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~Vipers~ (Just having fun)

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Posts: 19,262
03:00 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  

The Underdogs(5) v(7) The Vipers

chris v blackcabman7
welshie (5)v(1) matthew95_8
woowoo69 (0) v(6) fry06
jooodles v mfc_ss
0utlaw v pixie_dust


Team Angry(9) v (3)The Vipers

the_rev v staffie_man
uncle_bob v matthew95_8
mooksterman(5) v(1) fry06
cannibals(4) v(2) rhinofool
najork v pixie_dust

2 of each 8us,9, UK
Posts: 19,262
03:01 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL - Fixture Set One

Vipers (9) vs (39) Untouchables

master8ball (1) vs (5) apples_back
fry06 (4)vs(2) polar_bear

pixie_dust (2) vs (4) the_unknown
blackcabman7 (2) vs (4) kingy

mfc_ss vs jimmy__1878
_hotpotter_(0) vs(6) im_crap_adam

matthew95_8 (0) vs (6) banana
hotdave (0) vs (6) dark_chocco

Vipers (0) vs (6) Untouchables
Vipers vs Untouchables

Mouseketeers (23) vs (7) Vipers

tartanrox vs master8ball
fastboysam vs fry06

mastroianni (3) vs (3) matthew95_8
ryanbelfast (3) vs (3) thegreatone7

fleetwood vs staffie_man
marksmith (4) vs (2) rhinofool

samwisemac (6) vs (0) pixie_dust
punkpoet (6) vs (0) hotdave

Mouseketeers vs Vipers
Mouseketeers (4) vs (2) Vipers

Deadline: 8th July 2012
Posts: 19,262
03:01 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL - Fixture Set Two

Vipers (18) vs (42) The Legend Killers

matthew95_8 (3) vs (12) r1p0m4n
master8ball vs sniper
rhinofool (9) vs (6) relisys
pusher (3) vs (12) be_happy
staffie_man vs haste
fry06 vs ads19
blackcabman7(3)vs(12) davey_1985
_hot_potter_ vs familyguy0

Underdogs (15) vs (45) Vipers

hardy202 (2)vs(13) matthew95_8
robl94 (4)vs (11)pixie_dust
tombstone74 (4) vs (11) rhinofool
_the_rock_ (5) vs (10) mfc_ss

0utlaw vs hotdave
welshie vs x_connor
redalert124 vs pusher
9balljay vs _hot_potter_


Vipers (10) vs (20) MVP

_hot_potter_ vs davybaumers
rhinofool vs sean_paul
fry06 (4) vs (11) _redherring_
master8ball (6) vs (9) huts24
pixie_dust vs bunrzybhoy

Deadline: 15th July 2012
Posts: 54
07:47 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I literally have no one online, most of the team disappeared, if Kenny is not back soon then I will fold Vipers because it is too much hassle on my own with my kid!

Hi M8 i come online almost every day. Also I already mailed my opponents for the game but none showed up or no reply.

No need to fold viper.

Some how my opponents are always offline from last season when i was with assasins.
Posts: 54
07:52 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I literally have no one online, most of the team disappeared, if Kenny is not back soon then I will fold Vipers because it is too much hassle on my own with my kid!

Hi M8 i come online almost every day. Also I already mailed my opponents for the game but none showed up or no reply.

No need to fold viper.

Some how my opponents are always offline from last season when i was with assasins.

I have msged redalert 2 days back he never reply till today.

Msged pink eyes 5 days back & he is not online from that day.

Suggest how to proceed?
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12:28 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
the mr_pink_eyes game has been played, we have to make subs last night, but if you see jimmy__1878 feel free to sub into that 8UK game, you also have permission to sub into any other FBL game with the Mouseketeers.

I do not want to fold Vipers, just hard work getting games played just now. Hopefully next fixture will be better as our newcomers will be eligible to play.
Posts: 76
12:56 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Pixie, I am on nights this weekend and am having trouble fitting in sleep, family commitments etc but i can sub in v Untouchables any time from Monday lunch time onwards.

Dont jack it in, I am new to clan stuff and prob dont fully appreciate the amount of work/time involved to run a clan + everything else you do, but I am more than happy being a Viper and have you to thank for that.
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13:01 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Aww thanks rhino! i just need to get my head screwed on. problem is so many freaking fixtures lol one may have to give

if we can all try and just get these FBL games done, deadline is midnight tonight so anyone who can sub in would be greatly appreciated.


0utlaw (2) vs (4) pixie_dust

both started off crap, 0utlaw was very unlucky in some, overall i think the score is fair as i was cracking in 9ball
Posts: 4,762
14:54 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
pixie_dust 5 - 10 bunrzybhoy

good games

(noticed it hadn't been posted here anyway, will update your remaining games post )
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15:31 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh yeah, thanks Jamesy
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16:22 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League II

Just to confirm that in the fry06 v polar_bear (subbed in for mattywellie) game, the final score was actually 3-1 to fry06 as per the rules on substituting into partially played games.

Posts: 19,262
16:23 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done on Fsl and unlucky in cup Jem
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17:17 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks fry, good job against polar_bear too even though it is now 3-1 :\ wasnt aware it was a partially played game?

was so annoyed with my cup game, started off really well and then it just went to pot
Posts: 19,262
17:24 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah i posted that id started with matty on the day ...didnt know the points rule thingy ma bob though :-/
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17:34 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The Players Championship

Round 2 can now be found here...

Deadline for these games is 6pm UK Thursday 11th July.

Deadline for requesting any default in any unplayed game is the same as above.

I think these are the outstanding games involving the clan members...

(VIP) master8ball v (MOU) punkpoet
Posts: 76
18:55 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Just got msg back from jimmy__1878 it seems he has left the FBL team. What now?
Posts: 19,262
19:05 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Post on the UT thread mate and ask for a sub
Posts: 19,819
19:45 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
hey vipers i will be online in a couple of hours if you havent played against us in fbl please message me
Posts: 22,512
19:52 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
hey vipers i will be online in a couple of hours if you havent played against us in fbl please message me

If Jema is not on game server mate she has told me to tell you that all players that have not played games in any FBL games can sub into games as permission is given. Think she mentioned it on previous page
Posts: 19,262
21:31 Sun 8 Jul 12 (BST)  [Link]  
me v fastboysam


was 2 up then just had no luck

ggs sam nice guy wp
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~Vipers~ (Just having fun)

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