture-four1.html
Clan Cup: http://funkypoolbilliardsleague.weebly.com/round-two---quarters.html
Deadline for these games to be completed is 19th August 2012.
Fixture set four has now been released, you can find your games using the links below...
Div 1: http://funkypoolbilliardsleague.weebly.com/fixture-four.html
Div 2: http://funkypoolbilliardsleague.weebly.com/fixture-four1.html
Clan Cup: http://funkypoolbilliardsleague.weebly.com/round-two---quarters.html
Deadline for these games to be completed is 19th August 2012.
03:49 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)
In our cup game above, you have lethal_playa involved. He says he's no longer part of Vipers. Sub please?
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04:23 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)
fbl set 4
Vipers (0) vs (0) Underdogs
The Legend Killers (0) vs (0) Vipers
Deadline is 19/08/12 good luck vipers
Vipers (0) vs (0) Underdogs
The Legend Killers (0) vs (0) Vipers
Deadline is 19/08/12 good luck vipers
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04:25 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)
Vipers (0) vs (0) Snooker Squad
family_man vs jose_enrique
bluenose1872 vs dgeneratio
staffie_man vs lethal_lures
pixie_dust vs slatty
fry06 vs kilimanjaro
rhinofool vs meadow
davey_1985 vs pirate_steve
Deadline 19/08/12 good luck vipers
family_man vs jose_enrique
bluenose1872 vs dgeneratio
staffie_man vs lethal_lures
pixie_dust vs slatty
fry06 vs kilimanjaro
rhinofool vs meadow
davey_1985 vs pirate_steve
Deadline 19/08/12 good luck vipers
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04:27 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)
fbl sub
lethal_playa vs lfc07
bluenose1872 vs lfc07
fbl cup
lethal_playa vs lethal_lures
staffie_man vs lethal_lures
lethal_playa vs lfc07
bluenose1872 vs lfc07
fbl cup
lethal_playa vs lethal_lures
staffie_man vs lethal_lures
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12:51 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)
welcome cupidscue hope you have fun and good games mate
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13:46 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)
khukuri vs mathew95_8 is now
khukuri vs _hot_potter_
and familyguy0 vs _hot_potter_
is now familyguy0 vs mathew95_8
khukuri vs mathew95_8 is now
khukuri vs _hot_potter_
and familyguy0 vs _hot_potter_
is now familyguy0 vs mathew95_8
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13:50 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)
oh and forgot to tell you guys that i wont be playing next season but good luck,..
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14:40 Mon 6 Aug 12 (BST)
OKay i wont be staying witht his clan its a pleasure playing with you guys and learnt alot im going to play for cree at the mafias am i still gunna play against legend killers?
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~Vipers~ (Just having fun)
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